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Elasticsearch Integration

Elasticsearch dashboard


Stay up-to-date on the health of your Elasticsearch cluster, from its overall status down to JVM heap usage and everything in between. Get notified when you need to revive a replica, add capacity to the cluster, or otherwise tweak its configuration. After doing so, track how your cluster metrics respond.

The Datadog Agent's Elasticsearch check collects metrics for search and indexing performance, memory usage and garbage collection, node availability, shard statistics, disk space and performance, pending tasks, and many more. The Agent also sends events and service checks for the overall status of your cluster.



The Elasticsearch check is included in the Datadog Agent package. No additional installation is necessary.



To configure this check for an Agent running on a host:

Metric collection
  1. Edit the elastic.d/conf.yaml file, in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent's configuration directory to start collecting your Elasticsearch metrics. See the sample elastic.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.

      ## @param url - string - required
      ## The URL where Elasticsearch accepts HTTP requests. This is used to
      ## fetch statistics from the nodes and information about the cluster health.
      - url: http://localhost:9200


    • If you're collecting Elasticsearch metrics from just one Datadog Agent running outside the cluster, such as using a hosted Elasticsearch, set cluster_stats to true.

    • Agent-level tags are not applied to hosts in a cluster that is not running the Agent. Use integration level tags in <integration>.d/conf.yaml to ensure ALL metrics have consistent tags. For example:

        - url: "%%env_MONITOR_ES_HOST%%"
          username: "%%env_MONITOR_ES_USER%%"
          password: *********
          auth_type: basic
          cluster_stats: true
          - env:%%env_DD_ENV%%
    • To use the Agent's Elasticsearch integration for the AWS Elasticsearch services, set the url parameter to point to your AWS Elasticsearch stats URL.

    • All requests to the Amazon ES configuration API must be signed. See the Making and signing OpenSearch Service requests for details.

    • The aws auth type relies on boto3 to automatically gather AWS credentials from .aws/credentials. Use auth_type: basic in the conf.yaml and define the credentials with username: <USERNAME> and password: <PASSWORD>.

    • You must create a user and a role (if you don't already have them) in Elasticsearch with the proper permissions to monitor. This can be done through the REST API offered by Elasticsearch, or through the Kibana UI.

    • If you have enabled security features in Elasticsearch, you can use monitor or manage privilege while using the API to make the calls to the Elasticsearch indices.

    • Include the following properties in the created role:

      name = "datadog"
      indices {
        names = [".monitoring-*", "metricbeat-*"]
        privileges = ["read", "read_cross_cluster", "monitor"]
      cluster = ["monitor"]

      Add the role to the user:

      roles = [<created role>, "monitoring_user"]

      For more information, see create or update roles and create or update users.

  2. Restart the Agent.

Custom Queries

The Elasticsearch integration allows you to collect custom metrics through custom queries by using the custom_queries configuration option.

Note: When running custom queries, use a read only account to ensure that the Elasticsearch instance does not change.

 - endpoint: /_search
   data_path: aggregations.genres.buckets
           field: "id"
   - value_path: key
     name: id
     type: tag
   - value_path: doc_count
     name: elasticsearch.doc_count
   - custom_tag:1

The custom query sends as a GET request. If you use an optional payload parameter, the request sends as a POST request.

value_path may either be string keys or list indices. Example:

  "foo": {
    "bar": [

value_path: returns the value result1.

Trace collection

Datadog APM integrates with Elasticsearch to see the traces across your distributed system. Trace collection is enabled by default in the Datadog Agent v6+. To start collecting traces:

  1. Enable trace collection in Datadog.
  2. Instrument your application that makes requests to Elasticsearch.
Log collection

Available for Agent versions >6.0

  1. Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent, enable it in the datadog.yaml file with:

    logs_enabled: true
  2. To collect search slow logs and index slow logs, configure your Elasticsearch settings. By default, slow logs are not enabled.

    • To configure index slow logs for a given index <INDEX>:

      curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/<INDEX>/_settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' {
        "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.debug": "0ms",
        "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace": "0ms",
        "index.indexing.slowlog.level": "trace",
        "index.indexing.slowlog.source": "1000"
    • To configure search slow logs for a given index <INDEX>:

      curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/<INDEX>/_settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' {
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms",
        "": "0ms"
  3. Add this configuration block to your elastic.d/conf.yaml file to start collecting your Elasticsearch logs:

      - type: file
        path: /var/log/elasticsearch/*.log
        source: elasticsearch
        service: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
    • Add additional instances to start collecting slow logs:

      - type: file
        path: "/var/log/elasticsearch/\
        source: elasticsearch
        service: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
      - type: file
        path: "/var/log/elasticsearch/\
        source: elasticsearch
        service: "<SERVICE_NAME>"

      Change the path and service parameter values and configure them for your environment.

  4. Restart the Agent.


To configure this check for an Agent running on a container:

Metric collection

Set Autodiscovery Integrations Templates as Docker labels on your application container:

LABEL ""='["elastic"]'
LABEL ""='[{}]'
LABEL ""='[{"url": "http://%%host%%:9200"}]'
Log collection

Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent. To enable it, see Docker Log Collection.

Then, set Log Integrations as Docker labels:

LABEL ""='[{"source":"elasticsearch","service":"<SERVICE_NAME>"}]'
Trace collection

APM for containerized apps is supported on Agent v6+ but requires extra configuration to begin collecting traces.

Required environment variables on the Agent container:

Parameter Value
<DD_API_KEY> api_key

See Tracing Kubernetes Applications and the Kubernetes Daemon Setup for a complete list of available environment variables and configuration.

Then, instrument your application container and set DD_AGENT_HOST to the name of your Agent container.


To configure this check for an Agent running on Kubernetes:

Metric collection

Set Autodiscovery Integrations Templates as pod annotations on your application container. Aside from this, templates can also be configured with a file, a configmap, or a key-value store.

Annotations v1 (for Datadog Agent < v7.36)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: elasticsearch
  annotations: '["elastic"]' '[{}]' |
          "url": "http://%%host%%:9200"
    - name: elasticsearch

Annotations v2 (for Datadog Agent v7.36+)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: elasticsearch
  annotations: |
        "elastic": {
          "init_config": {},
          "instances": [
              "url": "http://%%host%%:9200"
    - name: elasticsearch
Log collection

Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent. To enable it, see the Kubernetes Log Collection.

Then, set Log Integrations as pod annotations. This can also be configured with a file, a configmap, or a key-value store.

Annotations v1/v2

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: elasticsearch
  annotations: '[{"source":"elasticsearch","service":"<SERVICE_NAME>"}]'
    - name: elasticsearch
Trace collection

APM for containerized apps is supported on hosts running Agent v6+ but requires extra configuration to begin collecting traces.

Required environment variables on the Agent container:

Parameter Value
<DD_API_KEY> api_key

See Tracing Kubernetes Applications and the Kubernetes Daemon Setup for a complete list of available environment variables and configuration.

Then, instrument your application container and set DD_AGENT_HOST to the name of your Agent container.


To configure this check for an Agent running on ECS:

Metric collection

Set Autodiscovery Integrations Templates as Docker labels on your application container:

  "containerDefinitions": [{
    "name": "elasticsearch",
    "image": "elasticsearch:latest",
    "dockerLabels": {
      "": "[\"elastic\"]",
      "": "[{}]",
      "": "[{\"url\": \"http://%%host%%:9200\"}]"
Log collection

Collecting logs is disabled by default in the Datadog Agent. To enable it, see ECS Log Collection.

Then, set Log Integrations as Docker labels:

  "containerDefinitions": [{
    "name": "elasticsearch",
    "image": "elasticsearch:latest",
    "dockerLabels": {
      "": "[{\"source\":\"elasticsearch\",\"service\":\"<SERVICE_NAME>\"}]"
Trace collection

APM for containerized apps is supported on Agent v6+ but requires extra configuration to begin collecting traces.

Required environment variables on the Agent container:

Parameter Value
<DD_API_KEY> api_key

See Tracing Kubernetes Applications and the Kubernetes Daemon Setup for a complete list of available environment variables and configuration.

Then, instrument your application container and set DD_AGENT_HOST to the EC2 private IP address.


Run the Agent's status subcommand and look for elastic under the Checks section.

Data Collected

By default, not all of the following metrics are sent by the Agent. To send all metrics, configure flags in elastic.yaml as shown above.

  • pshard_stats sends elasticsearch.primaries.* and elasticsearch.indices.count metrics
  • index_stats sends elasticsearch.index.* metrics
  • pending_task_stats sends elasticsearch.pending_* metrics
  • slm_stats sends elasticsearch.slm.* metrics


See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this integration.


The Elasticsearch check emits an event to Datadog each time the overall status of your Elasticsearch cluster changes - red, yellow, or green.

Service Checks

See service_checks.json for a list of service checks provided by this integration.


Further Reading