Add options to display widgets right on your homescreen.
Theos is required for building this project.
Currently it is also dependent on iOS 8.1 sdk as it includes c++ header files (which also reduces environmental dependencies).
The layout of the hswidgets is saved in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.dgh0st.hswidget.widgetlayouts.plist
file which can be modified manually to enable certain features that are currently buggy. Features such as expanded today widgets, which are disabled due to there not being a good/easy way to figure out the space an expanded widget should take up. The optional configurations like normalModeRows
, expandedModeRows
, expandedModeHeight
and isExpandedMode
can be used to enable the expanded widget and get consistent height for each widget separately. The plist file has the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>0</key><!-- Page number (0 based) -->
<array><!-- array of widgets on this page -->
<string>HSTodayWidgetViewController</string><!-- class used for the widget -->
<integer>2</integer><!-- Specify a custom number of icon rows that this widget will take up when in non-expanded mode (all apple widgets take up 2) -->
<integer>3</integer><!-- Specify a custom number of icon rows that this widget will take up when in expanded mode -->
<integer>256</integer><!-- Specify a custom height for expanded mode -->
<true/><!-- enable expanded mode for the today widget -->
<string></string><!-- the identifier for the today widget used by apple -->
<integer>2</integer><!-- origin icon row for this widget -->
<integer>1</integer><!-- Specify the number of rows this spacer should take up -->
You will need to download all the .h
file from this repository and place them in $THEOS/include/HSWidgets
folder so you can import them.
You will also need to place the latest dylib of HSWidgets in the $THEOS/lib
folder for linking. You can find this at /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/HSWidgets.dylib
(make sure to rename this to libHSWidgets.dylib
The file structure should look like the following:
Install the theos_template folder and place it in $THEOS/template/ios/
. When you run $THEOS/bin/
, it should display iphone/hswidget
as one of the options.
Make sure to have a unique HSWidgets class name
since this is what HSWidgets uses to differentiate between widgets.
All custom widgets need to be a subclass of HSWidgetViewController
(which is a UIViewController
If you want to add additional options in the add new widgets view like Today Widgets then you will need to create a subclass of HSAdditionalOptionsTableViewController
and override the +(Class)addNewWidgetAdditionalOptionsClass
method. Take a look at HSTodayWidget for example.