This is an all-in-one Java deobfuscator which will deobfuscate code obfuscated by most obfuscators available on the market.
The deobfuscator supports deobfuscation of transformations such as string literal encryption, or reflection obfuscation. These transformations have been hard coded for a specific obfuscator, but generic deobfuscators are also available.
Things like method names, class names, etc cannot be deobfuscated because there renaming is irreversible. The information needed to deobfuscate is removed.
public class SomeRandomDeobfuscator {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
new Deobfuscator()
.withInput(new File("input.jar"))
.withOutput(new File("output.jar"))
.withClasspath(new File("path/to/rt.jar"))
If you don't want to import the project, you can always use the command line interface. There are four arguments that are taken.
Argument | Description |
-input | The JAR to deobfuscate |
-output | The file to write to |
-transformer | A canonical name of the transformer class |
-path | A dependency of the JAR being deobfuscated |
You may specify multiple transformers, and they will be applied in the order given. Order does matter as sometimes one transformation depends on another not being present.
If you wish to use one of the default transformers, then you may remove the com.javadeobfuscator.deobfuscator.transformers
prefix. For example, the command below will do the same as the example above.
java -jar deobfuscator.jar -input input.jar -output output.jar -transformer general.SyntheticBridgeTransformer -path path/to/rt.jar
Official transformers are linked via the Transformers
Transformer | Canonical Name | Description |
Allatori.STRING_ENCRYPTION | allatori.StringEncryptionTransformer | Decrypts strings encrypted by Allatori |
DashO.STRING_ENCRYPTION | dasho.StringEncryptionTransformer | Decrypts strings encrypted by DashO |
Stringer.STRING_ENCRYPTION | stringer.StringEncryptionTransformer | Decrypts strings encrypted by Stringer |
Stringer.INVOKEDYNAMIC | stringer.InvokedynamicTransformer | Decrypts invokedynamic obfuscated calls by Stringer (Below version 3.0.0) |
Stringer.REFLECTION_OBFUSCATION | stringer.ReflectionObfuscationTransformer | Decrypts reflection obfuscated calls by Stringer (Below version 3.0.0) |
Stringer.HIDEACCESS_OBFUSCATION | stringer.HideAccessObfuscationTransformer | Decrypts hide access by Stringer (Included invokedynamic and reflection) |
Zelix.STRING_ENCRYPTION | zelix.StringEncryptionTransformer | Decrypts strings encrypted by Zelix |
Zelix.REFLECTION_OBFUSCATION | zelix.ReflectionObfuscationTransformer | Decrypts reflection obfuscated calls by Zelix |
General.PEEPHOLE_OPTIMIZER | general.peephole.PeepholeOptimizer | Optimizes the code |
General.Removers.SYNTHETIC_BRIDGE | general.remover.SyntheticBridgeRemover | Removes synthetic and bridge modifiers from all methods and fields |
General.Removers.LINE_NUMBER | general.remover.LineNumberRemover | Removes line number metadata |
General.Removers.ILLEGAL_VARARGS | general.remover.IllegalVarargsRemover | Unmangles methods marked as variadic but aren't really |
General.Removers.ILLEGAL_SIGNATURE | general.remover.IllegalSignatureRemover | Removes illegal signatures from members |
Normalizer.CLASS_NORMALIZER | normalizer.ClassNormalizer | Renames all classes to Class |
Normalizer.METHOD_NORMALIZER | normalizer.MethodNormalizer | Renames all methods to Method |
Normalizer.FIELD_NORMALIZER | normalizer.FieldNormalizer | Renames all fields to Field |
Normalizer.PACKAGE_NORMALIZER | normalizer.PackageNormalizer | Renames all packages to Package |
Normalizer.SOURCEFILE_CLASS_NORMALIZER | normalizer.SourceFileClassNormalizer | Recovers SourceFile attributes when possible |
Normalizer.VARIABLE_NORMALIZER | normalizer.VariableNormalizer | Renames all local variables to var |
The latest build can be downloaded from my CI Server
Zelix Klassmaster
Generic obfuscation
You need to specify all the JARs that the input file references. You'll almost always need to add rt.jar
(which contains all the classes used by the Java Runtime)
Increase your stack size. For example, java -Xss128m -jar deobfuscator.jar
Technically, yes, you could use something like dex2jar or enjarify, but try simplify first. It's a deobfuscator of sorts built specifically for Android.
Java Deobfuscator is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.