Highly available sequential number generator backed by Cosmos DB with guaranteed uniqueness.
Free numbers here!
PUT https://numberservice-aue.azurewebsites.net/api/numbers/free
- Each request for a new number must return a number that is unique and one greater than the last number generated (for all clients).
- Number should be able to be seeded (start at 10,000 for example), but only the first time it is generated
- Number service must be highly available with an uptime of around 99.99%, or less than 5 minutes of total downtime per month.
- RTO = minutes
- RPO = 0
Number generation requires a strong write. It is not possible to have a strong write and multiple write regions, even with a consensus algorithm (not even Cosmos DB offers strong multi-region writes).
The Google Chubby lock service is actually a single write region service. It orchestrates a master1. The read replicas (which may be thousands of miles away) are mirrors and are eventually consistent. This is OK because chubby is essentially a consistent cache lock service.
Phase 1 fulfils the sequential guarantee requirement with Azure Cosmos DB and Functions at a cost of ~NZ$75 per month for 28 numbers per second.
- 1 Cosmos DB Region. Zone Redundant.
- 1 Azure Functions (consumption) region
- 99.94% uptime. No region failover
- RPO and RTO for Zone failure = 0
- RPO for Region failure could be hours and RTO for Region failure could be days, assuming the Region never recovers. However an RPO of 0 and an RTO of hours is more likely IMO.
- ~14 RU/s per number
- Single partition (per key)
- Max RU/s per partition = 10,000, so max throughput is 625 per second
- At 400 RU/s provision, max throughput is 28 per second.
- Highest number currently supported (I assume) is Javascript
, which is 9,007,199,254,740,991. - Stored proc write consistency is strong. If proc can't increment number in atomic operation it will fail with an exception that is thrown to client.
- Read consistency is the default (session). While out of sproc/session reads may not get the latest number, ordering will be consistent. Strong consistency of reads is not a requirement for NumberService.
- Cosmos DB, single region (Australia East), ZR, 400 RU/s, 1GB data = NZ$51.21 /month
- Azure Functions, Consumption, Australia East, @28RPS = NZ$23.90 /month
1 The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems, section 2.12.