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TimeMachine is an automated testing tool for Android apps, which can automatically jump to the most progressive state observed in the past when progress is slow.

TimeMachine leverages virtualization technology such as emulator to save an app state and restore it when needed. TimeMachine identifies an app state with GUI layout and memories all discovered states. When a state is considered interesting, e.g., new code is covered, TimeMachine saves the state. Meanwhile, TimeMachine observes most-recently-visited states to check whether progress is slow, e.g., being stuck in a state loop. Once progress is considered slow, TimeMachine restores the most progressive one from saved states for further exploration so that more program behavior is exercised in a short time.


The paper PDF can be found at

author = {Dong, Zhen and B{\"o}hme, Marcel and Cojocaru, Lucia and Roychoudhury, Abhik},
title = {Time-travel Testing of Android Apps},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering},
series = {ICSE '20},
year = {2020},


  • Ububntu 18.04 64-bit or Mac-OSX 10.15
  • Android SDK with API 25 (ensuring adb, aapt, avdmanager, emulator correctly configured)
  • Python 2.7 with enum and uiautomator packages

Running TimeMachine

  1. Clone TimeMachine
# creating workspace
mkdir appTest
cd appTest

git clone
  1. Clone an example app AmazeFileManager v3.4.2
git clone --branch v3.4.2
  1. Instrumenting app with Jacoco
# Add the jacoco plugin
echo -e "\napply plugin: 'jacoco'" >> AmazeFileManager/app/build.gradle
cp -r TimeMachine/JacocoIntegration/JacocoInstrument AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/java/com/amaze/filemanager

# Add package names
sed -i '1i package com.amaze.filemanager.JacocoInstrument;' AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/java/com/amaze/filemanager/JacocoInstrument/
sed -i '1i package com.amaze.filemanager.JacocoInstrument;' AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/java/com/amaze/filemanager/JacocoInstrument/
sed -i '1i package com.amaze.filemanager.JacocoInstrument;' AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/java/com/amaze/filemanager/JacocoInstrument/

# Register the BroadcastReceiver in AndroidManifest.xml
sed -i "`sed -n -e "/<\/application>/=" AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` i <receiver android:name=\".JacocoInstrument.SMSInstrumentedReceiver\"><intent-filter><action android:name=\"edu.gatech.m3.emma.COLLECT_COVERAGE\"/></intent-filter></receiver>" AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  1. Build an instrumented apk
cd AmazeFileManager

./gradlew clean
./gradlew build
  1. Check if the instrumented app works
# Launch emulator

# Run the apk on emulator 
# corret the path of the apk file
adb install -g AmazeFileManager.apk
adb shell am start com.amaze.filemanager.debug/com.amaze.filemanager.activities.MainActivity
adb shell am broadcast -a edu.gatech.m3.emma.COLLECT_COVERAGE

# and check if coverage data is generated

If file is generated under path /data/data/${APP_PACKAGE_NAME}/files, then congratulations.

Step 4: construct directory

A directory of app under testing should contain the following subjects.

├── AmazeFileManager              jacoco-integrated source codes of app with built directories compiled by javac
├── AmazeFileManager.apk          jacoco-instrumented apk file of app under testing
└── class_files.json              json file for describing the path to built directory

In the directory, the class_files.json describes the path to built directory, which should be as follow in this example:

	"AmazeFileManager.apk": {
		"classfiles": ["AmazeFileManager/app/build/intermediates/javac/fdroidDebug/classes/",
		"sourcefiles": ["AmazeFileManager/app/src/main/java/",

Usage of TimeMachine

python2.7 [-h] [--avd AVD_NAME] [--apk APK] [-n NUMBER_OF_DEVICES]
                                [--apk-list APK_LIST] -o O [--time TIME] [--repeat REPEAT]
                                [--no-headless] [--offset OFFSET]

  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --avd AVD_NAME                the device name
  --apk APK                     the path of apk under test
  -n NUMBER_OF_DEVICES          number of emulators created for testing, default: 1
  --apk-list APK_LIST           list of apks under test
  -o O                          output dir
  --time TIME                   the fuzzing time in hours (e.g., 6h), minutes (e.g.,
                                6m), or seconds (e.g., 6s), default: 6h
  --repeat REPEAT               the repeated number of runs, default: 1
  --no-headless                 show gui or not
  --offset OFFSET               device offset number w.r.t emulator-5554

Test example apps by following commands:

cd TimeMachine/fuzzingandroid

python2.7 --avd avd0 --apk ../instrumented_apps/AmazeFileManager/AmazeFileManager-3.4.2-#1837.apk --time 1h -o ../timemachine-results --no-headless


TimeMachine automatedly creates output directories under your specify output path. Current date and emulator serials are used for naming output directories as a destinction.

output directory

An output directory of TimeMachine contains the following subjects:

├── coverage.xml                current jacoco coverage report in xml
├── crashes.log                 crash logs in testing
├── data.csv                    coverage data in csv
├── ec_files                    dirs of *.ec generated by jacoco-agent
│   └── *.ec         
├── run_time.log                time of starting test
└── timemachine-run.log         runtime log of timemachine

useful scripts

#check current jacoco line coverage
python2.7 ../timemachine-results/[output_file_dir_name]

#check crashes
cat ../timemachine-results/[output_file_dir_name]/crashes.log

check logs
cat ../timemachine-results/[output_file_dir_name]/timemachine-run.log

Changes from TimeMachine 1.0

  • remove Virtualbox from architecture to perform better
  • replace coverage collection tool from Emma to Jacoco
  • testing of closed source projects instrumented by ella is no longer supported


Optimize methods for state selection to achieve a better performance on coverage.

Need help?

  • Contact Zhen Dong for further issues.


  • Zhen Dong ([email protected])
  • Lucia Cojocaru
  • Xiao Liang Yu
  • Marcel Böhme
  • Abhik Roychoudhury
  • CAI Xiaobao