A Simple way to deal with personal finances
This is a small web application which could help you to estimate regular expenses and analyze your own financial statistics.
Spring MVC based backend with the following functions:
- sign up / login users
- multi-language Demo account
- saving user's data
- parsing current quotes from The Central Bank of Russia XML
- multi-language autodetect (english/russian packs included)
- regularly automatic backup to email
js/jQuery frontend:
- ajax interactions with server
- incomes, expenses, savings and notes input
- live statistics/forecasts computation
make build
make run
- hit
- database password is provided in the Makefile, application gets it from environment variable. You can specify jdbc connection stuff in dev.properties file
- dev.log4j.xml and dev.properties files may contain email credentials for log email reports and backup functioning
PiggyMetrics is open source, and would greatly appreciate your help. Feel free to contact me with any questions, especially if you found some bugs or issues
This project is licensed under the MIT License.