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Enabling storage metrics in the Azure Portal | Microsoft Docs |
How to enable storage metrics for the Blob, Queue, Table, and File services |
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08/03/2016 |
robinsh |
[!INCLUDE storage-selector-portal-enable-and-view-metrics]
By default, Storage Metrics is not enabled for your storage services. You can enable monitoring via the Azure Portal or Windows PowerShell, or programmatically via the storage client library.
When you enable Storage Metrics, you must choose a retention period for the data: this period determines for how long the storage service keeps the metrics and charges you for the space required to store them. Typically, you should use a shorter retention period for minute metrics than hourly metrics because of the significant extra space required for minute metrics. You should choose a retention period such that you have sufficient time to analyze the data and download any metrics you wish to keep for off-line analysis or reporting purposes. Remember that you will also be billed for downloading metrics data from your storage account.
Follow these steps to enable metrics in the Azure Portal:
- Navigate to your storage account.
- Open the Settings blade and select Diagnostics.
- Ensure that Status is set to On.
- Select the metrics for the services you wish to monitor.
- Specify a retention policy to indicate how long to retain metrics and log data.
Note that the Azure Portal does not currently enable you to configure minute metrics in your storage account; you must enable minute metrics using PowerShell or programmatically.
You can use PowerShell on your local machine to configure Storage Metrics in your storage account by using the Azure PowerShell cmdlet Get-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty to retrieve the current settings, and the cmdlet Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty to change the current settings.
The cmdlets that control Storage Metrics use the following parameters:
- MetricsType: possible values are Hour and Minute.
- ServiceType: possible values are Blob, Queue, and Table.
- MetricsLevel: possible values are None, Service, and ServiceAndApi.
For example, the following command switches on minute metrics for the Blob service in your default storage account with the retention period set to five days:
Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty -MetricsType Minute -ServiceType Blob -MetricsLevel ServiceAndApi -RetentionDays 5`
The following command retrieves the current hourly metrics level and retention days for the blob service in your default storage account:
Get-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty -MetricsType Hour -ServiceType Blob
For information about how to configure the Azure PowerShell cmdlets to work with your Azure subscription and how to select the default storage account to use, see: How to install and configure Azure PowerShell.
The following C# snippet shows how to enable metrics and logging for the Blob service using the storage client library for .NET:
//Parse the connection string for the storage account.
const string ConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=account-name;AccountKey=account-key";
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConnectionString);
// Create service client for credentialed access to the Blob service.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Enable Storage Analytics logging and set retention policy to 10 days.
ServiceProperties properties = new ServiceProperties();
properties.Logging.LoggingOperations = LoggingOperations.All;
properties.Logging.RetentionDays = 10;
properties.Logging.Version = "1.0";
// Configure service properties for metrics. Both metrics and logging must be set at the same time.
properties.HourMetrics.MetricsLevel = MetricsLevel.ServiceAndApi;
properties.HourMetrics.RetentionDays = 10;
properties.HourMetrics.Version = "1.0";
properties.MinuteMetrics.MetricsLevel = MetricsLevel.ServiceAndApi;
properties.MinuteMetrics.RetentionDays = 10;
properties.MinuteMetrics.Version = "1.0";
// Set the default service version to be used for anonymous requests.
properties.DefaultServiceVersion = "2015-04-05";
// Set the service properties.
After you configure Storage Analytics metrics to monitor your storage account, Storage Analytics records the metrics in a set of well-known tables in your storage account. You can configure charts to view hourly metrics in the Azure Portal:
- Navigate to your storage account in the Azure Portal.
- In the Monitoring section, click Add Tiles to add a new chart. In the Tile Gallery, select the metric you want to view, and drag it to the Monitoring section.
- To edit which metrics are displayed in a chart, click the Edit link. You can add or remove individual metrics by selecting or deselecting them.
- Click Save when you've finished editing metrics.
If you want to download the metrics for long-term storage or to analyze them locally, you will need to:
- Use a tool that is aware of these tables and will allow you to view and download them.
- Write a custom application or script to read and store the tables.
Many third-party storage-browsing tools are aware of these tables and enable you to view them directly. Please see Azure Storage Explorers for a list of available tools.
Starting with version 0.8.0 of the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, you will now be able to view and download the analytics metrics tables.
In order to access the analytics tables programmatically, do note that the analytics tables do not appear if you list all the tables in your storage account. You can either access them directly by name, or use the CloudAnalyticsClient API in the .NET client library to query the table names.
- $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsBlob
- $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsTable
- $MetricsHourPrimaryTransactionsQueue
- $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsBlob
- $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsTable
- $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsQueue
- $MetricsCapacityBlob
You can find full details of the schemas for these tables at Storage Analytics Metrics Table Schema. The sample rows below show only a subset of the columns available, but illustrate some important features of the way Storage Metrics saves these metrics:
PartitionKey | RowKey | Timestamp | TotalRequests | TotalBillableRequests | TotalIngress | TotalEgress | Availability | AverageE2ELatency | AverageServerLatency | PercentSuccess |
20140522T1100 | user;All | 2014-05-22T11:01:16.7650250Z | 7 | 7 | 4003 | 46801 | 100 | 104.4286 | 6.857143 | 100 |
20140522T1100 | user;QueryEntities | 2014-05-22T11:01:16.7640250Z | 5 | 5 | 2694 | 45951 | 100 | 143.8 | 7.8 | 100 |
20140522T1100 | user;QueryEntity | 2014-05-22T11:01:16.7650250Z | 1 | 1 | 538 | 633 | 100 | 3 | 3 | 100 |
20140522T1100 | user;UpdateEntity | 2014-05-22T11:01:16.7650250Z | 1 | 1 | 771 | 217 | 100 | 9 | 6 | 100 |
In this example minute metrics data, the partition key uses the time at minute resolution. The row key identifies the type of information that is stored in the row and this is composed of two pieces of information, the access type, and the request type:
- The access type is either user or system, where user refers to all user requests to the storage service, and system refers to requests made by Storage Analytics.
- The request type is either all in which case it is a summary line, or it identifies the specific API such as QueryEntity or UpdateEntity.
The sample data above shows all the records for a single minute (starting at 11:00AM), so the number of QueryEntities requests plus the number of QueryEntity requests plus the number of UpdateEntity requests add up to seven, which is the total shown on the user:All row. Similarly, you can derive the average end-to-end latency 104.4286 on the user:All row by calculating ((143.8 * 5) + 3 + 9)/7.
You should consider setting up alerts in the Azure Portal on the Monitor page so that Storage Metrics can automatically notify you of any important changes in the behavior of your storage services.If you use a storage explorer tool to download this metrics data in a delimited format, you can use Microsoft Excel to analyze the data. See the blog post Microsoft Azure Storage Explorers for a list of available storage explorer tools.
The following listing shows sample C# code that accesses the minute metrics for a range of minutes and displays the results in a console Window. It uses the Azure Storage Library version 4 that includes the CloudAnalyticsClient class that simplifies accessing the metrics tables in storage.
private static void PrintMinuteMetrics(CloudAnalyticsClient analyticsClient, DateTimeOffset startDateTime, DateTimeOffset endDateTime)
// Convert the dates to the format used in the PartitionKey
var start = startDateTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmm");
var end = endDateTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmm");
var services = Enum.GetValues(typeof(StorageService));
foreach (StorageService service in services)
Console.WriteLine("Minute Metrics for Service {0} from {1} to {2} UTC", service, start, end);
var metricsQuery = analyticsClient.CreateMinuteMetricsQuery(service, StorageLocation.Primary);
var t = analyticsClient.GetMinuteMetricsTable(service);
var opContext = new OperationContext();
var query =
from entity in metricsQuery
// Note, you can't filter using the entity properties Time, AccessType, or TransactionType
// because they are calculated fields in the MetricsEntity class.
// The PartitionKey identifies the DataTime of the metrics.
where entity.PartitionKey.CompareTo(start) >= 0 && entity.PartitionKey.CompareTo(end) <= 0
select entity;
// Filter on "user" transactions after fetching the metrics from Table Storage.
// (StartsWith is not supported using LINQ with Azure table storage)
var results = query.ToList().Where(m => m.RowKey.StartsWith("user"));
var resultString = results.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (builder, metrics) => builder.AppendLine(MetricsString(metrics, opContext))).ToString();
private static string MetricsString(MetricsEntity entity, OperationContext opContext)
var entityProperties = entity.WriteEntity(opContext);
var entityString =
string.Format("Time: {0}, ", entity.Time) +
string.Format("AccessType: {0}, ", entity.AccessType) +
string.Format("TransactionType: {0}, ", entity.TransactionType) +
string.Join(",", entityProperties.Select(e => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(e.Key.ToString(), e.Value.PropertyAsObject.ToString())));
return entityString;
Write requests to create table entities for metrics are charged at the standard rates applicable to all Azure Storage operations.
Read and delete requests by a client to metrics data are also billable at standard rates. If you have configured a data retention policy, you are not charged when Azure Storage deletes old metrics data. However, if you delete analytics data, your account is charged for the delete operations.
The capacity used by the metrics tables is also billable: you can use the following to estimate the amount of capacity used for storing metrics data:
- If each hour a service utilizes every API in every service, then approximately 148KB of data is stored every hour in the metrics transaction tables if you have enabled both service and API level summary.
- If each hour a service utilizes every API in every service, then approximately 12KB of data is stored every hour in the metrics transaction tables if you have enabled just service level summary.
- The capacity table for blobs has two rows added each day (provided user has opted in for logs): this implies that every day the size of this table increases by up to approximately 300 bytes.