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The Team Data Science Process in action: using SQL Data Warehouse | Microsoft Docs |
Advanced Analytics Process and Technology in Action |
machine-learning |
bradsev |
jhubbard |
cgronlun |
88ba8e28-0bd7-49fe-8320-5dfa83b65724 |
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article |
12/09/2016 |
bradsev;hangzh;weig |
In this tutorial, we walk you through building and deploying a machine learning model using SQL Data Warehouse (SQL DW) for a publicly available dataset -- the NYC Taxi Trips dataset. The binary classification model constructed predicts whether or not a tip is paid for a trip, and models for multiclass classification and regression are also discussed that predict the distribution for the tip amounts paid.
The procedure follows the Team Data Science Process (TDSP) workflow. We show how to setup a data science environment, how to load the data into SQL DW, and how use either SQL DW or an IPython Notebook to explore the data and engineer features to model. We then show how to build and deploy a model with Azure Machine Learning.
The NYC Taxi Trip data consists of about 20GB of compressed CSV files (~48GB uncompressed), recording more than 173 million individual trips and the fares paid for each trip. Each trip record includes the pickup and drop-off locations and times, anonymized hack (driver's) license number, and the medallion (taxi’s unique id) number. The data covers all trips in the year 2013 and is provided in the following two datasets for each month:
The trip_data.csv file contains trip details, such as number of passengers, pickup and dropoff points, trip duration, and trip length. Here are a few sample records:
medallion,hack_license,vendor_id,rate_code,store_and_fwd_flag,pickup_datetime,dropoff_datetime,passenger_count,trip_time_in_secs,trip_distance,pickup_longitude,pickup_latitude,dropoff_longitude,dropoff_latitude 89D227B655E5C82AECF13C3F540D4CF4,BA96DE419E711691B9445D6A6307C170,CMT,1,N,2013-01-01 15:11:48,2013-01-01 15:18:10,4,382,1.00,-73.978165,40.757977,-73.989838,40.751171 0BD7C8F5BA12B88E0B67BED28BEA73D8,9FD8F69F0804BDB5549F40E9DA1BE472,CMT,1,N,2013-01-06 00:18:35,2013-01-06 00:22:54,1,259,1.50,-74.006683,40.731781,-73.994499,40.75066 0BD7C8F5BA12B88E0B67BED28BEA73D8,9FD8F69F0804BDB5549F40E9DA1BE472,CMT,1,N,2013-01-05 18:49:41,2013-01-05 18:54:23,1,282,1.10,-74.004707,40.73777,-74.009834,40.726002 DFD2202EE08F7A8DC9A57B02ACB81FE2,51EE87E3205C985EF8431D850C786310,CMT,1,N,2013-01-07 23:54:15,2013-01-07 23:58:20,2,244,.70,-73.974602,40.759945,-73.984734,40.759388 DFD2202EE08F7A8DC9A57B02ACB81FE2,51EE87E3205C985EF8431D850C786310,CMT,1,N,2013-01-07 23:25:03,2013-01-07 23:34:24,1,560,2.10,-73.97625,40.748528,-74.002586,40.747868
The trip_fare.csv file contains details of the fare paid for each trip, such as payment type, fare amount, surcharge and taxes, tips and tolls, and the total amount paid. Here are a few sample records:
medallion, hack_license, vendor_id, pickup_datetime, payment_type, fare_amount, surcharge, mta_tax, tip_amount, tolls_amount, total_amount 89D227B655E5C82AECF13C3F540D4CF4,BA96DE419E711691B9445D6A6307C170,CMT,2013-01-01 15:11:48,CSH,6.5,0,0.5,0,0,7 0BD7C8F5BA12B88E0B67BED28BEA73D8,9FD8F69F0804BDB5549F40E9DA1BE472,CMT,2013-01-06 00:18:35,CSH,6,0.5,0.5,0,0,7 0BD7C8F5BA12B88E0B67BED28BEA73D8,9FD8F69F0804BDB5549F40E9DA1BE472,CMT,2013-01-05 18:49:41,CSH,5.5,1,0.5,0,0,7 DFD2202EE08F7A8DC9A57B02ACB81FE2,51EE87E3205C985EF8431D850C786310,CMT,2013-01-07 23:54:15,CSH,5,0.5,0.5,0,0,6 DFD2202EE08F7A8DC9A57B02ACB81FE2,51EE87E3205C985EF8431D850C786310,CMT,2013-01-07 23:25:03,CSH,9.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,10.5
The unique key used to join trip_data and trip_fare is composed of the following three fields:
- medallion,
- hack_license and
- pickup_datetime.
We formulate three prediction problems based on the tip_amount to illustrate three kinds of modeling tasks:
Binary classification: To predict whether or not a tip was paid for a trip, i.e. a tip_amount that is greater than $0 is a positive example, while a tip_amount of $0 is a negative example.
Multiclass classification: To predict the range of tip paid for the trip. We divide the tip_amount into five bins or classes:
Class 0 : tip_amount = $0 Class 1 : tip_amount > $0 and tip_amount <= $5 Class 2 : tip_amount > $5 and tip_amount <= $10 Class 3 : tip_amount > $10 and tip_amount <= $20 Class 4 : tip_amount > $20
Regression task: To predict the amount of tip paid for a trip.
To set up your Azure Data Science environment, follow these steps.
Create your own Azure blob storage account
When you provision your own Azure blob storage, choose a geo-location for your Azure blob storage in or as close as possible to South Central US, which is where the NYC Taxi data is stored. The data will be copied using AzCopy from the public blob storage container to a container in your own storage account. The closer your Azure blob storage is to South Central US, the faster this task (Step 4) will be completed.
To create your own Azure storage account, follow the steps outlined at About Azure storage accounts. Be sure to make notes on the values for following storage account credentials as they will be needed later in this walkthrough.
- Storage Account Name
- Storage Account Key
- Container Name (which you want the data to be stored in the Azure blob storage)
Provision your Azure SQL DW instance. Follow the documentation at Create a SQL Data Warehouse to provision a SQL Data Warehouse instance. Make sure that you make notations on the following SQL Data Warehouse credentials which will be used in later steps.
- Server Name: .database.windows.net
- SQLDW (Database) Name
- Username
- Password
Install Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server Data Tools. For instructions, see Install Visual Studio 2015 and/or SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) for SQL Data Warehouse.
Connect to your Azure SQL DW with Visual Studio. For instructions, see steps 1 & 2 in Connect to Azure SQL Data Warehouse with Visual Studio.
Run the following SQL query on the database you created in your SQL Data Warehouse (instead of the query provided in step 3 of the connect topic,) to create a master key.
--Try to create the master key
--If the master key exists, do nothing
Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace under your Azure subscription. For instructions, see Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Open a Windows PowerShell command console. Run the following PowerShell commands to download the example SQL script files that we share with you on Github to a local directory that you specify with the parameter -DestDir. You can change the value of parameter -DestDir to any local directory. If -DestDir does not exist, it will be created by the PowerShell script.
You might need to Run as Administrator when executing the following PowerShell script if your DestDir directory needs Administrator privilege to create or to write to it.
$source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience/master/Misc/SQLDW/Download_Scripts_SQLDW_Walkthrough.ps1"
$ps1_dest = "$pwd\Download_Scripts_SQLDW_Walkthrough.ps1"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($source, $ps1_dest)
.\Download_Scripts_SQLDW_Walkthrough.ps1 –DestDir 'C:\tempSQLDW'
After successful execution, your current working directory changes to -DestDir. You should be able to see screen like below:
In your -DestDir, execute the following PowerShell script in administrator mode:
When the PowerShell script runs for the first time, you will be asked to input the information from your Azure SQL DW and your Azure blob storage account. When this PowerShell script completes running for the first time, the credentials you input will have been written to a configuration file SQLDW.conf in the present working directory. The future run of this PowerShell script file has the option to read all needed parameters from this configuration file. If you need to change some parameters, you can choose to input the parameters on the screen upon prompt by deleting this configuration file and inputting the parameters values as prompted or to change the parameter values by editing the SQLDW.conf file in your -DestDir directory.
In order to avoid schema name conflicts with those that already exist in your Azure SQL DW, when reading parameters directly from the SQLDW.conf file, a 3-digit random number is added to the schema name from the SQLDW.conf file as the default schema name for each run. The PowerShell script may prompt you for a schema name: the name may be specified at user discretion.
This PowerShell script file completes the following tasks:
Downloads and installs AzCopy, if AzCopy is not already installed
$AzCopy_path = SearchAzCopy if ($AzCopy_path -eq $null){ Write-Host "AzCopy.exe is not found in C:\Program Files*. Now, start installing AzCopy..." -ForegroundColor "Yellow" InstallAzCopy $AzCopy_path = SearchAzCopy } $env_path = $env:Path for ($i=0; $i -lt $AzCopy_path.count; $i++){ if ($AzCopy_path.count -eq 1){ $AzCopy_path_i = $AzCopy_path } else { $AzCopy_path_i = $AzCopy_path[$i] } if ($env_path -notlike '*' +$AzCopy_path_i+'*'){ Write-Host $AzCopy_path_i 'not in system path, add it...' [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$AzCopy_path_i;$env_path", "Machine") $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") $env_path = $env:Path }
Copies data to your private blob storage account from the public blob with AzCopy
Write-Host "AzCopy is copying data from public blob to yo storage account. It may take a while..." -ForegroundColor "Yellow" $start_time = Get-Date AzCopy.exe /Source:$Source /Dest:$DestURL /DestKey:$StorageAccountKey /S $end_time = Get-Date $time_span = $end_time - $start_time $total_seconds = [math]::Round($time_span.TotalSeconds,2) Write-Host "AzCopy finished copying data. Please check your storage account to verify." -ForegroundColor "Yellow" Write-Host "This step (copying data from public blob to your storage account) takes $total_seconds seconds." -ForegroundColor "Green"
Loads data using Polybase (by executing LoadDataToSQLDW.sql) to your Azure SQL DW from your private blob storage account with the following commands.
Create a schema
EXEC (''CREATE SCHEMA {schemaname};'');
Create a database scoped credential
CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL {KeyAlias} WITH IDENTITY = ''asbkey'' , Secret = ''{StorageAccountKey}''
Create an external data source for an Azure storage blob
CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE {nyctaxi_trip_storage} WITH ( TYPE = HADOOP, LOCATION =''wasbs://{ContainerName}@{StorageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net'', CREDENTIAL = {KeyAlias} ) ; CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE {nyctaxi_fare_storage} WITH ( TYPE = HADOOP, LOCATION =''wasbs://{ContainerName}@{StorageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net'', CREDENTIAL = {KeyAlias} ) ;
Create an external file format for a csv file. Data is uncompressed and fields are separated with the pipe character.
Create external fare and trip tables for NYC taxi dataset in Azure blob storage.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE {external_nyctaxi_fare} ( medallion varchar(50) not null, hack_license varchar(50) not null, vendor_id char(3), pickup_datetime datetime not null, payment_type char(3), fare_amount float, surcharge float, mta_tax float, tip_amount float, tolls_amount float, total_amount float ) with ( LOCATION = ''/nyctaxifare/'', DATA_SOURCE = {nyctaxi_fare_storage}, FILE_FORMAT = {csv_file_format}, REJECT_TYPE = VALUE, REJECT_VALUE = 12 ) CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE {external_nyctaxi_trip} ( medallion varchar(50) not null, hack_license varchar(50) not null, vendor_id char(3), rate_code char(3), store_and_fwd_flag char(3), pickup_datetime datetime not null, dropoff_datetime datetime, passenger_count int, trip_time_in_secs bigint, trip_distance float, pickup_longitude varchar(30), pickup_latitude varchar(30), dropoff_longitude varchar(30), dropoff_latitude varchar(30) ) with ( LOCATION = ''/nyctaxitrip/'', DATA_SOURCE = {nyctaxi_trip_storage}, FILE_FORMAT = {csv_file_format}, REJECT_TYPE = VALUE, REJECT_VALUE = 12 )
Load data from external tables in Azure blob storage to SQL Data Warehouse
CREATE TABLE {schemaname}.{nyctaxi_fare} WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, DISTRIBUTION = HASH(medallion) ) AS SELECT * FROM {external_nyctaxi_fare} ; CREATE TABLE {schemaname}.{nyctaxi_trip} WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, DISTRIBUTION = HASH(medallion) ) AS SELECT * FROM {external_nyctaxi_trip} ;
Create a sample data table (NYCTaxi_Sample) and insert data to it from selecting SQL queries on the trip and fare tables. (Some steps of this walkthrough needs to use this sample table.)
CREATE TABLE {schemaname}.{nyctaxi_sample} WITH ( CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, DISTRIBUTION = HASH(medallion) ) AS ( SELECT t.*, f.payment_type, f.fare_amount, f.surcharge, f.mta_tax, f.tolls_amount, f.total_amount, f.tip_amount, tipped = CASE WHEN (tip_amount > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, tip_class = CASE WHEN (tip_amount = 0) THEN 0 WHEN (tip_amount > 0 AND tip_amount <= 5) THEN 1 WHEN (tip_amount > 5 AND tip_amount <= 10) THEN 2 WHEN (tip_amount > 10 AND tip_amount <= 20) THEN 3 ELSE 4 END FROM {schemaname}.{nyctaxi_trip} t, {schemaname}.{nyctaxi_fare} f WHERE datepart("mi",t.pickup_datetime) = 1 AND t.medallion = f.medallion AND t.hack_license = f.hack_license AND t.pickup_datetime = f.pickup_datetime AND pickup_longitude <> ''0'' AND dropoff_longitude <> ''0'' ) ;
The geographic location of your storage accounts affects load times.
Depending on the geographical location of your private blob storage account, the process of copying data from a public blob to your private storage account can take about 15 minutes, or even longer,and the process of loading data from your storage account to your Azure SQL DW could take 20 minutes or longer.
You will have to decide what do if you have duplicate source and destination files.
If the .csv files to be copied from the public blob storage to your private blob storage account already exist in your private blob storage account, AzCopy will ask you whether you want to overwrite them. If you do not want to overwrite them, input n when prompted. If you want to overwrite all of them, input a when prompted. You can also input y to overwrite .csv files individually.
You can use your own data. If your data is in your on-premise machine in your real life application, you can still use AzCopy to upload on-premise data to your private Azure blob storage. You only need to change the Source location, $Source = "http://getgoing.blob.core.windows.net/public/nyctaxidataset"
, in the AzCopy command of the PowerShell script file to the local directory that contains your data.
If your data is already in your private Azure blob storage in your real life application, you can skip the AzCopy step in the PowerShell script and directly upload the data to Azure SQL DW. This will require additional edits of the script to tailor it to the format of your data.
This Powershell script also plugs in the Azure SQL DW information into the data exploration example files SQLDW_Explorations.sql, SQLDW_Explorations.ipynb, and SQLDW_Explorations_Scripts.py so that these three files are ready to be tried out instantly after the PowerShell script completes.
After a successful execution, you will see screen like below:
In this section, we perform data exploration and feature generation by running SQL queries against Azure SQL DW directly using Visual Studio Data Tools. All SQL queries used in this section can be found in the sample script named SQLDW_Explorations.sql. This file has already been downloaded to your local directory by the PowerShell script. You can also retrieve it from Github. But the file in Github does not have the Azure SQL DW information plugged in.
Connect to your Azure SQL DW using Visual Studio with the SQL DW login name and password and open up the SQL Object Explorer to confirm the database and tables have been imported. Retrieve the SQLDW_Explorations.sql file.
To open a Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) query editor, use the New Query command while your PDW is selected in the SQL Object Explorer. The standard SQL query editor is not supported by PDW.
Here are the type of data exploration and feature generation tasks performed in this section:
- Explore data distributions of a few fields in varying time windows.
- Investigate data quality of the longitude and latitude fields.
- Generate binary and multiclass classification labels based on the tip_amount.
- Generate features and compute/compare trip distances.
- Join the two tables and extract a random sample that will be used to build models.
These queries provide a quick verification of the number of rows and columns in the tables populated earlier using Polybase's parallel bulk import,
-- Report number of rows in table <nyctaxi_trip> without table scan
SELECT SUM(rows) FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip>')
-- Report number of columns in table <nyctaxi_trip>
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '<nyctaxi_trip>' AND table_schema = '<schemaname>'
Output: You should get 173,179,759 rows and 14 columns.
This example query identifies the medallions (taxi numbers) that completed more than 100 trips within a specified time period. The query would benefit from the partitioned table access since it is conditioned by the partition scheme of pickup_datetime. Querying the full dataset will also make use of the partitioned table and/or index scan.
SELECT medallion, COUNT(*)
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare>
WHERE pickup_datetime BETWEEN '20130101' AND '20130331'
GROUP BY medallion
Output: The query should return a table with rows specifying the 13,369 medallions (taxis) and the number of trip completed by them in 2013. The last column contains the count of the number of trips completed.
This example identifies the medallions (taxi numbers) and hack_license numbers (drivers) that completed more than 100 trips within a specified time period.
SELECT medallion, hack_license, COUNT(*)
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare>
WHERE pickup_datetime BETWEEN '20130101' AND '20130131'
GROUP BY medallion, hack_license
Output: The query should return a table with 13,369 rows specifying the 13,369 car/driver IDs that have completed more that 100 trips in 2013. The last column contains the count of the number of trips completed.
This example investigates if any of the longitude and/or latitude fields either contain an invalid value (radian degrees should be between -90 and 90), or have (0, 0) coordinates.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip>
WHERE pickup_datetime BETWEEN '20130101' AND '20130331'
AND (CAST(pickup_longitude AS float) NOT BETWEEN -90 AND 90
OR CAST(pickup_latitude AS float) NOT BETWEEN -90 AND 90
OR CAST(dropoff_longitude AS float) NOT BETWEEN -90 AND 90
OR CAST(dropoff_latitude AS float) NOT BETWEEN -90 AND 90
OR (pickup_longitude = '0' AND pickup_latitude = '0')
OR (dropoff_longitude = '0' AND dropoff_latitude = '0'))
Output: The query returns 837,467 trips that have invalid longitude and/or latitude fields.
This example finds the number of trips that were tipped vs. the number that were not tipped in a specified time period (or in the full dataset if covering the full year as it is set up here). This distribution reflects the binary label distribution to be later used for binary classification modeling.
SELECT tipped, COUNT(*) AS tip_freq FROM (
SELECT CASE WHEN (tip_amount > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS tipped, tip_amount
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare>
WHERE pickup_datetime BETWEEN '20130101' AND '20131231') tc
GROUP BY tipped
Output: The query should return the following tip frequencies for the year 2013: 90,447,622 tipped and 82,264,709 not-tipped.
This example computes the distribution of tip ranges in a given time period (or in the full dataset if covering the full year). This is the distribution of the label classes that will be used later for multiclass classification modeling.
SELECT tip_class, COUNT(*) AS tip_freq FROM (
WHEN (tip_amount = 0) THEN 0
WHEN (tip_amount > 0 AND tip_amount <= 5) THEN 1
WHEN (tip_amount > 5 AND tip_amount <= 10) THEN 2
WHEN (tip_amount > 10 AND tip_amount <= 20) THEN 3
END AS tip_class
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare>
WHERE pickup_datetime BETWEEN '20130101' AND '20131231') tc
GROUP BY tip_class
tip_class | tip_freq |
1 | 82230915 |
2 | 6198803 |
3 | 1932223 |
0 | 82264625 |
4 | 85765 |
This example converts the pickup and drop-off longitude and latitude to SQL geography points, computes the trip distance using SQL geography points difference, and returns a random sample of the results for comparison. The example limits the results to valid coordinates only using the data quality assessment query covered earlier.
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnCalculateDistance] ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type IN ('FN', 'IF') AND name = 'fnCalculateDistance')
DROP FUNCTION fnCalculateDistance
-- User-defined function to calculate the direct distance in mile between two geographical coordinates.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnCalculateDistance] (@Lat1 float, @Long1 float, @Lat2 float, @Long2 float)
DECLARE @distance decimal(28, 10)
-- Convert to radians
SET @Lat1 = @Lat1 / 57.2958
SET @Long1 = @Long1 / 57.2958
SET @Lat2 = @Lat2 / 57.2958
SET @Long2 = @Long2 / 57.2958
-- Calculate distance
SET @distance = (SIN(@Lat1) * SIN(@Lat2)) + (COS(@Lat1) * COS(@Lat2) * COS(@Long2 - @Long1))
--Convert to miles
IF @distance <> 0
SET @distance = 3958.75 * ATAN(SQRT(1 - POWER(@distance, 2)) / @distance);
RETURN @distance
SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude,
dbo.fnCalculateDistance(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude) AS DirectDistance
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip>
WHERE datepart("mi",pickup_datetime)=1
AND CAST(pickup_latitude AS float) BETWEEN -90 AND 90
AND CAST(dropoff_latitude AS float) BETWEEN -90 AND 90
AND pickup_longitude != '0' AND dropoff_longitude != '0'
Sometimes SQL functions can be an efficient option for feature engineering. In this walkthrough, we defined a SQL function to calculate the direct distance between the pickup and dropoff locations. You can run the following SQL scripts in Visual Studio Data Tools.
Here is the SQL script that defines the distance function.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type IN ('FN', 'IF') AND name = 'fnCalculateDistance')
DROP FUNCTION fnCalculateDistance
-- User-defined function calculate the direct distance between two geographical coordinates.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnCalculateDistance] (@Lat1 float, @Long1 float, @Lat2 float, @Long2 float)
DECLARE @distance decimal(28, 10)
-- Convert to radians
SET @Lat1 = @Lat1 / 57.2958
SET @Long1 = @Long1 / 57.2958
SET @Lat2 = @Lat2 / 57.2958
SET @Long2 = @Long2 / 57.2958
-- Calculate distance
SET @distance = (SIN(@Lat1) * SIN(@Lat2)) + (COS(@Lat1) * COS(@Lat2) * COS(@Long2 - @Long1))
--Convert to miles
IF @distance <> 0
SET @distance = 3958.75 * ATAN(SQRT(1 - POWER(@distance, 2)) / @distance);
RETURN @distance
Here is an example to call this function to generate features in your SQL query:
-- Sample query to call the function to create features
SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude,
dbo.fnCalculateDistance(pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, dropoff_longitude) AS DirectDistance
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip>
WHERE datepart("mi",pickup_datetime)=1
AND CAST(pickup_latitude AS float) BETWEEN -90 AND 90
AND CAST(dropoff_latitude AS float) BETWEEN -90 AND 90
AND pickup_longitude != '0' AND dropoff_longitude != '0'
Output: This query generates a table (with 2,803,538 rows) with pickup and dropoff latitudes and longitudes and the corresponding direct distances in miles. Here are the results for first 3 rows:
pickup_latitude | pickup_longitude | dropoff_latitude | dropoff_longitude | DirectDistance | |
1 | 40.731804 | -74.001083 | 40.736622 | -73.988953 | .7169601222 |
2 | 40.715794 | -74,010635 | 40.725338 | -74.00399 | .7448343721 |
3 | 40.761456 | -73.999886 | 40.766544 | -73.988228 | 0.7037227967 |
The following query joins the nyctaxi_trip and nyctaxi_fare tables, generates a binary classification label tipped, a multi-class classification label tip_class, and extracts a sample from the full joined dataset. The sampling is done by retrieving a subset of the trips based on pickup time. This query can be copied then pasted directly in the Azure Machine Learning Studio Import Data module for direct data ingestion from the SQL database instance in Azure. The query excludes records with incorrect (0, 0) coordinates.
SELECT t.*, f.payment_type, f.fare_amount, f.surcharge, f.mta_tax, f.tolls_amount, f.total_amount, f.tip_amount,
CASE WHEN (tip_amount > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS tipped,
CASE WHEN (tip_amount = 0) THEN 0
WHEN (tip_amount > 0 AND tip_amount <= 5) THEN 1
WHEN (tip_amount > 5 AND tip_amount <= 10) THEN 2
WHEN (tip_amount > 10 AND tip_amount <= 20) THEN 3
END AS tip_class
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip> t, <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare> f
WHERE datepart("mi",t.pickup_datetime) = 1
AND t.medallion = f.medallion
AND t.hack_license = f.hack_license
AND t.pickup_datetime = f.pickup_datetime
AND pickup_longitude != '0' AND dropoff_longitude != '0'
When you are ready to proceed to Azure Machine Learning, you may either:
- Save the final SQL query to extract and sample the data and copy-paste the query directly into a Import Data module in Azure Machine Learning, or
- Persist the sampled and engineered data you plan to use for model building in a new SQL DW table and use the new table in the Import Data module in Azure Machine Learning. The PowerShell script in earlier step has done this for you. You can read directly from this table in the Import Data module.
In this section, we will perform data exploration and feature generation using both Python and SQL queries against the SQL DW created earlier. A sample IPython notebook named SQLDW_Explorations.ipynb and a Python script file SQLDW_Explorations_Scripts.py have been downloaded to your local directory. They are also available on GitHub. These two files are identical in Python scripts. The Python script file is provided to you in case you do not have an IPython Notebook server. These two sample Python files are designed under Python 2.7.
The needed Azure SQL DW information in the sample IPython Notebook and the Python script file downloaded to your local machine has been plugged in by the PowerShell script previously. They are executable without any modification.
If you have already set up an AzureML workspace, you can directly upload the sample IPython Notebook to the AzureML IPython Notebook service and start running it. Here are the steps to upload to AzureML IPython Notebook service:
Log in to your AzureML workspace, click "Studio" at the top, and click "NOTEBOOKS" on the left side of the web page.
Click "NEW" on the left bottom corner of the web page, and select "Python 2". Then, provide a name to the notebook and click the check mark to create the new blank IPython Notebook.
Click the "Jupyter" symbol on the left top corner of the new IPython Notebook.
Drag and drop the sample IPython Notebook to the tree page of your AzureML IPython Notebook service, and click Upload. Then, the sample IPython Notebook will be uploaded to the AzureML IPython Notebook service.
In order to run the sample IPython Notebook or the Python script file, the following Python packages are needed. If you are using the AzureML IPython Notebook service, these packages have been pre-installed.
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- pyodbc
- PyTables
The recommended sequence when building advanced analytical solutions on AzureML with large data is the following:
- Read in a small sample of the data into an in-memory data frame.
- Perform some visualizations and explorations using the sampled data.
- Experiment with feature engineering using the sampled data.
- For larger data exploration, data manipulation and feature engineering, use Python to issue SQL Queries directly against the SQL DW.
- Decide the sample size to be suitable for Azure Machine Learning model building.
The followings are a few data exploration, data visualization, and feature engineering examples. More data explorations can be found in the sample IPython Notebook and the sample Python script file.
Initialize your database connection settings in the following variables:
SERVER_NAME=<server name>
DATABASE_NAME=<database name>
USERID=<user name>
DB_DRIVER = <database driver>
Here is the connection string that creates the connection to the database.
conn = pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING)
nrows = pd.read_sql('''
SELECT SUM(rows) FROM sys.partitions
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip>')
''', conn)
print 'Total number of rows = %d' % nrows.iloc[0,0]
ncols = pd.read_sql('''
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = ('<nyctaxi_trip>') AND table_schema = ('<schemaname>')
''', conn)
print 'Total number of columns = %d' % ncols.iloc[0,0]
- Total number of rows = 173179759
- Total number of columns = 14
nrows = pd.read_sql('''
SELECT SUM(rows) FROM sys.partitions
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare>')
''', conn)
print 'Total number of rows = %d' % nrows.iloc[0,0]
ncols = pd.read_sql('''
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = ('<nyctaxi_fare>') AND table_schema = ('<schemaname>')
''', conn)
print 'Total number of columns = %d' % ncols.iloc[0,0]
- Total number of rows = 173179759
- Total number of columns = 11
t0 = time.time()
query = '''
SELECT TOP 10000 t.*, f.payment_type, f.fare_amount, f.surcharge, f.mta_tax,
f.tolls_amount, f.total_amount, f.tip_amount
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_trip> t, <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_fare> f
WHERE datepart("mi",t.pickup_datetime) = 1
AND t.medallion = f.medallion
AND t.hack_license = f.hack_license
AND t.pickup_datetime = f.pickup_datetime
df1 = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
t1 = time.time()
print 'Time to read the sample table is %f seconds' % (t1-t0)
print 'Number of rows and columns retrieved = (%d, %d)' % (df1.shape[0], df1.shape[1])
Time to read the sample table is 14.096495 seconds.
Number of rows and columns retrieved = (1000, 21).
Now you are ready to explore the sampled data. We start with looking at some descriptive statistics for the trip_distance (or any other fields you choose to specify).
Next we look at the box plot for the trip distance to visualize the quantiles.
Plots that visualize the distribution and a histogram for the sampled trip distances.
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
df1['trip_distance'].plot(ax=ax1,kind='kde', style='b-')
df1['trip_distance'].hist(ax=ax2, bins=100, color='k')
In this example, we bin the trip distance into five bins and visualize the binning results.
trip_dist_bins = [0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 1000]
trip_dist_bin_id = pd.cut(df1['trip_distance'], trip_dist_bins)
We can plot the above bin distribution in a bar or line plot with:
We show scatter plot between trip_time_in_secs and trip_distance to see if there is any correlation
plt.scatter(df1['trip_time_in_secs'], df1['trip_distance'])
Similarly we can check the relationship between rate_code and trip_distance.
plt.scatter(df1['passenger_count'], df1['trip_distance'])
In this section, we explore data distributions using the sampled data which is persisted in the new table we created above. Note that similar explorations can be performed using the original tables.
nrows = pd.read_sql('''SELECT SUM(rows) FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>')''', conn)
print 'Number of rows in sample = %d' % nrows.iloc[0,0]
ncols = pd.read_sql('''SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ('<nyctaxi_sample>') AND table_schema = '<schemaname>'''', conn)
print 'Number of columns in sample = %d' % ncols.iloc[0,0]
query = '''
SELECT tipped, count(*) AS tip_freq
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>
GROUP BY tipped
pd.read_sql(query, conn)
query = '''
SELECT tip_class, count(*) AS tip_freq
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>
GROUP BY tip_class
tip_class_dist = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
query = '''
SELECT CONVERT(date, dropoff_datetime) AS date, COUNT(*) AS c
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>
GROUP BY CONVERT(date, dropoff_datetime)
query = '''
SELECT medallion,count(*) AS c
FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>
GROUP BY medallion
query = '''select medallion, hack_license,count(*) from <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample> group by medallion, hack_license'''
query = '''select trip_time_in_secs, count(*) from <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample> group by trip_time_in_secs order by count(*) desc'''
query = '''select floor(trip_distance/5)*5 as tripbin, count(*) from <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample> group by floor(trip_distance/5)*5 order by count(*) desc'''
query = '''select payment_type,count(*) from <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample> group by payment_type'''
query = '''SELECT TOP 100 * FROM <schemaname>.<nyctaxi_sample>'''
We are now ready to proceed to model building and model deployment in Azure Machine Learning. The data is ready to be used in any of the prediction problems identified earlier, namely:
- Binary classification: To predict whether or not a tip was paid for a trip.
- Multiclass classification: To predict the range of tip paid, according to the previously defined classes.
- Regression task: To predict the amount of tip paid for a trip.
To begin the modeling exercise, log in to your Azure Machine Learning workspace. If you have not yet created a machine learning workspace, see Create an Azure ML workspace.
- To get started with Azure Machine Learning, see What is Azure Machine Learning Studio?
- Log in to Azure Machine Learning Studio.
- The Studio Home page provides a wealth of information, videos, tutorials, links to the Modules Reference, and other resources. For more information about Azure Machine Learning, consult the Azure Machine Learning Documentation Center.
A typical training experiment consists of the following steps:
- Create a +NEW experiment.
- Get the data into Azure ML.
- Pre-process, transform and manipulate the data as needed.
- Generate features as needed.
- Split the data into training/validation/testing datasets(or have separate datasets for each).
- Select one or more machine learning algorithms depending on the learning problem to solve. E.g., binary classification, multiclass classification, regression.
- Train one or more models using the training dataset.
- Score the validation dataset using the trained model(s).
- Evaluate the model(s) to compute the relevant metrics for the learning problem.
- Fine tune the model(s) and select the best model to deploy.
In this exercise, we have already explored and engineered the data in SQL Data Warehouse, and decided on the sample size to ingest in Azure ML. Here is the procedure to build one or more of the prediction models:
Get the data into Azure ML using the Import Data module, available in the Data Input and Output section. For more information, see the Import Data module reference page.
Select Azure SQL Database as the Data source in the Properties panel.
Enter the database DNS name in the Database server name field. Format:
Enter the Database name in the corresponding field.
Enter the SQL user name in the Server user account name, and the password in the Server user account password.
Check the Accept any server certificate option.
In the Database query edit text area, paste the query which extracts the necessary database fields (including any computed fields such as the labels) and down samples the data to the desired sample size.
An example of a binary classification experiment reading data directly from the SQL Data Warehouse database is in the figure below (remember to replace the table names nyctaxi_trip and nyctaxi_fare by the schema name and the table names you used in your walkthrough). Similar experiments can be constructed for multiclass classification and regression problems.
In the modeling data extraction and sampling query examples provided in previous sections, all labels for the three modeling exercises are included in the query. An important (required) step in each of the modeling exercises is to exclude the unnecessary labels for the other two problems, and any other target leaks. For example, when using binary classification, use the label tipped and exclude the fields tip_class, tip_amount, and total_amount. The latter are target leaks since they imply the tip paid.
To exclude any unnecessary columns or target leaks, you may use the Select Columns in Dataset module or the Edit Metadata. For more information, see Select Columns in Dataset and Edit Metadata reference pages.
When your model is ready, you can easily deploy it as a web service directly from the experiment. For more information about deploying Azure ML web services, see Deploy an Azure Machine Learning web service.
To deploy a new web service, you need to:
- Create a scoring experiment.
- Deploy the web service.
To create a scoring experiment from a Finished training experiment, click CREATE SCORING EXPERIMENT in the lower action bar.
Azure Machine Learning will attempt to create a scoring experiment based on the components of the training experiment. In particular, it will:
- Save the trained model and remove the model training modules.
- Identify a logical input port to represent the expected input data schema.
- Identify a logical output port to represent the expected web service output schema.
When the scoring experiment is created, review it and make adjust as needed. A typical adjustment is to replace the input dataset and/or query with one which excludes label fields, as these will not be available when the service is called. It is also a good practice to reduce the size of the input dataset and/or query to a few records, just enough to indicate the input schema. For the output port, it is common to exclude all input fields and only include the Scored Labels and Scored Probabilities in the output using the Select Columns in Dataset module.
A sample scoring experiment is provided in the figure below. When ready to deploy, click the PUBLISH WEB SERVICE button in the lower action bar.
To recap what we have done in this walkthrough tutorial, you have created an Azure data science environment, worked with a large public dataset, taking it through the Team Data Science Process, all the way from data acquisition to model training, and then to the deployment of an Azure Machine Learning web service.
This sample walkthrough and its accompanying scripts and IPython notebook(s) are shared by Microsoft under the MIT license. Please check the LICENSE.txt file in in the directory of the sample code on GitHub for more details.
• Andrés Monroy NYC Taxi Trips Download Page
• FOILing NYC’s Taxi Trip Data by Chris Whong
• NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission Research and Statistics