[Formerly oXygenJATSframework]
oXygen XML Editor framework for NISO JATS 1.0 / NLM BITS. Now with tools including XSLT and XProc that can be run independently of oXygen.
NISO JATS Z39.96-2012 defines an XML-based format for the authoring, publication and archiving of journal articles and related information. Its design is based on the NLM Journal Archiving and Publishing DTDs through version 3.0.
The NLM BITS format is a closely related document model built to support books (fairly broadly defined).
This oXygen framework supports editing JATS articles along with books conformant to the specifications of BITS, the JATS-based NLM book tag set (being finalized as of late 2015). Included are DTDs, CSS files for authoring, document templates, and XSLT stylesheets for production of HTML and PDF (preview) outputs, as well as XProc pipelines assembling transformations to generate EPUB as well as an EPUB-lookalike web (in XHTML) for proofing.
See the project wiki at https://github.com/wendellpiez/JATSKit/wiki for installation instructions.
Wendell Piez (http://www.wendellpiez.com), November 2012, 2015
In this directory find the following:
- oXygen UI configuration
- support for oXygen UI
- Libraries, with the following:
- CSS supporting formatted authoring in oXygen XML AuthorDTD
- DTD filesepub
- EPUB support (static files)Schematron
- extra-schema validation of various sortsweb-css
- CSS for HTML and XHTML outputsxproc
- XProc pipelinesxslt
- XSLT for various transformations into HTML, XHTML and EPUB- This directory includes a copy of the JATS Preview XSLT stylesheets (See https://github.com/ncbi/JATSPreviewStylesheets)
- Libraries, with the following:
- mainly XSLT for oXygen import into JATS (smart paste)src
- Source code for java extensions to oXygentemplates
- Document templates for JATS and BITSbuild.xml
(HTML version via XSLT)jats-framework-docs.xml
(source JATS article)jats.framework
(oXygen settings)jats.jar
(oXygen Java support)LICENSE.TXT
- oXygenJATSframework.xml - more configuration for oXygen