AI libraries to be used within Stride3d games
We can start by inheriting from the FSM and implementing the base methods
using Doprez.Stride.AI.FSMs;
public class BasicEnemyFSM : FSM
public override void UpdateFSM()
//You can add triggers here to cancel/change the current running state
Create the State and needed methods
public class IdleState : FSMState
public IdleState(FSM fsm)
// set the FSM to access the methods within the running state
FiniteStateMachine = fsm;
// add this state to the FSM for other states to see this state
FiniteStateMachine.States.Add(0, this);
public override void EnterState()
// activate needed events or variables when this state is started
public override void ExitState()
// deactivate needed events or variables when this state is finished
public override void UpdateState()
// this runs in the Update method of Stride per frame
A more complete example
you can add the Doprez.Stride nuget package if some of the references are missing
the FSM to initialize the state
using System;
using Doprez.Stride.AI.FSMs;
using Stride.Core;
using Stride.Engine;
using StridePlatformer.States;
using Navigation;
public class BasicEnemyFSM : FSM
[Display("Player Entity")]
public Entity Player{get;set;}
[Display("Player Seen Trigger")]
public PhysicsComponent PlayerSeenTrigger;
[Display("Animation Component")]
public AnimationComponent AnimationComponent { get; set; }
//private MoveToState _moveTo;
private IdleState _idle;
public override void Start()
private void InitializeStates()
_idle = new IdleState(this, AnimationComponent);// ", _moveTo" add this if you added a moveTo state
_idle.PlayerSeenTrigger = PlayerSeenTrigger;
public override void UpdateFSM()
// add some logic here if needed but it can just be blank
The state to change from Idle to another state
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Doprez.Stride.AI.FSMs;
using Stride.Core.Collections;
using Stride.Engine;
using Stride.Physics;
public class IdleState : FSMState
public PhysicsComponent PlayerSeenTrigger;
private readonly AnimationComponent _animationComponent;
//add a state for you to change to like the example below
//private readonly MoveToState _moveTo;
public IdleState(FSM fsm, AnimationComponent animationComponent)// , MoveToState moveTo
FiniteStateMachine = fsm;
_animationComponent = animationComponent;
//_moveTo = moveTo;
FiniteStateMachine.States.Add((int)EnemyStates.Idle, this);
public override void EnterState()
//Only activate this trigger while the state is running
PlayerSeenTrigger.Enabled = true;
PlayerSeenTrigger.Collisions.CollectionChanged += CollisionsChanged;
//run the idle anim if you have one
public override void ExitState()
// stop using the trigger when the state isnt running
PlayerSeenTrigger.Enabled = false;
PlayerSeenTrigger.Collisions.CollectionChanged -= CollisionsChanged;
public override void UpdateState()
private void CollisionsChanged(object sender, TrackingCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
// Cast the argument 'Item' to a collision object
var collision = (Collision)args.Item;
// We need to make sure which collision object is not the Trigger collider
// We perform a little check to find the ballCollider
var playerCollider = PlayerSeenTrigger == collision.ColliderA ? collision.ColliderB : collision.ColliderA;
if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// When a collision has been added to the collision collection, we know an object has 'entered' our trigger
if (playerCollider.Entity.Name == "PlayerCharacter")
//get the entity that entered the trigger
var entitycollided = playerCollider.Entity;
//you can change the state by direct reference or the dictionary Id
//_moveTo.Target = entitycollided;
// change to a direct reference
// change based on a dictionary reference I would recommend setting up and Enum for readability