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Agent Check: Cilium


This check monitors Cilium through the Datadog Agent. The integration can either collect metrics from the cilium-agent or cilium-operator.


Follow the instructions below to install and configure this check for an Agent running on a host. For containerized environments, see the Autodiscovery Integration Templates for guidance on applying these instructions.


The Cilium check is included in the Datadog Agent package, but it requires additional setup steps to expose Prometheus metrics.

Starting with version 1.10.0, this OpenMetrics-based integration has a latest mode (use_openmetrics: true) and a legacy mode (use_openmetrics: false). To get all the most up-to-date features, Datadog recommends enabling the latest mode. For more information, see Latest and Legacy Versioning For OpenMetrics-based Integrations.

  1. In order to enable Prometheus metrics in both the cilium-agent and cilium-operator, deploy Cilium with the following Helm values set according to your version of Cilium:
    • Cilium < v1.8.x: global.prometheus.enabled=true
    • Cilium >= v1.8.x and < v1.9.x: global.prometheus.enabled=true and global.operatorPrometheus.enabled=true
    • Cilium >= 1.9.x: prometheus.enabled=true and operator.prometheus.enabled=true

Or, separately enable Prometheus metrics in the Kubernetes manifests:

For Cilium <= v1.11, use --prometheus-serve-addr=:9090.
  • In the cilium-agent add --prometheus-serve-addr=:9962 to the args section of the Cilium DaemonSet config:

    # [...]
        - args:
            - --prometheus-serve-addr=:9962
  • In the cilium-operator add --enable-metrics to the args section of the Cilium deployment config:

    # [...]
        - args:
            - --enable-metrics



To configure this check for an Agent running on a host:

  1. Edit the cilium.d/conf.yaml file, in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent's configuration directory to start collecting your Cilium performance data. See the sample cilium.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.

    • To collect cilium-agent metrics, enable the agent_endpoint option.
    • To collect cilium-operator metrics, enable the operator_endpoint option.
            ## @param use_openmetrics - boolean - optional - default: false
            ## Use the latest OpenMetrics implementation for more features and better performance.
            ## Note: To see the configuration options for the legacy OpenMetrics implementation (Agent 7.33 or older),
            ## see
          - use_openmetrics: true # Enables OpenMetrics latest mode
            ## @param agent_endpoint - string - optional
            ## The URL where your application metrics are exposed by Prometheus.
            ## By default, the Cilium integration collects `cilium-agent` metrics.
            ## One of agent_endpoint or operator_endpoint must be provided.
            agent_endpoint: http://localhost:9090/metrics
            ## @param operator_endpoint - string - optional
            ## Provide instead of `agent_endpoint` to collect `cilium-operator` metrics.
            ## Cilium operator metrics are exposed on port 6942.
            operator_endpoint: http://localhost:6942/metrics
  2. Restart the Agent.

Log collection

Cilium contains two types of logs: cilium-agent and cilium-operator.

  1. Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent. Enable it in your DaemonSet configuration:

      # (...)
        #  (...)
          - name: DD_LOGS_ENABLED
              value: "true"
              value: "true"
      # (...)
  2. Mount the Docker socket to the Datadog Agent through the manifest or mount the /var/log/pods directory if you are not using Docker. For example manifests see the Kubernetes Installation instructions for DaemonSet.

  3. Restart the Agent.


For containerized environments, see the Autodiscovery Integration Templates for guidance on applying the parameters below.

Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent. To enable it, see Kubernetes Log Collection.

To collect cilium-agent metrics and logs:
  • Metric collection
Parameter Value
<INIT_CONFIG> blank or {}
<INSTANCE_CONFIG> {"agent_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:9090/metrics", "use_openmetrics": "true"}
  • Log collection
Parameter Value
<LOG_CONFIG> {"source": "cilium-agent", "service": "cilium-agent"}
To collect cilium-operator metrics and logs:
  • Metric collection
Parameter Value
<INIT_CONFIG> blank or {}
<INSTANCE_CONFIG> {"operator_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:6942/metrics", "use_openmetrics": "true"}
  • Log collection
Parameter Value
<LOG_CONFIG> {"source": "cilium-operator", "service": "cilium-operator"}


Run the Agent's status subcommand and look for cilium under the Checks section.

Data Collected


See metadata.csv for a list of all metrics provided by this integration.


The Cilium integration does not include any events.

Service Checks

See service_checks.json for a list of service checks provided by this integration.


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