This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning."
Reinforcement Learning Coach by Intel AI Lab enables easy experimentation with state of the art Reinforcement Learning algorithms
This file contains code used for a full end-to-end framework for Autonomous Vehicle's lane change using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning under Noisy Observations
Python Implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Policy Gradient is all you need! A step-by-step tutorial for well-known PG methods.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo acceleration by Differential Evolution
julienmalard / dssat-csm-os
Forked from DSSAT/dssat-csm-osDSSAT Cropping System Model
A collection of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate usage of PCSE
Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filte…
Variational heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression
Gaussian process regression with feature selection
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