Our end developers have pointed out gaps in the existing CoreWebView2.ExecuteScript method, and it is necessary to provide a new method to let our end developers get more information in a more convenient manner. The new ExecuteScriptWithResult method will provide exception information if the executed script failed, and provides a new method to try to get the script execution result as a string rather than as JSON in order to make it more convenient to interact with string results.
In this document we describe the updated API. We'd appreciate your feedback.
We propose extending CoreWebView2
to provide an ExecuteScriptWithResult
method. The method acts like ExecuteScript, but returns a CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult object that can be used to
get the script execution result as a JSON string or as a string value if execution succeeds, and can be used to get the exception when
execution failed.
The following code snippets demonstrate how the ExecuteScriptWithResult can be used:
// Tools function to generate the script code
// Using std::wstringstream to generate script code,
// it will generate the code like
// '(() => { let str = "abc"; let n = str.replace("b", "d"); return n; })();'
std::wstring GenerateScriptCode(LPCWSTR str, LPCWSTR reg, LPCWSTR item)
if (str == nullptr || reg == nullptr || item == nullptr)
return L"";
std::wstringstream sw;
sw << L"(() => { let str = \"" << str << L"\"; let n = str.replace("
<< reg << L", \"" << item << L"\"); return n; })();";
return sw.str();
// This is a demo that uses regular expressions in
// JavaScript to complete string replacement, it will handle
// the case of successful execution and execution exception
void MatchRegWithScript(wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> webView
, LPCWSTR item)
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2_10> webview2 = webView.try_query<ICoreWebView2_10>();
if (!webview2)
// ExecuteScriptWithResult is not supported by this WebView.
auto scriptCode = GenerateScriptCode(str, reg, item);
HRESULT errorCode, ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult* result) -> HRESULT
// There is usually no failure here, if the assertion fails,
// the runtime environment has an exception and needs to fail fast.
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string stringData;
BOOL isSuccess;
// Here is the successful execution.
// We will use a MessageBox to print the replaced result.
if (isSuccess)
// We try to use `TryGetResultAsString` to get the string result here.
// We can check the `isString` to get if the result is string type.
// Since the JavaScript platform's `string.replace` returns a string,
// the call here will succeed.
// If the script is replaced by `string.search`, the function will
// return an int and the call will fail here.
BOOL isString;
if (result->TryGetResultAsString(&stringData, &isString) != S_OK || !isString)
nullptr, L"Get string failed", L"ExecuteScript Result", MB_OK);
MessageBox(nullptr, stringData.get(), L"ExecuteScript Result",
// Here is the case of execution exception.
// We will use MessageBox to print exception-related information
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2ScriptException> exception;
// The ExceptionName property could be the empty string if script throws a non-Error object,
// such as `throw 1`.
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string exceptionName;
// The ExceptionMessage property could be the empty string if script throws a non-Error object,
// such as `throw 1`.
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string exceptionMessage;
// Get the location of the exception, note that the coordinates
// here are 0 as the starting position.
uint32_t lineNumber = 0;
uint32_t columnNumber = 0;
auto exceptionInfo =
L"The script execution failed." +
L"\nName: " + exceptionName.get() +
L"\nMessage: " + exceptionMessage.get() +
L"\nLineNumber: " + std::to_wstring(lineNumber) +
L", ColumnNumber:" + std::to_wstring(columnNumber);
nullptr, exceptionInfo.c_str(),
L"ExecuteScript Result", MB_OK);
return S_OK;
class ExecuteScriptWithResultDemo
private String GenerateScriptCode(String str, String reg, String item)
String ret = $"(() => {{ let str = \"{str}\"; let n = str.replace({reg}, \"{item}\"); return n; }})();";
return ret;
// This is a demo that uses regular expressions in
// JavaScript to complete string replacement, it will handle
// the case of successful execution and execution exception
public void MatchRegWithScript(String str, String reg, String item)
String script = GenerateScriptCode(str, reg, item);
CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult result = await ExecuteScriptWithResultAsync(script);
bool isSuccess = result.Succeeded;
// Here is the successful execution.
if (isSuccess) {
// Try to get the string result, it will return 0
// if the result type isn't string type.
String stringResult;
if (result.TryGetResultAsString(stringResult) != 0)
Debug.WriteLine($"replaced string: {stringResult}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Non-string message received");
// Here is the case of execution exception.
var exception = result.Exception;
String exceptionInfo = "The script execution failed." +
"\nName:" + exception.Name +
"\nMessage: " + exception.Message +
"\nLineNumber:" + exception.LineNumber +
", ColumnNumber:" + exception.ColumnNumber;
The spec file for ExecuteScript
is WebView2Feedback/specs/ExecuteScript.md.
/// This interface represents a JavaScript exception.
/// If the CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptWithResult result has Succeeded as false,
/// you can use the result's Exception property to get the script exception.
[uuid(82F22B72-1B22-403E-A0B9-A8816C9C8E45), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2ScriptException : IUnknown {
/// The line number of the source where the exception occurred.
/// In the JSON it is `exceptionDetail.lineNumber`.
/// Note that this position starts at 0.
[propget] HRESULT LineNumber([out, retval] UINT32* value);
/// The column number of the source where the exception occurred.
/// In the JSON it is `exceptionDetail.columnNumber`.
/// Note that this position starts at 0.
[propget] HRESULT ColumnNumber([out, retval] UINT32* value);
/// The Name is the exception's class name.
/// In the JSON it is `exceptionDetail.exception.className`.
/// This is the empty string if the exception doesn't have a class name.
/// This can happen if the script throws a non-Error object such as `throw "abc";`
[propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
/// The Message is the exception's message and potentially stack.
/// In the JSON it is exceptionDetail.exception.description.
/// This is the empty string if the exception doesn't have a description.
/// This can happen if the script throws a non-Error object such as throw "abc";.
[propget] HRESULT Message([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
/// This will return all details of the exception as a JSON string.
/// In the case that script has thrown a non-Error object such as `throw "abc";`
/// or any other non-Error object, you can get object specific properties.
[propget] HRESULT ToJson([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
/// This is the result for ExecuteScriptWithResult.
[uuid(D2C59C5C-AD36-4CF4-87CF-2F5359F6D4CB), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult : IUnknown {
/// This property is true if ExecuteScriptWithResult successfully executed script with
/// no unhandled exceptions and the result is available in the ResultAsJson property
/// or via the TryGetResultAsString method.
/// If it is false then the script execution had an unhandled exception which you
/// can get via the Exception property.
[propget] HRESULT Succeeded([out, retval] BOOL* value);
/// A function that has no explicit return value returns undefined. If the
/// script that was run throws an unhandled exception, then the result is
/// also "null". This method is applied asynchronously. If the method is
/// run before `ContentLoading`, the script will not be executed
/// and the string "null" will be returned.
/// The return value description is as follows
/// 1. S_OK: Execution succeeds.
/// 2. E_POINTER: When the `jsonResult` is nullptr.
[propget] HRESULT ResultAsJson([out, retval] LPWSTR* jsonResult);
/// If Succeeded is true and the result of script execution is a string, this method provides the value of the string result,
/// and we will get the `FALSE` var value when the js result is not string type.
/// The return value description is as follows
/// 1. S_OK: Execution succeeds.
/// 2. E_POINTER: When the `stringResult` or `value` is nullptr.
HRESULT TryGetResultAsString([out] LPWSTR* stringResult, [out, retval] BOOL* value);
/// If Succeeded is false, you can use this property to get the unhandled exception thrown by script execution
/// Note that due to the compatibility of the WinRT/.NET interface,
/// S_OK will be returned even if the acquisition fails.
/// We can determine whether the acquisition is successful by judging whether the `exception` is nullptr.
[propget] HRESULT Exception(
[out, retval] ICoreWebView2ScriptException** exception);
/// This is the callback for ExecuteScriptWithResult
[uuid(CECDD25B-E6E8-4A4E-B890-BBF95932564F), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedHandler : IUnknown {
/// Provides the result of ExecuteScriptWithResult
[in] HRESULT errorCode,
[in] ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult* result);
/// This is the interface for getting string and exception with ExecuteScriptWithResult
[uuid(67E0B57B-1AC7-4395-9793-5E4EF9C4B7D9), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2_10 : ICoreWebView2_9 {
/// Run JavaScript code from the JavaScript parameter in the current
/// top-level document rendered in the WebView.
/// The result of the execution is returned asynchronously in the CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult object
/// which has methods and properties to obtain the successful result of script execution as well as any
/// unhandled JavaScript exceptions.
/// If this method is
/// run after the NavigationStarting event during a navigation, the script
/// runs in the new document when loading it, around the time
/// ContentLoading is run. This operation executes the script even if
/// ICoreWebView2Settings::IsScriptEnabled is set to FALSE.
HRESULT ExecuteScriptWithResult(
[in] LPCWSTR javaScript,
[in] ICoreWebView2ExecuteScriptWithResultCompletedHandler* handler);
The documentation for the old interface CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync(String) Method is here.
namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
runtimeclass CoreWebView2;
runtimeclass CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult;
runtimeclass CoreWebView2ScriptException;
runtimeclass CoreWebView2
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult> ExecuteScriptWithResultAsync(String javaScript);
runtimeclass CoreWebView2ExecuteScriptResult
Boolean Succeeded { get; };
// The return value of this interface is the same as `ExecuteScript`.
// You can refer to the demo and documentation of `ExecuteScript`.
String ResultAsJson { get; };
CoreWebView2ScriptException Exception { get; };
Int32 TryGetResultAsString(out String stringResult);
runtimeclass CoreWebView2ScriptException
UInt32 LineNumber { get; };
UInt32 ColumnNumber { get; };
String Name { get; };
String Message { get; };
String ToJson { get; };