Fork of MetaMask that supports plugins! Read the Wiki!
A simple, framework agnostic web component to facilitate the display of Gods Unchained card element(s).
Mobile web browser providing access to websites that use the Ethereum blockchain
A simple Smart Contract for a Standard, Mintable, Burnable ERC20 Token.
StormSurge v0.1A Hydro Protocol decentralized exchange smart contracts
cleancoindev / metamask-logo
Forked from MetaMask/logoA 3d take on the metamask logo, in browser, as a browserifyable module.
DrZedd42 / Tokens
Forked from Consensys/TokensEthereum Token Contracts
cleancoindev / mcd-cdp-portal
Forked from OasisDEX/mcd-cdp-portalAqua Borrow + Save
cleancoindev / phaser
Forked from phaserjs/phaserPhaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
WAN Wallet for Desktop
cleancoindev / loan-shark
Forked from blockrockettech/loan-sharkSmart-Contracts of The Sandbox decentralized gaming platform - Learn more at
Updated for IPFS deploy
Front end code of dex
The Storybook for the MetaMask extension
cleancoindev / phaser3-examples
Forked from phaserjs/examplesPhaser 3 Examples
Utility for detecting phishing domains targeting Ethereum users
cleancoindev / FiatBond-SmartMint-DAI
Forked from poocart/lend721Minter of Bonds. Taker of Hearts. Giver of Love. Crypto Bonds! Care Bare Yourself to Trusted Collateral! - Input DAI Edition
cleancoindev / wan-game
Forked from wandevs/wandora-webA DApp game of wan to btc predictions.
cleancoindev / iwan-js-sdk
Forked from wanchain/iwan-js-sdkJavaScript SDK for iWan