A Scene
is a container that holds Sprites
, Labels
, Nodes
and other
objects that out game needs. A Scene
is responsible for running game logic and
rendering the content on a per-frame basis. You need at least one Scene
to start
your game. You can think of this like a movie. The Scene
is what is running and
users see what is happening in real-time. You can have any number of Scene
in your game and transition through them easily. Cocos2d-x provides scene transitions
and you can even have scene transitions with cool effects.
It is very easy to create a Scene
auto myScene = Scene::create();
In Chapter 2 of this guide we learned about a scene graph and how it effects the drawing of our game. The important thing to remember is that this defines the drawing order of the GUI elements. Also remember z-order!
Lets's build a simple Scene
. Remember that cocos2d-x uses a right handed
coordinate system. This means that our 0,0 coordinate is in the bottom left had
corner of the screen/display. When you start positioning your game elements this
is where you should start your calculations from. Let's create a simple Scene
and add a few elements to it:
auto dirs = Director::getInstance();
Size visibleSize = dirs->getVisibleSize();
auto scene1 = Scene::create();
auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF("My Game", "Marker Felt.ttf", 36);
label1->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height / 2));
auto sprite1 = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");
sprite1->setPosition(Vec2(100, 100));
When we run this code we shall see a simple Scene
that contains a Label
and a Sprite
. It doesn't do much but it's a start.
You might need to move between Scene
objects in your game. Perhaps starting a new game, changing levels or even ending your game. Cocos2d-x provides a number of ways to do scene transitions.
There are many ways to transition through your Scenes. Each has specific functionality. Lets go through them. Given:
auto myScene = Scene::create();
runWithScene - use this for the first scene only. This is the way to start your games first Scene
replaceScene - replace a scene outright.
pushScene - suspends the execution of the running scene, pushing it on the stack of suspended scenes. Only call this if there is a running scene.
popScene - This scene will replace the running one. The running scene will be deleted. Only call this if there is a running scene.
You can add visual effects to your Scene
auto myScene = Scene::create();
// Transition Fade
Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(TransitionFade::create(0.5, myScene, Color3B(0,255,255)));
// FlipX
Director::getInstance()->replaceScene( TransitionFlipX::create(2, myScene));
// Transition Slide In
Director::getInstance()->replaceScene( TransitionSlideInT::create(1, myScene) );
will be used in, for example, tile-based games, where you have a big map. convertToNodeSpace
will convert your openGL touch coordinates to the coordinates of the .tmx map or anything similar.
The following picture shows that we have node1 with anchor point (0,0) and node2 with anchor point (1,1).
We invoke
Vec2 point = node1->convertToNodeSpace(node2->getPosition());
convert node2’s SCREEN coordinates to node1’s local.As the result, node2 with the position of (-25,-60).
converts on-node coordinates to SCREEN coordinates. convertToWorldSpace
will always return SCREEN position of our sprite, might be very useful if you want to capture taps on your sprite but need to move/scale your layer.
Generally, the parent node call this method with the child node position, return the world’s postion of child’s as a result. It seems make no sense calling this method if the caller isn’t the parent.
Point point = node1->convertToWorldSpace(node2->getPosition());
The above code will convert the node2‘s coordinates to the coordinates on the screen. For example if the anchor position of node1 is which will be the bottom left corner of the node1, but not necessarily on the screen. This will convert the position of the node2 which is to the screen coordinate of the point relative to node1 ). The result shows in the following picture:
will return the position relative to anchor point: so if our scene - root layer has anchor point of Vec2(0.5f, 0.5f) - default, convertToWorldSpaceAR
should return position relative to screen center.
- the same logic as for convertToWorldSpaceAR
Sprite *sprite1 = Sprite::create("CloseNormal.png");
Sprite *sprite2 = Sprite::create("CloseNormal.png");
Vec2 point1 = sprite1->convertToNodeSpace(sprite2->getPosition());
Vec2 point2 = sprite1->convertToWorldSpace(sprite2->getPosition());
Vec2 point3 = sprite1->convertToNodeSpaceAR(sprite2->getPosition());
Vec2 point4 = sprite1->convertToWorldSpaceAR(sprite2->getPosition());
LOG("position = (%f,%f)",point1.x,point1.y);
LOG("position = (%f,%f)",point2.x,point2.y);
LOG("position = (%f,%f)",point3.x,point3.y);
LOG("position = (%f,%f)",point4.x,point4.y);
position = (-25.000000,-60.000000)
position = (15.000000,20.000000)
position = (-25.000000,-60.000000)
position = (15.000000,20.000000)