Generate RESTful API and OpenAPI document for your Flask project.
Python 3.6+
flask-openapi3 be dependent on the following libraries:
$ pip install -U flask-openapi3
Here's a simple example, further go to the docs
from pydantic import BaseModel
from flask_openapi3 import OpenAPI
from flask_openapi3.models import Info, Tag
info = Info(title='book API', version='1.0.0')
app = OpenAPI(__name__, info=info)
book_tag = Tag(name='book', description='Some Book')
class BookQuery(BaseModel):
age: int
author: str
@app.get('/book', tags=[book_tag])
def get_book(query: BookQuery):
"""get books
get all books
return {
"code": 0,
"message": "ok",
"data": [
{"bid": 1, "age": query.age, "author":},
{"bid": 2, "age": query.age, "author":}
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run the simple example, and go to
You will see the document: Swagger UI and Redoc.