icingaweb2 Public
Forked from Icinga/icingaweb2Git Mirror & Releases for Icinga Web 2 (Developer Guidelines: https://wiki.icinga.org/display/Dev/Developer+Guidelines)
PHP GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 30, 2015 -
nodeherd Public
Forked from civo/nodeherdServer/instance node monitoring utility (written in Ruby on Rails)
CSS UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -
icinga2 Public
Forked from Icinga/icinga2GIT Mirror & Releases for Icinga 2 (Developer Guidelines: https://wiki.icinga.org/display/Dev/Developer+Guidelines)
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 21, 2015 -
ge.mine.nu Public
Forked from craig/ge.mine.nuCode from my old page ge.mine.nu
HTML UpdatedFeb 28, 2014 -
backbone.paginator Public
Forked from backbone-paginator/backbone.paginatorBackbone.Paginator is a pagination component for Backbone.js.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2013 -
jquery-rails Public
Forked from rails/jquery-railsA gem to automate using jQuery with Rails 3
wicked_pdf Public
Forked from mileszs/wicked_pdfPDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
active_admin Public
Forked from activeadmin/activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
vestal_versions Public
Forked from laserlemon/vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
meta_search Public
Forked from activerecord-hackery/meta_searchObject-based searching (and more) for simply creating search forms.
coffeescript-rrd Public
Forked from plainlystated/coffeescript-rrdcoffeescript library for using manipulating RRD files (depends on rrdtool)
cpanel Public
Forked from voxxit/cpanelcPanel connection wrapper for Ruby
httpi Public
Forked from savonrb/httpiInterface for Ruby HTTP libraries
ruby-snmpd Public
A ruby SNMP server - Clone of http://theshed.hezmatt.org/rubysnmpd/
2 UpdatedMay 10, 2010 -
nifty-generators Public
Forked from ryanb/nifty-generatorsA collection of useful Rails generator scripts.
vanity Public
Forked from assaf/vanityExperiment Driven Development for Rails
active_directory_auth Public
Forked from rhulse/active_directory_authA plugin to allow rails apps to authenticate to Active Directory
mocha Public
Forked from freerange/mochaMocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby
annotate_models Public
Forked from alsemyonov/annotate_modelsGit repo for Dave Thomas's AnnotateModels plugin, with some improvings