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API spec for multiple profile support


Previously, all WebView2s can only use one fixed Edge profile in the browser process, which is normally the Default profile by not specifying a profile path, or the profile specified by the --profile-directory command line switch. It means different WebView2s share a single profile directory on disk for data storage, which might bring security concerns over cookies, autofill data, and password management etc.. Also, they might also interfere with each other in terms of user preference settings.

Although you can make your WebView2s use different user data directories to achieve data separation, in such way you'll have to be running multiple browser instances (each including a browser process and a bunch of child processes), which means much more consumption for system resources including memory, CPU footprint, disk space (profiles under a single user data directory share several types of data, such as compiled shaders cached for a Skia GrContext and safebrowsing data) etc. so it is not desirable.

With all above, we're adding these new APIs to support multiple profiles, so that you can have multiple WebView2s running with separate profiles under a single user data directory (i.e. a single browser instance at runtime), which means separate cookies, user preference settings, and various data storage etc., to help you build a more wonderful experience for your application.

Providing the CookieManager from the profile is more logical, and it sets the groundwork for allowing an app to manage the cookies of a profile without having to create a WebView2 first. In order to manage cookies through the profile, we're adding a get_CookieManager interface into the profile. Users can use this interface to get the cookie manager, which is shared by all WebView2s associated with this profile. The cookie manager got from profile (CoreWebView2.Profile.CookieManager) is the same as that got from CoreWebView2 (CoreWebView2.CookieManager).

Currently, we already have CoreWebView2Settings interface to manage password-autosave and general-autofill, and these two properties are different from other properties in CoreWebView2Settings because they will take effect immediately and apply for all WebView2s that created from the same profile. By adding password-autosave and general-autofill management interfaces in profile, we can manage the properties and they will apply immediately if we set a new value, and all WebView2s that created with the same profile can share the settings, which means if we change password-autosave or general-autofill property in one WebView2, the others with the same profile will also take effect. And these two properties are linked with their corresponding properties in ICoreWebView2Settings, so changing one will change the other. it will take effect immediately no matter setting the properties in CoreWebView2Settings or CoreWebView2Profile, and when the property is changed in one interface, the same property in the other interface is changed as well immediately. So for the WebView2s with the same profile, their IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled or IsGeneralAutofillEnabled property in CoreWebView2Settings and CoreWebView2Profile should always keep in sync.


Win32 C++

Provide options to create WebView2 with a specific profile

HRESULT AppWindow::CreateControllerWithOptions()
    auto webViewEnvironment4 =
    if (!webViewEnvironment4)
        return S_OK;

    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions> options;
    // The validation of parameters occurs when setting the properties.
    HRESULT hr = webViewEnvironment4->CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions(options.GetAddressOf());
    if (hr == E_INVALIDARG)
        ShowFailure(hr, L"Unable to create WebView2 due to an invalid profile name.");
        return S_OK;

    // If call 'put_ProfileName' with an invalid profile name, the 'E_INVALIDARG' returned immediately. 
    // ProfileName could be reused.

    if (m_dcompDevice || m_wincompCompositor)
            m_mainWindow, options.Get(),
                    HRESULT result,
                    ICoreWebView2CompositionController* compositionController) -> HRESULT {
                    auto controller =
                    return OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted(result, controller.get());
            m_mainWindow, options.Get(),
                this, &AppWindow::OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted)

    return S_OK;

Access the profile property of WebView2

HRESULT AppWindow::OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted(HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
    // ...

    m_controller = controller;
    // Gets the webview object from controller.
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2;

    auto webview7 = coreWebView2.try_query<ICoreWebView2_7>();
    if (webview7)
        // Gets the profile property of webview.
        wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;

        // Accesses the profile object.
        BOOL inPrivateModeEnabled = FALSE;
        // update window title with m_profileName

        // update window icon
    // ...

Access and use cookie manager from profile

wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2CookieManager> m_cookieManager;
ScenarioCookieManagement::ScenarioCookieManagement(ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2;
    auto webview7 = coreWebView2.try_query<ICoreWebView2_7>();
    if (webview7)
        wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;
        auto profile2 = profile.try_query<ICoreWebView2Profile2>;
        if (profile2)
    // ...

// Use cookie manager to add or update a cookie
void ScenarioCookieManagement::AddOrUpdateCookie(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& value, const std::wstring& domain)
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Cookie> cookie;
        name.c_str(), value.c_str(), domain.c_str(), L"/", &cookie));

// Use cookie manager to delete all cookies
void ScenarioCookieManagement::DeleteAllCookies()

Delete profile

HRESULT AppWindow::DeleteProfile(ICoreWebView2* webView2)
    auto webview13 = wil::try_com_query<ICoreWebView2_13>(webview2);
    if (webview13)
        wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;

void AppWindow::RegisterProfileDeletedEventHandlers(ICoreWebView2* webView2)
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;
            [this](ICoreWebView2Profile* sender, IUnknown* args)
                        std::wstring message = L"The profile has been marked"
                        "for deletion. Any associated webview2 objects has"
                        " been closed.";
                            m_mainWindow, message.c_str(), L"webview2 closed",
                return S_OK;
            }).Get(), nullptr));

HRESULT AppWindow::OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted(
    HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
            result, L"Failed to create webview, because the profile's name has "
            "been marked as deleted, please use a different profile's name");

Manage password-autosave and general-autofill settings in profile

HRESULT AppWindow::TogglePasswordAutosaveInProfile(ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
    // ...

    // Get the profile object.
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICoreWebView2Profile> webView2Profile;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICoreWebView2Profile3> webView2Profile3;
    // Get current value of password-autosave property.
    BOOL enabled;

    // Set password-autosave property to the opposite value to current value.
    if (enabled)
            hWnd, L"Password autosave will be disabled immediately in all WebView2 with the same profile.",
            L"Profile settings change", MB_OK);
            hWnd, L"Password autosave will be enabled immediately in all WebView2 with the same profile.",
            L"Profile settings change", MB_OK);
    // ...

HRESULT AppWindow::ToggleGeneralAutofillInProfile(ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
    // ...

    // Get the profile object.
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICoreWebView2Profile> webView2Profile;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICoreWebView2Profile3> webView2Profile3;
    // Get current value of general-autofill property.
    BOOL enabled;

    // Set general-autofill property to the opposite value to current value.
    if (enabled)
            hWnd, L"General autofill will be disabled immediately in all WebView2 with the same profile.",
            L"Profile settings change", MB_OK);
            hWnd, L"General autofill will be enabled immediately in all WebView2 with the same profile.",
            L"Profile settings change", MB_OK);
    // ...

.NET and WinRT

Create WebView2 with a specific profile, then access the profile property of WebView2

CoreWebView2Environment _webViewEnvironment;
WebViewCreationOptions _creationOptions;
public CreateWebView2Controller(IntPtr parentWindow)
    CoreWebView2ControllerOptions controllerOptions = new CoreWebView2ControllerOptions();
    controllerOptions.ProfileName = _creationOptions.profileName;
    controllerOptions.IsInPrivateModeEnabled = _creationOptions.IsInPrivateModeEnabled;

    CoreWebView2Controller controller = null;

    if (_creationOptions.entry == WebViewCreateEntry.CREATE_WITH_OPTION)
        controller = await _webViewEnvironment.CreateCoreWebView2ControllerAsync(parentWindow, options);
        controller = await _webViewEnvironment.CreateCoreWebView2ControllerAsync(parentWindow);

    string profileName = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.ProfileName;
    bool inPrivate = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.IsInPrivateModeEnabled;

    // update window title with profileName

    // update window icon

Access and use the cookie manager from profile.

CoreWebView2CookieManager _cookieManager;
public ScenarioCookieManagement(CoreWebView2Controller controller){
    // get the cookie manager from controller
    _cookieManager = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.CookieManager;
    // ...

// Use cookie manager to add or update a cookie
public AddOrUpdateCookie(string name, string value, string Domain)
    // create cookie with given parameters and default path
    CoreWebView2Cookie cookie = cookieManager.CreateCookie(name, value, Domain, "/");
    // add or update cookie

// Use cookie manager to delete all cookies
void DeleteAllCookies()
public DeleteProfile(CoreWebView2 coreWebView2)
    // Delete current profile.

void WebView_CoreWebView2InitializationCompleted(object sender, CoreWebView2InitializationCompletedEventArgs e)
    WebViewProfile.Deleted += WebViewProfile_Deleted;

    // ...
    // ERROR_DELETE_PENDING(0x8007012f)
    if (e.InitializationException.HResult == -2147024593)
        MessageBox.Show($"Failed to create webview, because the profile's name has been marked as deleted, please use a different profile's name.");
        var dialog = new NewWindowOptionsDialog();
        dialog.CreationProperties = webView.CreationProperties;
        if (dialog.ShowDialog())
            new MainWindow(dialog.CreationProperties).Show();

private void WebViewProfile_Deleted(object sender, object e)
    this.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
        String message = "The profile has been marked for deletion. Any associated webview2 objects will be closed.";
### Manage password-autosave and general-autofill settings in profile

public TogglePasswordAutosaveInProfile(CoreWebView2Controller controller)
    // Get the profile object.
    CoreWebView2Profile profile = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile;

    // Get current value of password-autosave property.
    bool enabled = profile.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled;

    // Set password-autosave property to the opposite value to current value.
    profile.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled = !enabled;

public ToggleGeneralAutofillInProfile(CoreWebView2Controller controller)
    // Get the profile object.
    CoreWebView2Profile profile = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile;

    // Get current value of general-autofill property.
    bool enabled = profile.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled;

    // Set general-autofill property to the opposite value to current value.
    profile.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled = !enabled;

API Details

Win32 C++

interface ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions;
interface ICoreWebView2Environment5;
interface ICoreWebView2_7;
interface ICoreWebView2Profile;
interface ICoreWebView2Profile2;
interface ICoreWebView2Profile3;
interface ICoreWebView2StagingProfile7;
interface ICoreWebView2StagingProfileDeletedEventHandler;

/// This interface is used to manage profile options that created by 'CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions'.
[uuid(C2669A3A-03A9-45E9-97EA-03CD55E5DC03), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions : IUnknown {
  /// The `ProfileName` property specifies the profile's name. It has a maximum length of 64 
  /// characters excluding the null terminator and must be a valid file name.
  /// See [Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces](
  /// for more information on file names. It must contain only the following ASCII characters:
  ///  * alphabet characters: a-z and A-Z
  ///  * digit characters: 0-9
  ///  * and '#', '@', '$', '(', ')', '+', '-', '_', '~', '.', ' ' (space).
  /// Note: the text must not end with a period '.' or ' ' (space) nor start with a ' ' (space). And, although upper
  /// case letters are allowed, they're treated the same as their lower case counterparts because the profile name
  /// will be mapped to the real profile directory path on disk and Windows file system handles path names in a 
  /// case-insensitive way.
  [propget] HRESULT ProfileName([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
  /// Sets the `ProfileName` property.
  [propput] HRESULT ProfileName([in] LPCWSTR value);

  /// `IsInPrivateModeEnabled` property is to enable/disable InPrivate mode.
  [propget] HRESULT IsInPrivateModeEnabled([out, retval] BOOL* value);
  /// Sets the `IsInPrivateModeEnabled` property.
  [propput] HRESULT IsInPrivateModeEnabled([in] BOOL value);

/// This interface is used to create 'CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions' object, which
/// can be passed as a parameter in 'CreateCoreWebView2ControllerWithOptions' and
/// 'CreateCoreWebView2CompositionControllerWithOptions' function for multiple profile support.
/// The profile will be created on disk or opened when calling 'CreateCoreWebView2ControllerWithOptions' or
/// 'CreateCoreWebView2CompositionControllerWithOptions' no matter InPrivate mode is enabled or not, and it will be
/// released in memory when the corresponding controller is closed but still remain on disk.
/// If create a WebView2Controller with {ProfileName="name", InPrivate=false} and then later create another one with
/// one with {ProfileName="name", InPrivate=true}, these two controllers using the same profile would be allowed to
/// run at the same time.
/// As WebView2 is built on top of Edge browser, it follows Edge's behavior pattern. To create an InPrivate WebView,
/// we gets an off-the-record profile (an InPrivate profile) from a regular profile, then create the WebView with the 
/// off-the-record profile.
[uuid(57FD205C-39D5-4BA1-8E7B-3E53C323EA87), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Environment5 : IUnknown {
  /// Create a new ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions to be passed as a parameter of
  /// CreateCoreWebView2ControllerWithOptions and CreateCoreWebView2CompositionControllerWithOptions.
  /// The 'options' is settable and in it the default value for profile name is the empty string,
  /// and the default value for IsInPrivateModeEnabled is false.
  /// Also the profile name can be reused.
  HRESULT CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions(
      [out, retval] ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions** options);

  /// Create a new WebView with options.
  HRESULT CreateCoreWebView2ControllerWithOptions(
      [in] HWND parentWindow,
      [in] ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions* options,
      [in] ICoreWebView2CreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompletedHandler* handler);

  /// Create a new WebView in visual hosting mode with options.
  HRESULT CreateCoreWebView2CompositionControllerWithOptions(
      [in] HWND parentWindow,
      [in] ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions* options,
      [in] ICoreWebView2CreateCoreWebView2CompositionControllerCompletedHandler* handler);

/// Used to get ICoreWebView2Profile object.
[uuid(6E5CE5F0-16E6-4A05-97D8-4E256B3EB609), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2_7 : IUnknown {
  /// The associated `ICoreWebView2Profile` object. If this CoreWebView2 was created with a
  /// CoreWebView2ControllerOptions, the CoreWebView2Profile will match those specified options.
  /// Otherwise if this CoreWebView2 was created without a CoreWebView2ControllerOptions, then
  /// this will be the default CoreWebView2Profile for the corresponding CoreWebView2Environment.
  [propget] HRESULT Profile([out, retval] ICoreWebView2Profile** value);

[uuid(3B9A2AF2-E703-4C81-9D25-FCE44312E960), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Profile : IUnknown {
  /// Name of the profile.
  [propget] HRESULT ProfileName([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);

  /// InPrivate mode is enabled or not.
  [propget] HRESULT IsInPrivateModeEnabled([out, retval] BOOL* value);

  /// Full path of the profile directory.
  [propget] HRESULT ProfilePath([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);

  // TODO: All profile-wide operations/settings will be put below in the future.

[uuid(B93875C2-D6B0-434D-A2BE-93BC06CCC469), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Profile2 : ICoreWebView2Profile {
  /// Get the cookie manager object for the profile. All CoreWebView2s associated with this profile share this same cookie manager and will have the same CoreWebView2.CookieManager property value.
  /// See ICoreWebView2CookieManager.
  [propget] HRESULT CookieManager([out, retval] ICoreWebView2CookieManager** cookieManager);

[uuid(2765B8BD-7C57-4B76-B8CC-1EC940FF92CC), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2StagingProfile7 : IUnknown {
  /// After the API is called, the profile will be marked for deletion. The
  /// local profile's directory will be deleted at browser process exit. If it
  /// fails to delete, because something else is holding the files open,
  /// WebView2 will try to delete the profile at all future browser process
  /// starts until successful.
  /// The corresponding CoreWebView2s will be closed and the 
  /// CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted event will be raised. See
  /// `CoreWebView2Profile.Deleted` for more information.
  /// If you try to create a new profile with the same name as an existing
  /// profile that has been marked as deleted but hasn't yet been deleted,
  /// profile creation will fail with HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DELETE_PENDING).
  HRESULT Delete();

  /// Add an event handler for the `Deleted` event. The `Deleted` event is
  /// raised when the profile is marked for deletion. When this event is
  /// raised, the CoreWebView2Profile and its corresponding CoreWebView2s have
  /// been closed, and cannot be used anymore.
  HRESULT add_Deleted(
      [in] ICoreWebView2StagingProfileDeletedEventHandler* eventHandler,
      [out] EventRegistrationToken* token);

  /// Remove an event handler previously added with `add_Deleted`.
  HRESULT remove_Deleted(
      [in] EventRegistrationToken token);

[uuid(e5dea648-79c9-4caa-8314-dd71de62ad49), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2StagingProfileDeletedEventHandler: IUnknown {
  /// Called to provide the implementer with the event args for the
  /// profile deleted event. No event args exist and the `args`
  /// parameter is set to `null`.
  HRESULT Invoke(
      [in] ICoreWebView2Profile* sender,
      [in] IUnknown* args);

[uuid(e2e8dce3-8213-4a32-b3b0-c80a8d154b61), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Profile3 : ICoreWebView2Profile2 {
  /// IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled controls whether autosave for password
  /// information is enabled. The IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled property behaves
  /// independently of the IsGeneralAutofillEnabled property. When IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled is
  /// false, no new password data is saved and no Save/Update Password prompts are displayed.
  /// However, if there was password data already saved before disabling this setting,
  /// then that password information is auto-populated, suggestions are shown and clicking on
  /// one will populate the fields.
  /// When IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled is true, password information is auto-populated,
  /// suggestions are shown and clicking on one will populate the fields, new data
  /// is saved, and a Save/Update Password prompt is displayed.
  /// The default value is `FALSE`.
  /// This property has the same value as `CoreWebView2Settings.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled`, and
  /// changing one will change the other. All `CoreWebView2`s with the same
  /// `CoreWebView2Profile` will share the same value for this property, so for the `CoreWebView2`s with the same
  /// profile, their `CoreWebView2Settings.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled` and 
  /// `CoreWebView2Profile.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled` will always have the same value.
  [propget] HRESULT IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled([out, retval] BOOL* value);
  /// Set the IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled property.
  [propput] HRESULT IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled([in] BOOL value);

  /// IsGeneralAutofillEnabled controls whether autofill for information
  /// like names, street and email addresses, phone numbers, and arbitrary input
  /// is enabled. This excludes password and credit card information. When
  /// IsGeneralAutofillEnabled is false, no suggestions appear, and no new information
  /// is saved. When IsGeneralAutofillEnabled is true, information is saved, suggestions
  /// appear and clicking on one will populate the form fields.
  /// The default value is `TRUE`.
  /// This property has the same value as `CoreWebView2Settings.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled`, and
  /// changing one will change the other. All `CoreWebView2`s with the same
  /// `CoreWebView2Profile` will share the same value for this property, so for the `CoreWebView2`s with the same
  /// profile, their `CoreWebView2Settings.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled` and 
  /// `CoreWebView2Profile.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled` will always have the same value.
  [propget] HRESULT IsGeneralAutofillEnabled([out, retval] BOOL* value);
  /// Set the IsGeneralAutofillEnabled property.
  [propput] HRESULT IsGeneralAutofillEnabled([in] BOOL value);

.NET and WinRT

namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2ControllerOptions;
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2Environment;
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2;
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2Profile;

    runtimeclass CoreWebView2ControllerOptions
        String ProfileName { get; set; };

        Boolean IsInPrivateModeEnabled { get; set; };
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2Environment
        // ...
        CoreWebView2ControllerOptions CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions();

            CoreWebView2ControllerWindowReference ParentWindow,
            CoreWebView2ControllerOptions options);
            CoreWebView2ControllerWindowReference ParentWindow,
            CoreWebView2ControllerOptions options);
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2
        // ...
        CoreWebView2Profile Profile { get; };

    runtimeclass CoreWebView2Profile
        String ProfileName { get; };

        Boolean IsInPrivateModeEnabled { get; };

        String ProfilePath { get; };

        CoreWebView2CookieManager CookieManager { get; };
            void Delete();
            event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<CoreWebView2Profile, Object> Deleted;

            Boolean IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled { get; set; };

            Boolean IsGeneralAutofillEnabled { get; set; };


Next we'll consolidate all profile-wide operations/settings into the interface ICoreWebView2Profile, and will also add support for erasing a profile completely if strongly requested.