Currently, a developer can pass the --user-agent browser args to the CreateWebView2EnvironmentWithDetails function.
Ex. CreateWebView2EnvironmentWithDetails(nullptr, nullptr, L"--user-agent=\"myUA\"", ...);
For more info about the ‘--user-agent’ flag visit:
However, there are a couple limitations to this workaround-- it is not an API that is easy to use or discover, you cannot modify a command line switch at runtime, and you cannot change the User Agent per WebView. In this document we describe the new API. We'd appreciate your feedback.
The User Agent (UA) is a piece of information regarding the user's OS, application, and version. The browser/webcontrol sends the User Agent to the HTTP server.
The User Agent property lets developers modify WebView2's User Agent. A key scenario is to allow end developers to get the current User Agent from the WebView and modify it based on an event.
Ex. Update the User Agent to emulate a different browser version upon navigation to a specific website.
The following code snippet demonstrates how the User Agent property can be used:
[this](ICoreWebView2 *sender,
ICoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs *args) -> HRESULT {
static const PCWSTR url_compare_example = L"";
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string uri;
wil::unique_bstr domain = GetDomainOfUri(uri.get());
const wchar_t *domains = domain.get();
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Settings> settings;
if (wcscmp(url_compare_example, domains) == 0) {
// Upon navigation to a specified url
// Change the user agent to emulate a mobile device
} else {
// Change the user agent back to desktop
return S_OK;
webView2Control.NavigationStarting += SetUserAgent;
private void SetUserAgent(CoreWebView2 sender, CoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs e)
var settings = webView2Control.CoreWebView2.Settings;
// Note: Oversimplified test. Need to support idn, case-insensitivity, etc.
if (new Uri(e.Uri).Host == "") {
settings.UserAgent = GetMobileUserAgent();
} else {
settings.UserAgent = GetDesktopUserAgent();
See API Details section below for API reference.
// This is the ICoreWebView2Settings interface.
[uuid(684cbeef-47ba-4d4a-99f4-976113f9f10a), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Settings2 : ICoreWebView2Settings {
/// `UserAgent` . Returns the User Agent. The default value is the
/// default User Agent of the Edge browser.
[propget] HRESULT UserAgent([ out, retval ] LPWSTR * userAgent);
/// Sets the `UserAgentString` property. This property may be overriden if
/// the User-Agent header is set in a request. If the parameter is empty
/// the User Agent will not be updated and the current User Agent will remain.
[propput] HRESULT UserAgent([in] LPCWSTR userAgent);
namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
public partial class CoreWebView2Settings
public string UserAgent { get; set; };