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Part 2 - Docker Compose


This lab is an introduction to concepts and commands used in the Docker Compose tool. We reinforce the concepts by taking a simple web application made up of three containers, and define a Compose file for it. We then start, stop and scale the application using this compose file.

Upon completing this lab you will learn:

  • Docker Compose concepts and commands
  • How to build a multi-container application
  • How to start, scale and view container logs

Typically applications are made up of two or more separate runtimes. For instance a web application has a runtime where web artifacts are served, but it would also require other capabilities such as database, caching, gateway, messaging, etc. In a Container based solution, each capability is hosted in its own container. Separating capabilities in their own containers allows a solution the flexibility to scale each of these components according to the application usage patterns and needs. This flexibility adds some level of complexity as a single application now has dependencies on several components, and these dependencies are not readily evident.

Docker Compose is a tool that allows defining a multi container application into a single file. Therefore, to take advantage of Docker Compose all you really need is to create the Compose file and use your containers.

To start your application and all its components (services), you need the following:

  1. A Docker container per service (e.g. web, db...): you already know how to create a Docker container. It is important that the container you create is defined using a Dockerfile, rather than manually created and committed.
  2. You also need a Compose file that defines all the services that make up your application. The default name that the tool looks for is called docker-compose.yml.
  3. You can now start the application, with all its parts (services), using the docker-compose up command (from the same directory where the compose file is located)

Docker Compose is useful for a single host environment like development or test/build. A developer can run different versions of the same application in their local machine and without worrying about conflicting dependencies.

Table of contents

  1. Gather Lab Files
  2. Review containers
  3. Create Docker Compose File
  4. Verify Compose File
  5. Run Docker Compose Commands
  6. Test the API
  7. More Docker Compose Commands
  8. References

Gather Lab Files

The sample application that we are using for this lab has three services:

  • Database (MongoDB) which we willl refer to as db
  • Web runtime (Node) which we will refer to as api
  • Gateway (NGINX) which we will refer to as gateway

If we were to set up a traditional development environment for such an application, we would have done the following:

  • Installed all the three runtimes on our local machine
  • Added the sample test data to the database
  • Added the application code and configuration
  • Configured the gateway

Using a container based approach none of these steps are necessary. A developer can simply pull the relevant containers into their local machine and start all the three containers to get a functioning application. However, there would be some inconveniences with this approach, such as considerations for networking, db server host name (accessed from the web server), or gateway configuration (referencing the web server). We can improve on this already convenient situation by using a Compose file. All we need to do is define the Compose file representing this application, and then build and run the application in a single command. This approach also addresses the networking and storage concerns. It provides a consistent configuration across all developer machines. This will later be extended into production settings, as you will see in next lab.

As mentioned earlier, we first create the necessary container images by creating the relevant Dockerfiles, then create Compose file and finally start the application. The creation of the images is what we already covered in the first lab. Additionally, the creation of the API app is out of scope for this lab, therefore we will just clone a repository that already has all these steps completed.

  1. Open a command prompt and execute the following commands

    cd ~/workshop
    git clone
    cd docker-lab-2016/part-2
  2. Verify you see the three directories: db, gateway and strongloop

  3. Verify that solution diretory is there as well. This directory will contain solution files for the lab.

Review containers

In this step let's examine each of the containers that we will be working with.

Database Container

The database container is based on MongoDB. Open the ~/workshop/docker-lab-2016/part-2/db/Dockerfile in an editor

FROM tutum/mongodb

This is a Dockerfile that is based on a well-known image. We are using this image because it offers a convenient way to start using MongoDB immediately, with little upfront configuration. This image accepts environment variables that can be used to set the DB user name, password and database name. These values are:


We will look at how to set these enviornment variables in the Compose file later.

API Container

We are using a StrongLoop Loopback application that offers a single endpoint (/api/Cars) to perform simple create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations. The Dockerfile for the image is located at ~/workshop/docker-lab-2016/part-2/strongloop/Dockerfile. The contents of the file are:

FROM sgdpro/nodeslc

ADD ./app/package.json /home/strongloop/app/package.json
WORKDIR /home/strongloop/app
RUN npm install

ADD ./app /home/strongloop/app
VOLUME /home/strongloop/app
CMD [ "./" ]

This is a simple API server application based on Loopback. In addition to adding a Car model, the only external configuration change made is in the ~/workshop/docker-lab1/part-2/strongloop/app/server/datasources.json file, which contains datasource connectivity information, and in our case refers to the MongoDB database in its container. The memdb definition is there by default, we only added the second definition for our own MongoDB server

  "memdb": {
    "name": "memdb",
    "localStorage": "",
    "file": "memdb.json",
    "connector": "memory"
  "mongo": {
    "name": "mongo",
    "host": "db",
    "port": 27017,
    "database": "mycars",
    "user": "dba",
    "password": "dbpass",
    "connector": "mongodb"

Note: We are refering to the database host name simply as db. This would work only if the application container could translate db to the actual IP of the db container, or somehow use a DNS make this translation (perhaps using /etc/hosts). This is where Docker Compose and its networking capabilities come in handy. The usage of link in Docker Compose is deprecated, so we will not discuss this in this lab.

Gateway Container

We expose the API offered by our application through an Nginx server. You are already familiar with Nginx from the first the lab. The Dockerfile for this container is located in the ~/workshop/docker-lab1/part-2/gateway/Dockerfile directory. Its contents are:

FROM nginx
COPY sample_app_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

We include our application routing information in the sample_app_nginx.conf file. The following snippet is what we added:

location /api {
	proxy_pass   http://api:3000;

Create Docker Compose File

As mentioned earlier, it is inconvenient to work with three separate containers and start/stop them one at a time, or to work out the networking concerns. Therefore we will use a Compose file to define the composition of our application. In our application, we have three distinct services, these three services are: db, api and gateway. We will reference these services, with their configuration and dependencies in a single file and link them together.

A Compose file is defined using the YAML format. It contains services, networking and volume information for the application.

Note There are two versions of Compose files. We will use the version 2 definition.

The Compose file has two top level definitions: services and networks the following steps will take your through defining those sections

Define Networks in the Compose File

In the networks section we define the two networks: frontend and backend, which we will use to place each service in.

  1. Change to ~/workshop/docker-lab-2016/part2

  2. Create a file called docker-compose.yml

  3. Enter the following into the file to define your networks, and an empty services section:

    version: "2"
        #driver: overlay
        #driver: overlay

Note We are using 2 spaces for indentation

In the networks definition above we are using a bridge configuration (which is the default). The values you see above using overlay you will notice are commented out for now. We will leverage the overlay definition in the Docker Swarm configuration in the next demo.

Define Services in the Compose File

In the services section of the yaml file we define the three db, api and gateway services. When a service (i.e. container) is placed in a network, it can only communicate with other containers that are in the same network. This allows a level of separation/security, where for example a gateway container cannot communicate with the database container.

Define Gateway Service

  1. Ensure you are still editing docker-compose.yml

  2. Enter the details of the gateway service into the file. The following lines should go between the services: line and the networks: line and indented 2 spaces:

          build: ./gateway
            - "8080:80"
            - frontend

The above gateway service definition is a child of the services definition. Let's examine each configuration items:

  • build: This definition references a container to be built from a Dockerfile located in the gateway directory, which we examined earlier.
  • ports: Defines a port mapping where port 80 in the container maps to port 8080 on the host where the container is running.
  • networks: Defines the networks this service will be placed in (connected to)

Define API Service

  1. Enter the details of the api service into the yaml file as a child of the services definition after the gateway service defintion. The following lines should go after the gateway service definition and before the networks section

        build: ./strongloop
          - "3000:3000"
          - NODE_ENV=development
          - frontend
          - backend
          - ${PWD}/strongloop/app:/home/strongloop/app
          - "db"

The new configuration items are:

  • enviornment: Defines environment variables that will be set in the container when it starts
  • volumes: Defines the volumes that will be mounted in the container
  • depends_on: Defines that this service (i.e. api) depends on the the db service, and should start only when db is started.

Note: This is a soft dependency, and it only means that the container is started. However the actual process and the bootstraping steps to make the service truly available is not considered. There are other custom approaches that can be used to make this dependency more specific.

Define DB Service

  1. Enter the details of the db service into the yaml file as a child of the services definition after the api defintion. The following lines should go after the api service and before the networks section

      build: ./db
        - "27017:27017"
        - "28017:28017"
        - backend
        - MONGODB_USER=dba
        - MONGODB_DATABASE=mycars
        - MONGODB_PASS=dbpass
        - JOURNALING=no

The db service does not have any new definitions, it just defines multiple port and environment variable definitions that were mentioned earlier in the lab.

Verify Compose File

Now that you have created your Docker Compose file it should look like the listing below. There is a completed version of the file in the solution directory docker-compose-1.yml. You can either copy the docker-compose-1.yml file into the project root directory (under the part-2 directory) and rename it to docker-compose.yml (by removing the -1) or you can create a new file called docker-compose.yml and copy and contents below into this file.

version: "2"


    build: ./gateway
      - "8080:80"
      - frontend

    build: ./strongloop
      - "3000:3000"
      - NODE_ENV=development
      - frontend
      - backend
      - ${PWD}/strongloop/app:/home/strongloop/app
      - "db"

    build: ./db
      - "27017:27017"
      - "28017:28017"
      - backend
      - MONGODB_USER=dba
      - MONGODB_DATABASE=mycars
      - MONGODB_PASS=dbpass
      - JOURNALING=no

    #driver: overlay
    #driver: overlay

Run Docker Compose Commands

Now we have an application that is ready to be started and tested as a Docker Compose application.

Start the Application

First start the compose the application

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. Navigate to the ~/workshop/docker-lab1/part-2 directory

    cd ~/workshop/docker-lab1/part-2
  3. Start the Compose application using the -d switch to run it in the background

    docker-compose up -d

This command will trigger a build, and then start each service, considering the dependencies. You will see results like below:

Creating network "part2_frontend" with the default driver
Creating network "part2_backend" with the default driver
Creating part2_gateway_1
Creating part2_db_1
Creating part2_api_1

Review Application Status

Now that we have started all these three services in the background, using the -d switch, how do we determine if all the services started? Similar to the docker ps command that you learned in the first lab, you can use docker-compose ps command to verify the status of each container.

  1. Let's examine if all the services are running by running the following command in the same command prompt.

    docker-compose ps
  2. Verify that see something similar to the results below:

        Name               Command          State                          Ports                        
    part2_api_1       ./             Up>3000/tcp                             
    part2_db_1        /                Up>27017/tcp,>28017/tcp 
    part2_gateway_1   nginx -g daemon off;   Exit 1                                                      

The status shows us that the db and api services started properly, but the gateway service did not (e.g. Exit 1 state).

Debug Error with Gateway

So let's see if we can look at the log files for the gateway service and determine what went wrong.

  1. Execute the command below to get the logs for the gateway service

    docker-compose logs gateway
  2. Examine the results

    Attaching to part2_gateway_1
    gateway_1  | 2016/10/22 15:25:03 [emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "api" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:54
    gateway_1  | nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "api" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:54

The gateway service could not connect to the api service. This means that the container had not yet started and the Nginx (gateway) process could not connect to the host and it failed. If you notice, in the docker_compose.yml file we did not specify a dependecy from gateway on api service.

Resolve Issue

The reason for the gateway failing to start was that the api server took longer to start, and the gateway service could not find the api service to connect to.

Note: In scenarios where the failure to start is due to some evnironmental issues, you can start any compose service by executing a start command, in this case the command would look like below:

docker-compose start gateway

Now, instead of simply starting the gateway and to avoid future failures, let's fix the _docker-compose.yml_ file by adding a depedency on the availability of _api_ service to the _gateway_ service.

1. Open the docker-compose.yml file in an editor
2. Locate the gateway service definition and update it to include the dependency on the api service.  The full
service defintion should look as follows:

      build: ./gateway
        - "8080:80"
        - frontend
        - "api" 

    If you run into issues we have included a complete version solutions directory 
    [docker-compose-2.yml](solution/docker-compose-2.yml), if you need it.  You can replace the
    docker-compose.yml file in the part-2 directory with the solution file.  Please ensure the file
    get renamed to docker-compose.yml.
3. Let's go ahead and stop the compose application, take the containers down,
 and restart the compose application with the updated Compose file:

    docker-compose stop
    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d
    If all goes well, you will see a message like below:
    Starting db ... done
    Starting api ... done
    Starting gateway ... done
4.  Let's make sure that everything is running:

docker-compose ps

The result should be something like below, where all the services have an **Up** state:

Name               Command          State                         Ports                        

part2_api_1 ./ Up>3000/tcp
part2_db_1 / Up>27017/tcp,>28017/tcp part2_gateway_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up 443/tcp,>80/tcp

## Test the API
The application is up and running, so let's see if we can invoke the API on the Nginx server and go all 
the way to the database and back.

1. Let's first see if there are any Cars in the database by running a curl command to get all cars

    curl "http://localhost:8080/api/Cars"

2. You will see an empty array as the response, which means we don't have any Cars


    > **Note:** The response does not have a new line at the end of it, so the prompt shows up right at the end of the response, which makes it harder to read. You can always redirect your responses to a file or more command if you like further clarity.

3. Let's invoke a POST API call and add a Car using the curl utility

    curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/Cars" -d '{ "model": "Focus", "make": "Ford", "year": 2016, "miles": 1000 }'

    We used the following JSON object as the input to the API call
      "model": "Focus",
      "make": "Ford",
      "year": 2016,
      "miles": 1000

    You should see a result similar to below, with a different ID perhaps:
    {"id":"580b87f79b70522c0037824e","{ \"model\": \"Focus\", \"make\": \"Ford\", \"year\": 2016, \"miles\": 1000 }":""}

4. To verify that the entry was created, you can repeat step 1 to get all the cars, or you can get the specific car with its id.
    > **Note:** replace the value of the id below (580b87f79b70522c0037824e), with the ID you received from your call above
    curl "http://localhost:8080/api/Cars/580b87f79b70522c0037824e"

## More Docker Compose Commands
Now that we have validated that the application is running correctly, we can look at a few more commands.

1. Stop the Compose application

docker-compose stop

You will see a result like below:

Stopping part2_api_1 ... done
Stopping part2_db_1 ... done
Stopping part2_gateway_1 ... done
  1. Validate the services are stopped
docker-compose ps

You will see:

     Name               Command           State     Ports 
part2_api_1       ./             Exit 137         
part2_db_1        /                Exit 137         
part2_gateway_1   nginx -g daemon off;   Exit 0           

The stop command only stops the running containers, it does not remove them, which means you can restart them by a start command.

  1. Stop and Remove the application
docker-compose down

This command will first stop and then remove the containers. You will see results similar to below:

Removing part2_api_1 ... done
Removing part2_db_1 ... done
Removing part2_gateway_1 ... done
Removing network part2_frontend
Removing network part2_backend
  1. Verify that there are no services running
docker-compose ps


Name   Command   State   Ports 
