pm2 is a process manager for Node apps with a builtin load-balancer.
- Script daemonization
- 0s downtime reload
- Builtin load-balancer
- Startup scripts for Ubuntu and CentOS
- Monitoring in console
- Remote control and real time interface API
Tested with Node v0.11, v0.10, v0.8 ( Compatible CoffeeScript. Works on Linux & MacOS.
- 0.5.x documentation : 0.5.x
- Installation
- Usage/Features
- Different ways to launch a process
- 0s downtime reload
- CoffeeScript
- Is my production server ready for PM2
- Listing processes : pm2 list
- Monitoring processes (CPU/RAM) : pm2 monit
- Startup script generation : pm2 startup
- Log aggregation : pm2 logs
- Fork mode
- API health end point : pm2 web
- JSON processes declaration
- Known bugs
- Launching the tests
- They talk about it
- License
npm install -g pm2
$ npm install pm2 -g # Install pm2 command line globally
$ pm2 start app.js -i 4 # Daemonize pm2 and Start 4 clustered instances of app.js
# You can also pass the 'max' params to start
# the right numbers of processes depending of CPUs
$ pm2 start app.js --name my-api # Name process
$ pm2 list # Display all processes status
$ pm2 monit # Monitor all processes
$ pm2 logs # Display all processes logs in streaming
$ pm2 stop all # Stop all processes
$ pm2 restart all # Restart all processes
$ pm2 reload all # Will 0s downtime reload (for NETWORKED processes)
$ pm2 stop 0 # Stop specific process id
$ pm2 restart 0 # Restart specific process id
$ pm2 startup # Generate init script to keep processes alive
$ pm2 web # Launch Health computer API endpoint (http://localhost:9615)
$ pm2 delete 0 # Will remove process from pm2 list
$ pm2 delete all # Will remove all processes from pm2 list
$ pm2 start app.js -i max # Will start maximum processes depending on CPU availables
$ pm2 start app.js -i 3 # Will start 3 processes
$ pm2 start app.js --name serverone # Start a process an name it as server one
# you can now stop the process by doing
# pm2 stop serverone
$ pm2 start app.json # Start processes with options declared in app.json
# Go to chapter Multi process JSON declaration for more
$ pm2 start app.js -i max -- -a 23 # Pass arguments after -- to app.js
$ pm2 start app.js -i max -e err.log -o out.log # Will start and generate a configuration file
You can also execute app in other languages (the fork mode):
$ pm2 start -x --interpreter bash
$ pm2 start -x --interpreter python
This feature permits to reload code without loosing queries connection.
Warning :
- Only for networked app
- Running on Node 0.11.x
- In cluster mode (default mode)
$ pm2 reload all
Thanks to TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen
## CoffeeScript$ pm2 start
That's all !
## Fork mode - execute script in different languagesThe default mode of PM2 consists of wrapping the code of your node app into the Node Cluster module. It's called the cluster mode. There is also a more classical way to execute your app, like node-forever do, called the fork mode.
In fork mode all options are the same than the cluster mode (restart, delete...). But, by the way, you can't cluster natively in fork mode as cluster do (can't use the -i option).
Here is how to start your app in fork :
$ pm2 start app.js -x # Will start your app.js in fork mode
$ pm2 list # You will see that on the row "mode" it's written "fork"
You can also exec scripts in other languages :
$ pm2 start -x --interpreter bash
$ pm2 start -x --interpreter python
Just try the tests before using PM2 on your production server
$ git clone
$ cd pm2
$ npm install # Or do npm install --dev if devDependencies are not installed
$ npm test
If a test is broken please report us issues here
## pm2 listList infos about all processes managed by pm2. It shows also how many times a process has been restarted because of an unhandled exception.
## pm2 monitMonitor CPU and memory usage of every node process (and also clustered processes) managed by pm2.
## pm2 automatic startup script generationPM2 provides an automatic way to keep Node processes alive. It uses a System V init script compatible Ubuntu and CentOS.
$ pm2 startup # then follow the command instruction
Now you can reboot your server, and already launched processes should be kepts alive.
## pm2 logsDisplay logs in streaming of all processes, without having to do a tail -f or something else. You can also pass [name|id] as parameter to stream only the log of a specified process.
## pm2 health web api endpointPM2 can disserve an API endpoint to monitor processes and computer health (cpu usage, memory, network interfaces...)
pm2 web
processes.json :
"name" : "echo",
"script" : "./examples/args.js",
"instances" : "1",
"args" : "['--toto=heya coco', '-d', '1']",
"cron_restart" : "* * * * * *"
"name" : "api",
"script" : "./examples/child.js",
"instances" : "4",
"fileError" : "./examples/child-err.log",
"fileOutput" : "./examples/child-out.log"
"min_uptime" : "100",
"max_restarts" : "400",
"name" : "auto-kill",
"script" : "./examples/killfast.js"
Then with the cli :
$ pm2 start processes.json
"min_uptime": if a process is restarted with an uptime smaller than this value, this restart counts as an unstable restart. If this option is not specified, all restarts are considered unstable.
"max_restarts": if the number of unstable restarts exceeds this number, the process will be stopped and a message with number with restarts will be logged.
First, install the lastest pm2 version :
$ npm install -g pm2@latest
- Node 0.10.x doesn't free script port when stopped. It's due to the NodeJS cluster module. So in order to manage your process with PM2 without problem, you have to use the fork mode instead.
$ pm2 start index.js -x # start my app in fork mode
For more informations about this issue : #74
Cannot read property 'getsockname' of undefined
When using the cluster mode (by default) you can't use ports from 0 to 1024. If you really need to exec in this range use the fork mode with the -x
npm test
- Clusterize your Node networked script without adding one line of code
- Fully tested
- Monitor process/cluster processes health (status, memory, cpu usage, restarted time) via CLI (htop like)
- Monitor server health (processes, cpu core...) via JSON api (pm2 web)
- Launch multiple applications via JSON
- Forever keep alive processes
- Log streaming in realtime (pm2 logs)
- Log uncaught exceptions in error logs
- Track restarted time
- Auto stop processes who exit too fast
- Dump current processes and resurrect (upstart)
- Remote administration/status checking
- Builtin Inter process communication channel (message bus)
- Auto start of the script at start (upstart)
- V8 GC memory leak detection
- Web interface
- Keeping monitoring data
- Integrated wrk utils endpoint benchmark
- Add homogen communication channel (pubsub/eventemitter2 - wildcard events) (axon pub/sub-message.js)
Thanks to and Wiredcraft for their knowledge and expertise.
# License - Apache License v2Copyright [2013] [Strzelewicz Alexandre [email protected]]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.