cleancoindev / metamask-logo
Forked from MetaMask/logoA 3d take on the metamask logo, in browser, as a browserifyable module.
A simple, framework agnostic web component to facilitate the display of Gods Unchained card element(s).
Fork of MetaMask that supports plugins! Read the Wiki!
Utility for detecting phishing domains targeting Ethereum users
Wanchain Documentation
WAN Wallet for Desktop
cleancoindev / wan-game
Forked from wandevs/wandora-webA DApp game of wan to btc predictions.
The Storybook for the MetaMask extension
Mobile web browser providing access to websites that use the Ethereum blockchain
cleancoindev / iwan-js-sdk
Forked from wanchain/iwan-js-sdkJavaScript SDK for iWan
Solidity implementation of Uniswap contracts
Front end code of dex
cleancoindev / NonEuclidean
Forked from HackerPoet/NonEuclideanA Non-Euclidean Rendering Engine for 3D scenes.
cleancoindev / OTTO
Forked from bitfieldaudio/OTTOSampler, Sequencer, Multi-engine synth and effects - in a box!
cleancoindev / phaser
Forked from phaserjs/phaserPhaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
cleancoindev / phaser3-examples
Forked from phaserjs/examplesPhaser 3 Examples
Smart-Contracts of The Sandbox decentralized gaming platform - Learn more at
Updated for IPFS deploy
StormSurge v0.1A Hydro Protocol decentralized exchange smart contracts
cleancoindev / defi-score
Forked from Consensys/defi-scoreDeFi Score: An open framework for evaluating DeFi protocols
Visualizing Flutter GitHub repository activity with Flutter web.
cleancoindev / games-kit
Forked from funtoo/games-kitFuntoo Games Kit
cleancoindev / FiatBond-SmartMint-DAI
Forked from poocart/lend721Minter of Bonds. Taker of Hearts. Giver of Love. Crypto Bonds! Care Bare Yourself to Trusted Collateral! - Input DAI Edition
cleancoindev / loan-shark
Forked from blockrockettech/loan-sharkcleancoindev / aseprite
Forked from aseprite/asepriteAnimated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Traditional roguelike game in the spirit of ADOM and Omega.
cleancoindev / testchain
Forked from makerdao/testchainStart a local test chain with the TakerTAO contracts deployed on it, quickly and easily.