A toy CoAP server for microcontrollers. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-core-coap-18
Endpoint handlers are defined in endpoints.c
- Arduino demo (Uno + Ethernet shield, LED + 220R on pin 6, PUT "0" or "1" to /light)
- POSIX (OS X/Linux) demo
- No retries
- Piggybacked ACK only
For linux/OSX
For Arduino
open microcoap.ino
To test, use libcoap
./coap-client -v 100 -m get coap://
./coap-client -v 100 -m get coap://
./coap-client -e "1" -m put coap://
./coap-client -e "0" -m put coap://
Or use copper (Firefox plugin)
Arduino, by default, has a UDP transmit buffer of 24 bytes. This is too small for some endpoints and will result in an error.