Work Work Work
The Final Station and The Bookwalker developer
Do My Best
- Finland, Espoo
- deadcow.ru
MyBox Public
MyBox is a set of attributes, tools and extensions for Unity
UnityEditorIcons Public
Forked from nukadelic/UnityEditorIconsBuild in unity editor icons
openupm Public
Forked from openupm/openupmOpenUPM - Open Source Unity Package Registry (UPM)
Audio-Manager Public
Custom Audio Manager for Unity. I wrote it for The Final Station and changed a bit for our new game
DisplayInspector-Attribute Public
Attribute for Unity3d to display one Inspector inside another
UniqueName-for-Unity Public
UniqueName component to assert unique names for objects on scene in Unity
Unity-Hotkeys Public
Additional unity hotkeys as Lock Inspector and Clear Console