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Generate TypeScript bindings for Sway smart contracts.

See the full ABI-spec here.

Table of contents


See Fuels-ts Documentation


pnpm add @fuel-ts/abi-typegen
# or
npm add @fuel-ts/abi-typegen


$ fuels-typegen -h

Generate Typescript from Sway ABI JSON files

Usage: fuels-typegen [options]

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -i, --inputs <path|glob...>  Input paths/globals to your ABI JSON files
  -o, --output <dir>           Directory path for generated files
  -c, --contract               Generate types for Contracts [default]
  -s, --script                 Generate types for Scripts
  -p, --predicate              Generate types for Predicates
  -S, --silent                 Omit output messages
  -h, --help                   display help for command

Generating types

When using the package in a standalone fashion, its bin is prefixed with fuels-.

npx fuels-typegen -i ./out/debug/*-abi.json -o ./src/contracts

Programmatic API

import { ProgramTypeEnum, runTypegen } from "@fuel-ts/abi-typegen";

  const cwd = process.cwd();
  const input = './abis/**-abi.json'
  const output = './types'
  const filepaths = [ './abis/a-abi.json', './abis/b-abi.json' ]
  const programType = ProgramTypeEnum.CONTRACT;

  // using input global
  await runTypegen({ cwd, input, output, programType });

  // using filepaths' array
  await runTypegen({ cwd, filepaths, output, programType });

Full SDK Installation

Alternatively, we recommend you install the complete SDK using the umbrella package:

pnpm add fuels
# or
npm add fuels

Note that in this example we will interact with the fuels bin directly.

We just need to call it with the typegen command, and the rest feels the same.

npx fuels typegen -i ./out/debug/*-abi.json -o ./src/contracts

Type's Conversion Table

The table below describes how Sway types are converted from/to Typescript.

Sway Example TS:input TS:output
u8 255 BigNumberish number
u16 65535 BigNumberish number
u32 4294967295 BigNumberish number
str anything string string
bool true boolean boolean
b256 0x000... string string
b512 fuel1a7r... string string
tuples (MyType, MyType) [MyType, MyType] [MyType, MyType]
enums enum MyEnum { y: (), n: () } MyEnum = Enum<{ y: [], n: [] }> MyEnum = Enum<{ y: [], n: [] }>
structs MyStruct { a: u8, b: u16 } MyStruct MyStruct
vectors Vec<MyType> MyType[] MyType[]
options Option<MyType> Option<MyType> Option<MyType>
raw untyped ptr 123 BigNumberish BN

For more info on Sway types, click here


In order to contribute to @fuel-ts/abi-typegen, please see the main fuels-ts monorepo.


The @fuel-ts/abi-typegen changelog can be found at CHANGELOG.


The primary license for @fuel-ts/abi-typegen is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.