Easily manage and listen for changes in query parameters, with full support for the browser history API.
npm install url-parameters --save
yarn add url-parameters
import url from 'url-parameters';
// Enable the URL listener. This will be triggered on page load and every time a URL parameter changes.
// You can use onChange.queryParams and onChange.queryString to access
// the URL parameters as an object or string.
url.enable(onChange => {
console.log(onChange.queryParams); // object
console.log(onChange.queryString); // string
You can disable the Push State by setting the second parameter to false
when enabling the url listener:
url.enable(onChangeCallback, false);
This will add a #
before the parameters in the URL and will prevent a page reload when the parameters are changed.
All of these methods will trigger the listener callback in the enable()
method demonstrated above which provides the updated parameters as an object and as the full query string.
// Add or update a single parameter value.
url.set('param', 'value')
// Add ?param=value if it's not already present. Remove the parameter if it is already present.
url.toggle('param', 'value')
// Toggle a value on the parameter. If the value already exists on the parameter it will be removed.
// If multiple values are present they will become a comma separated string.
url.toggleValue('param', 'value')
// Replace any current query string with the provided list of parameters.
url.apply({param: 'value', param2: 'value2'})
// Replace a set of parameter values. Will add non-existent parameters.
url.replace({param1: value1, param2: value2})
// Remove a parameter.
// Clear all parameters from the URL.
// Returns the value of param or null if param is not present.
// Returns the value of param or 'default' if param is not present.
url.get('param', 'default')
// Check if a parameter contains a value, for example in a comma separated list of values.
url.containsValue('param', 'value')