Command | Description | Permission |
check | Help by commands | lightcheck.check |
check list | The list of currently checking | lightcheck.list |
check <player> | Summon a player to check | lightcheck.check |
check confirm | Confirm the use of cheats (for player) | - |
check approve | To find the player guilty | lightcheck.approve |
check disprove | To find the player innocent | lightcheck.disprove |
check timer stop | Stop the timer to the player | lightcheck.timer.stop |
check stop-all | Cancel all current checks | lightcheck.admin |
check reload | Reload configurations | ONLY CONSOLE |
check reconfig | Update configurations | ONLY CONSOLE |
Permissions without commands | Description |
lightcheck.bypass | Prohibit checking players with this permission |
lightcheck.admin | Full access to the plugin |