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How to use Queue storage from Node.js | Microsoft Docs |
Learn how to use the Azure Queue service to create and delete queues, and insert, get, and delete messages. Samples written in Node.js. |
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nodejs |
robinsh |
timlt |
tysonn |
a8a92db0-4333-43dd-a116-28b3147ea401 |
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nodejs |
article |
12/08/2016 |
robinsh |
[!INCLUDE storage-selector-queue-include]
[!INCLUDE storage-try-azure-tools-queues]
This guide shows you how to perform common scenarios using the Microsoft Azure Queue service. The samples are written using the Node.js API. The scenarios covered include inserting, peeking, getting, and deleting queue messages, as well as creating and deleting queues.
[!INCLUDE storage-queue-concepts-include]
[!INCLUDE storage-create-account-include]
Create a blank Node.js application. For instructions creating a Node.js application, see Create a Node.js web app in Azure App Service, Build and deploy a Node.js application to an Azure Cloud Service using Windows PowerShell, or Build and deploy a Node.js web app to Azure using Web Matrix.
To use Azure storage, you need the Azure Storage SDK for Node.js, which includes a set of convenience libraries that communicate with the storage REST services.
Use a command-line interface such as PowerShell (Windows,) Terminal (Mac,) or Bash (Unix), navigate to the folder where you created your sample application.
Type npm install azure-storage in the command window. Output from the command is similar to the following example.
[email protected] node_modules\azure-storage +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) +-- [email protected] ([email protected]) +-- [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
You can manually run the ls command to verify that a node_modules folder was created. Inside that folder you will find the azure-storage package, which contains the libraries you need to access storage.
Using Notepad or another text editor, add the following to the top the server.js file of the application where you intend to use storage:
var azure = require('azure-storage');
The azure module will read the environment variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY, or AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING for information required to connect to your Azure storage account. If these environment variables are not set, you must specify the account information when calling createQueueService.
For an example of setting the environment variables in the Azure Portal for an Azure Website, see Node.js web app using the Azure Table Service.
The following code creates a QueueService object, which enables you to work with queues.
var queueSvc = azure.createQueueService();
Use the createQueueIfNotExists method, which returns the specified queue if it already exists or creates a new queue with the specified name if it does not already exist.
queueSvc.createQueueIfNotExists('myqueue', function(error, result, response){
// Queue created or exists
If the queue is created, result.created
is true. If the queue exists, result.created
is false.
Optional filtering operations can be applied to operations performed using QueueService. Filtering operations can include logging, automatically retrying, etc. Filters are objects that implement a method with the signature:
function handle (requestOptions, next)
After doing its preprocessing on the request options, the method needs to call "next" passing a callback with the following signature:
function (returnObject, finalCallback, next)
In this callback, and after processing the returnObject (the response from the request to the server), the callback needs to either invoke next if it exists to continue processing other filters or simply invoke finalCallback otherwise to end up the service invocation.
Two filters that implement retry logic are included with the Azure SDK for Node.js, ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter and LinearRetryPolicyFilter. The following creates a QueueService object that uses the ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter:
var retryOperations = new azure.ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter();
var queueSvc = azure.createQueueService().withFilter(retryOperations);
To insert a message into a queue, use the createMessage method to create a new message and add it to the queue.
queueSvc.createMessage('myqueue', "Hello world!", function(error, result, response){
// Message inserted
You can peek at the message in the front of a queue without removing it from the queue by calling the peekMessages method. By default, peekMessages peeks at a single message.
queueSvc.peekMessages('myqueue', function(error, result, response){
// Message text is in messages[0].messageText
The result
contains the message.
Using peekMessages when there are no messages in the queue will not return an error, however no messages will be returned.
Processing a message is a two-stage process:
- Dequeue the message.
- Delete the message.
To dequeue a message, use getMessages. This makes the messages invisible in the queue, so no other clients can process them. Once your application has processed a message, call deleteMessage to delete it from the queue. The following example gets a message, then deletes it:
queueSvc.getMessages('myqueue', function(error, result, response){
// Message text is in messages[0].messageText
var message = result[0];
queueSvc.deleteMessage('myqueue', message.messageId, message.popReceipt, function(error, response){
//message deleted
By default, a message is only hidden for 30 seconds, after which it is visible to other clients. You can specify a different value by using options.visibilityTimeout
with getMessages.
[!NOTE] Using getMessages when there are no messages in the queue will not return an error, however no messages will be returned.
You can change the contents of a message in-place in the queue using updateMessage. The following example updates the text of a message:
queueSvc.getMessages('myqueue', function(error, result, response){
// Got the message
var message = result[0];
queueSvc.updateMessage('myqueue', message.messageId, message.popReceipt, 10, {messageText: 'new text'}, function(error, result, response){
// Message updated successfully
There are two ways you can customize message retrieval from a queue:
- Retrieve a batch of messages (up to 32.)options.visibilityTimeout
- Set a longer or shorter invisibility timeout.
The following example uses the getMessages method to get 15 messages in one call. Then it processes each message using a for loop. It also sets the invisibility timeout to five minutes for all messages returned by this method.
queueSvc.getMessages('myqueue', {numOfMessages: 15, visibilityTimeout: 5 * 60}, function(error, result, response){
// Messages retreived
for(var index in result){
// text is available in result[index].messageText
var message = result[index];
queueSvc.deleteMessage(queueName, message.messageId, message.popReceipt, function(error, response){
// Message deleted
The getQueueMetadata returns metadata about the queue, including the approximate number of messages waiting in the queue.
queueSvc.getQueueMetadata('myqueue', function(error, result, response){
// Queue length is available in result.approximateMessageCount
To retrieve a list of queues, use listQueuesSegmented. To retrieve a list filtered by a specific prefix, use listQueuesSegmentedWithPrefix.
queueSvc.listQueuesSegmented(null, function(error, result, response){
// result.entries contains the list of queues
If all queues cannot be returned, result.continuationToken
can be used as the first parameter of listQueuesSegmented or the second parameter of listQueuesSegmentedWithPrefix to retrieve more results.
To delete a queue and all the messages contained in it, call the deleteQueue method on the queue object.
queueSvc.deleteQueue(queueName, function(error, response){
// Queue has been deleted
To clear all messages from a queue without deleting it, use clearMessages.
Shared Access Signatures (SAS) are a secure way to provide granular access to queues without providing your storage account name or keys. SAS are often used to provide limited access to your queues, such as allowing a mobile app to submit messages.
A trusted application such as a cloud-based service generates a SAS using the generateSharedAccessSignature of the QueueService, and provides it to an untrusted or semi-trusted application. For example, a mobile app. The SAS is generated using a policy, which describes the start and end dates during which the SAS is valid, as well as the access level granted to the SAS holder.
The following example generates a new shared access policy that will allow the SAS holder to add messages to the queue, and expires 100 minutes after the time it is created.
var startDate = new Date();
var expiryDate = new Date(startDate);
expiryDate.setMinutes(startDate.getMinutes() + 100);
startDate.setMinutes(startDate.getMinutes() - 100);
var sharedAccessPolicy = {
AccessPolicy: {
Permissions: azure.QueueUtilities.SharedAccessPermissions.ADD,
Start: startDate,
Expiry: expiryDate
var queueSAS = queueSvc.generateSharedAccessSignature('myqueue', sharedAccessPolicy);
var host = queueSvc.host;
Note that the host information must be provided also, as it is required when the SAS holder attempts to access the queue.
The client application then uses the SAS with QueueServiceWithSAS to perform operations against the queue. The following example connects to the queue and creates a message.
var sharedQueueService = azure.createQueueServiceWithSas(host, queueSAS);
sharedQueueService.createMessage('myqueue', 'Hello world from SAS!', function(error, result, response){
//message added
Since the SAS was generated with add access, if an attempt were made to read, update or delete messages, an error would be returned.
You can also use an Access Control List (ACL) to set the access policy for a SAS. This is useful if you wish to allow multiple clients to access the queue, but provide different access policies for each client.
An ACL is implemented using an array of access policies, with an ID associated with each policy. The following example defines two policies; one for 'user1' and one for 'user2':
var sharedAccessPolicy = {
user1: {
Permissions: azure.QueueUtilities.SharedAccessPermissions.PROCESS,
Start: startDate,
Expiry: expiryDate
user2: {
Permissions: azure.QueueUtilities.SharedAccessPermissions.ADD,
Start: startDate,
Expiry: expiryDate
The following example gets the current ACL for myqueue, then adds the new policies using setQueueAcl. This approach allows:
var extend = require('extend');
queueSvc.getQueueAcl('myqueue', function(error, result, response) {
var newSignedIdentifiers = extend(true, result.signedIdentifiers, sharedAccessPolicy);
queueSvc.setQueueAcl('myqueue', newSignedIdentifiers, function(error, result, response){
// ACL set
Once the ACL has been set, you can then create a SAS based on the ID for a policy. The following example creates a new SAS for 'user2':
queueSAS = queueSvc.generateSharedAccessSignature('myqueue', { Id: 'user2' });
Now that you've learned the basics of queue storage, follow these links to learn about more complex storage tasks.
- Visit the Azure Storage Team Blog.
- Visit the Azure Storage SDK for Node repository on GitHub.