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A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.


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As developer you want to reuse existing code. As with node.js and web all file are already in the same language, but it is extra work to use your code with the node.js module system and the browser. The goal of webpack is to bundle CommonJs modules into javascript files which can be loaded by <script>-tags. Simply concating all required files has a disadvantage: many code to download (and execute) on page load. Therefore webpack uses the require.ensure function (CommonJs/Modules/Async/A) to split your code automatically into multiple bundles which are loaded on demand. This happens mostly transparent to the developer with a single function call. Dependencies are resolved for you. The result is a smaller inital code download which results in faster page load.


  • bundle CommonJs modules for browser
  • reuse server-side code (node.js) on client-side
  • create multiple files which are loaded on demand
  • dependencies managed for you
  • faster page load in big webapps


// a.js
var b = require("./b");
b.stuff("It works");

// b.js
exports.stuff = function(text) {

are compiled to

(/* small webpack header */)
0: function(module, exports, require) {

	var b = require(1);
	b.stuff("It works");

1: function(module, exports, require) {

	exports.stuff = function(text) {


Code Splitting


var a = require("a");
var b = require("b");
require.ensure(["c"], function(require) {
	var d = require("d");
File 1: web.js
- code of module a and dependencies
- code of module b and dependencies

File 2: 1.web.js
- code of module c and dependencies (but code is not used)
- code of module d and dependencies

See details for exact output.

Browser replacements

Somethings it happens that browsers require other code than node.js do. webpack allow module developers to specify replacements which are used in the compile process of webpack.

Modules in web_modules replace modules in node_modules. filename.web.js replaces filename.js when required without file extention.

TODO specify replacements in options


If the required module is not known while compile time we get into a problem. A solution is the method require.context which takes a directory as parameter and returns a function which behaves like the require function issued from a file in this directory (but only if used for files in that directory).


We have a directory full of templates, which are compiled javascript files. A template should be loaded by template name.

var requireTemplate = require.context("./templates");
function getTemplate(templateName) {
	return requireTemplate("./" + templateName);

In addition to that webpack uses the require.context function automatically if you use variables or other non-literal things in the require function. That means the following code behaves like the above:

function getTemplate(templateName) {
	return require("./templates/" + templateName);
// is compiled like: return require.context("./templates")("./"+templateName)

See details for complete example.

Warning: The complete code in the directory are included. So use it carefully.



As dependencies are resolved before running:

  • require should not be overwritten
  • require should not be called indirect as var r = require; r("./a");. Use require.context?
  • require.ensure should not be overwritten or called indirect
  • the function passed to require.ensure should be inlined in the call.
  • require.context should not be overwritten or called indirect
  • the argument to require.context should be a literal or addition of multiple literals

node.js specific modules

As node.js specific modules like fs will not work in browser they are not included and cause an error. You should replace them be own modules if your use them.




webpack offers a command line interface:

after npm install webpack -g you can use the webpack command

if invoked without arguments it prints a usage:

Usage: webpack <options> <input> <output>

  --single             Disable Code Splitting                 [boolean]  [default: false]
  --min                Minimize it with uglifyjs              [boolean]  [default: false]
  --filenames          Output Filenames Into File             [boolean]  [default: false]
  --options            Options JSON File                      [string]
  --script-src-prefix  Path Prefix For JavaScript Loading     [string]
  --libary             Stores the exports into this variable  [string]

Programmatically Usage

webpack(context, moduleName, [options], callback)
webpack(absoluteModulePath, [options], callback)


you can save this options object in a JSON file and use it with the shell command.

outputJsonpFunction JSONP function used to load chunks

scriptSrcPrefix Path from where chunks are loaded

outputDirectory write files to this directory (absolute path)

output write first chunk to this file

outputPostfix write chunks to files named chunkId plus outputPostfix

libary exports of input file are stored in this variable

minimize minimize outputs with uglify-js

includeFilenames add absolute filenames of input files as comments


function(err, source / stats) source if options.output is not set else stats as json see example


webpack as originally intended as fork for webmake for @medikoo so it shared several ideas with it. So big credit goes to medikoo.

However webpack has big differences:

webpack replaces module names and paths with numbers. webmake don't do that and do resolves requires on client-side. This design of webmake was intended to support variables as arguments to require calls. webpack resolves requires in compile time and have no resolve code on client side. This results in smaller bundles. Variables as argments will be handled different and with more limitations.

Another limitation in webmake which are based on the previous one is that modules must be in the current package scope. In webpack this is not a restriction.

The design of webmake causes all modules with the same name to overlap. This can be problematic if different submodules rely on specific versions of the same module. The behaivior also differs from the behaivior of node.js, because node.js installs a module for each instance in submodules and webmake cause them the merge into a single module which is only installed once. In webpack this is not the case. Different versions do not overlap and modules are installed multiple times. But in webpack this can (currently) cause duplicate code if a module is used in multiple modules. I want to face this issue (TODO).

webmake do (currently) not support Code Splitting.


You can run the unit tests which node_modules/.bin/vows.

You can run the browser tests:

cd test/browsertests
node build

and open test.html in browser. There must be several OKs in the file and no FAIL.

TODO more tests


You are welcome to contribute by writing issues or pull requests.

You are also welcome to correct any spelling mistakes or any language issues, because my english is not so good...




A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.



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  • JavaScript 99.6%
  • TypeScript 0.2%
  • WebAssembly 0.1%
  • CSS 0.1%
  • CoffeeScript 0.0%
  • HTML 0.0%