- Pro
A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
A Haskell library that simplifies access to remote data, such as databases or web-based services.
A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language
Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)
Mirror of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Please submit issues and patches to GHC's Gitlab instance (https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc). First time contributors are encouraged to get started with th…
Lenses, Folds, and Traversals - Join us on web.libera.chat #haskell-lens
A GHC-based Haskell to JavaScript compiler
A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript
Educational computer programming environment using Haskell
The Haskell Lightweight Virtual Machine (HaLVM): GHC running on Xen
Embedded language for high-performance array computations
Course materials for Stanford CS240h, "Functional Systems in Haskell"
A functionally reactive game engine, with headgear to protect you from the headache of game development provided.
Introduction to parsing with Haskell and Parsec
A Haskell library for creating WebSocket-capable servers
Fake dependent types in Haskell using singletons
A programming language that runs in Haskell's type system.
Low-dimensional linear algebra primitives for Haskell.
Previous version of LambdaCube 3D as Embedded Domain Specific Language in Haskell. Check the latest system: