Any updates or impacting events for AVS are published via Service Health, it is critical to monitor this for any notifications. This scenario will setup service health notifications for a given set of email addresses. Action owners will receive email notifications if a service health event is published.
This scenario is also included in the AVS-Utilization-Alerts scenario.
AVS Private Cloud up and running.
A list of email address(es) who will receive Service Health Alerts.
Update the parameter values in appropriate parameter file.
Run one of the following scripts.
cd Bicep
az deployment group create -g AVS-Step-By-Step-RG -n AVS-Monitoring-Deployment -c -f "AVSMonitor.bicep" -p "@AVSMonitor.parameters.json"
cd ARM
az deployment group create -g AVS-Step-By-Step-RG -n AVS-Monitoring-Deployment -c -f "AVSMonitor.deploy.json" -p "@AVSMonitor.parameters.json"
Edit terraform.tfvars
file with appropriate settings, then:
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Navigate to Azure Monitor service in Azure Portal. Click "Alerts" tab and navigate to "Manage alert rules". Newly created alert - AVS-ServiceHealth- - should be listed with status as "Enabled".