This API allows you to set a custom default download location per profile. The user can still change the path through the Save As dialog.
In this document we describe the updated API. We'd appreciate your feedback.
HRESULT AppWindow::OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted(
HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
if (result == S_OK)
if (!m_webviewOption.downloadPath.empty())
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICoreWebView2Profile2> profile2;
void WebView_CoreWebView2InitializationCompleted(object sender,
CoreWebView2InitializationCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsSuccess)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadPath))
WebViewProfile.DefaultDownloadFolderPath = _downloadPath;
/// This is a continuation of the `ICoreWebView2Profile` interface.
[uuid(DAF8B1F9-276D-410C-B481-58CBADF85C9C), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Profile2 : ICoreWebView2Profile {
/// Gets the `DefaultDownloadFolderPath` property. The default value is the
/// system default download folder path for the user.
[propget] HRESULT DefaultDownloadFolderPath([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
/// Sets the `DefaultDownloadFolderPath` property. The default download folder
/// path is persisted in the user data folder across sessions. The value
/// should be an absolute path to a folder that the user and application can
/// write to. Returns `E_INVALIDARG` if the value is invalid, and the default
/// download folder path is not changed. Otherwise the path is changed
/// immediately. If the directory does not yet exist, it is created at the
/// time of the next download. If the host application does not have
/// permission to create the directory, then the user is prompted to provide a
/// new path through the Save As dialog. The user can override the default
/// download folder path for a given download by choosing a different path in
/// the Save As dialog.
[propput] HRESULT DefaultDownloadFolderPath([in] LPCWSTR value);
namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
runtimeclass CoreWebView2Profile
// The following properties already exist.
// String ProfileName { get; };
// Boolean IsInPrivateModeEnabled { get; };
// String ProfilePath { get; };
// The following method already exists.
// Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Boolean> ClearBrowsingDataAsync(
// UInt64 dataKinds, Double startTime, Double endTime);
String DefaultDownloadFolderPath { get; set; };