- Provided basic functionality for Pagewise class, PagewiseGridView class and PagewiseListView class.
- Small fix to README.
- Add gif to README.
- Replace loadingWidget with a loadingBuilder that accepts a BuildContext and returns a widget.
- Fix environment constraints in pubspec.yaml
- Make the example better looking, and the demo as well
- Mention lazy-loading in the README.
- Reformat the code using flutter format
- Wrap the internally used FutureBuilder by an AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to prevent from re-firing, causing unnecessary traffic, and scrolling issues in some scenarios
- Provide a key parameter for all the widgets
- Make the ItemBuilder accept generic values
- Make future final in _FutureBuilderWrapper
- Remove unneeded _pages data structure and operations
- Provide ItemListBuilder for cases where we want to build a list of widgets for each data entry
- Provide controller property to allow custom ScrollController