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\mainpage Astrobee Calibration

This folder contains various scripts for calibration.


  • Build and install the Astrobee code on the robot.
  • Install Kalibr on your computer.

Installation instructions for Kalibr for Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt install python-rosinstall ipython python-software-properties
python-git ipython python-catkin-tools sudo apt install libopencv-dev ros-melodic-vision-opencv

Install pip and use it to install python packages

We assume that Python 2 is used.

curl -o sudo python sudo -H pip install testresources sudo -H pip install python-igraph==0.8 --upgrade sudo -H pip install numpy==1.15.0 opencv-python==

If necessary, pip and the other packages can be installed in user space. The PYTHONPATH may need to be set for such packages. The pip flags --user, --force, and --verbose may be useful.

Kalibr uses Python 2, and many packages are transitioning to Python 3, so some effort may be needed to install the Python 2 dependencies.

Build using catkin

export KALIBR_WS=$HOME/source/kalibr_workspace mkdir -p $KALIBR_WS/src cd $KALIBR_WS source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash catkin init catkin config --extend /opt/ros/melodic catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cd $KALIBR_WS/src git clone [email protected]:oleg-alexandrov/Kalibr.git

This line takes care of catkin not finding numpy.

ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy $KALIBR_WS/src/Kalibr/Schweizer-Messer/numpy_eigen/include

catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -j4

Prepare the environment. This is expected for all the steps below.

Run, for example:

export SCRIPT_DIR=$SOURCE_PATH/scripts/calibrate
export ASTROBEE_CONFIG_DIR=$SOURCE_PATH/astrobee/config

The choice of calibration target

Two calibration target are in use. In the granite lab the April tag target can be used. It is on the dock and is a combination of AR tags. Its definition is in:


Calibration on the ISS uses a checkerboard pattern. That one is defined in:


and has 12 rows and 7 columns of black and white squares, each one being of size 1 inch (2.54 cm).

Regenerating the calibration target

This script only needs to be executed whenever the configuration of the target is changed (number of tags, tag's position or id changed). Normally this step should be skipped.

Run Usage:

export KALIBR_WS=$HOME/source/kalibr_workspace
source $KALIBR_WS/devel/setup.bash
./ --config config_filename

config_filename: config file where the specifications of AR tags of the target are defined. Default value is dock_markers_specs.config. This will write the file:


Note that $KALIBR_WS should be defined since the script will also automatically add a header file to Kalibr's directory describing the family of AR tags (Kalibr uses AprilTag library and not the Alvar library used in the astrobee software).

The checkerboard target can be regenerated using Kalibr directly, per

It is very important to remember that the yaml file storing this configuration counts the internal corners, so if there are 12 rows of squares, that corresponds to 11 internal corners.

Intrinsics camera calibration

Recording calibration data

Prepare the environment:

source $BUILD_PATH/devel/setup.bash

To launch the nodes needed for calibration, do:

cd $SCRIPT_DIR roslaunch calibration.launch

On the flight unit, more specifically on MLP, do:

roslaunch astrobee astrobee.launch llp:=??? mlp:=???

This will start the IMU driver, camera drivers, and an image viewer.

Astrobee has four cameras. On one side there is the nav camera, which acquires high-resolution images, and the haz camera, which is a type of depth camera, and acquires a lower-resolution "amplitude" image. On the opposite face of Astrobee it has the high-resolution dock camera and low-resolution perch camera, which is again of the depth type. We will refer to the high-resolution nav and dock cameras as the HD camera.

To be able to record the amplitude, which is necessary for haz_cam calibration, the file


(on the robot's MLP, not on the local machine) needs to be edited before calibration.launch is started. The api_key variable in the picoflexx section should be set to the correct value. This will cause the depth camera to run in L2 mode, and produce data on the "extended" topic.

After calibration.launch is run, one should also start the pico_proxy node which will process the extended topic and produce the needed amplitude data.

With the current default setup on the robot, this node should start automatically. If it did not, it can be run with the command:

roslaunch $SOURCE_PATH/hardware/pico_driver/launch/pico_proxy.launch

Note that on the robot itself this file is stored at:


When it is desired to record the amplitude for the perch camera, one should pass to roslaunch the argument:


To calibrate nav_cam attached to a standalone computer, rather than astrobee's built in one, one can do instead:

roslaunch astrobee granite.launch mlp:=local llp:=disabled nodes:=nav_cam,framestore

(See $SOURCE_PATH/astrobee/ if the device cannot be found.)

Face the robot towards where you can hold the AR tag in front of the camera. It should be under bright lighting conditions where the AR tag is clearly visible.

If no image viewer was started by now, run:

rosrun rviz rviz

and then add the 'image' topic for cam_nav and cam_dock, and the amplitude_int topic for the haz and perch cameras.

If the image in amplitude_int does not look quite right, one may want to restart pico_proxy with a different value for the amplitude_factor variable, which is a scaling factor. That one can be passed to roslaunch, for example, as:


Begin recording the bag. Example to record nav_cam and haz_cam:

rosbag record /hw/cam_nav /hw/depth_haz/extended/amplitude_int

For the dock and perch cams, one should do:

  rosbag record /hw/cam_dock /hw/depth_perch/extended/amplitude_int

Move the AR tag in front of the camera. If the AR tag is only partially visible in some frames that is fine. Try to cover the entire field of view of both cameras (be aware that it varies from depth to HD camera), and to have the tag in various orientations.

In good networking conditions, it is acceptable to record on your own computer, not Astrobee. A high frame rate is not required.

Stop recording.

Processing the data

Make sure the target configuration yaml file is in $SCRIPT_DIR/config/. If there is no yaml file or the configuration is not the current one, follow #Setup to calibrate with the dock AR target.


 export KALIBR_WS=$HOME/source/kalibr_workspace
 source $KALIBR_WS/devel/setup.bash
 $SCRIPT_DIR/ robotname bagfile \
    --calibration_target targetname

Arguments: - robotname is the robot's config file to edit (e.g., p4d, cert_unit, honey) - bagfile is the bag with the recorded data. - targetname is a yaml file describing the calibration target. Use either the checkerboard pattern or the April tag (the latter is the default).

Additional flags:

--dock_cam: To calibrate the dock cam and perch cam pair. If
      not set, the script calibrates nav cam and haz cam.
--depth_cam: To calibrate both the HD camera (nav or dock) and 
      respective depth camera (haz or perch). If not set, the script
      only calibrates the HD camera.
--sci_cam: To calibrate together the nav, haz, and sci cameras.
      A bag having these may need to be pre-processed with
--only_depth_cam: To calibrate only the depth camera (haz or perch).
    --from <value> --to <value>: Use bag data between these times,
      in seconds.
    --approx_sync <value> Time tolerance for approximate image 
      synchronization [s] (default: 0.02).
--verbose: To output additional information on the Kalibr's calibration. 
    --nav_cam_topic, --haz_cam_topic, --sci_cam_topic: Specify these topic
      names, overriding the defaults, which are /hw/cam_nav,
      /hw/depth_haz/extended/amplitude_int, /hw/cam_sci

The script will overwrite the intrinsics calibration in the specified config file. It will also generate in the bagfile directory the following files:

.txt file with the calibration results
.pdf report
.yaml file with the estimated intrinsics parameters that will be used 
       as an input to the extrinsics calibration 
       (see # Extrinsic camera calibration -> ## Processing data)

If invoked for the nav and haz cameras, it will also save the transform from the second to the first in the 'hazcam_to_navcam_transform' field in the robot config file, if that field exists. If in addition invoked for the sci camera, it will also update the field scicam_to_hazcam_transform if it exits.

Advice on intrinsics calibration

It is strongly suggested that the intrinsics of the HD and depth camera be calibrated separately. This makes the process much better behaved. To calibrate the HD camera only, do not specify the flag --depth_cam, and to calibrate the depth camera only, use --only_depth_cam. The only time it may be needed to calibrate both of these cameras together if it is desired to find the transform between them, which is not necessary in regular operations.

It is suggested to examine the calibration results*txt file. If the errors are too large or the camera parameters are implausible, perhaps calibration need to be rerun with a new bag file. In either case it is suggested to run calibration several times with different bags, and pick the result with the smallest error.

Sometimes, if calibration fails, it can be attempted again several times with the same bag and it may succeed at some point. The indeterministic nature is likely due to the random shuffling being done by the algorithm. One can also attempt to use just a portion of the bag, using the --from and --to options.

The --verbose flag is useful to see if the calibration target corners are detected properly. This may result in a crash on Ubuntu 18.

The depth cameras can be tricky to calibrate, since they have lower resolution and it is hard to do corner detection. One should try to have the calibration target fill the camera field of view as much as possible while still having all of it visible at most times.

Extrinsic camera calibration

Recording calibration data

  • Detach the robot from its stand so it can be lifted freely.

  • Attach the calibration target to a wall under bright light.

  • Launch, as for intrinsics calibration, calibration.launch and pico_proxy.launch.

  • Lift the robot and face the target.

  • Begin recording the bag on the robot. The recording cannot have shocks from picking up and placing the robot down. Example: rosbag record /hw/cam_nav /hw/depth_haz/extended/amplitude_int /hw/imu

  • Accelerate the robot rapidly along all axes of motion. Try to excite all axis of the IMU. Be careful not to drop the robot.

  • Stop recording.

  • Put the robot down.

  • Copy the bag off of the robot. If the robot is docked, the wired network is used, which can be much faster then WiFi.

Processing the data

Make sure the target configuration yaml file and the IMU yaml file are in $SCRIPT_DIR/config/.

Run export KALIBR_WS=$HOME/source/kalibr_workspace source $KALIBR_WS/devel/setup.bash $SCRIPT_DIR/ robotname intrinsicsYaml bagfile
--calibration_target targetname

Arguments: - robotname is the robot's config file to edit (e.g., p4d, cert_unit, honey) intrinsicsYaml is a yaml file generated by the previous intrinsics calibration - bagfile is the bag with the recorded data. - targetname is a yaml file describing the calibration target. Use either the checkerboard pattern or the April tag (the latter is the default).

Additional flags: --dock_cam: To calibrate dock cam and perch cam pair. If not set, the script calibrates nav cam and haz cam. --from --to : Use bag data between these times, in seconds. --timeoffset-padding : Maximum range in which the timeoffset may change during estimation, in seconds. See below for more info. (default: 0.01) --verbose: To output additional information on Kalibr's calibration.

If the previous intrinsics calibration was run for the HD and depth camera pair, then the output will generate extrinsics for both cameras. If not, it will only generate for the nav or dock cam. The script will overwrite the extrinsics calibration in the specified robot's config file. It will also generate some results reports in the bagfile directory.

Advice on extrinsics calibration

If kalibr crashes with the error "Spline Coefficient Buffer Exceeded. Set larger buffer margins!" one should increase the value of --timeoffset-padding, from the default of 0.01, perhaps to 0.02 or even 0.1. Making this too large can result in the tool being very slow and perhaps running out of memory.

As for intrinsics, it is suggested that each of the four cameras be individually calibrated with the IMU to make the process better behaved. Hence, one first calibrates the intrinsics of one camera (say nav or haz), then runs extrinsics calibration for it (so, with the IMU), before switching to a new camera. (A single bag can be used for both cameras facing the same direction, or separate bags can be acquired.) The tool will infer from its input .yaml file if to work with the HD or depth camera.

Sometimes parts of the acquired bags could be causing problems to the calibrator. One can then experiment using just a portion of the data with the --from and --to flags.