@archibate's personal vim plugins and configurations.
Download vimrc-release.tar.gz
from GitHub release.
For speed, Chinese users may download using the Gitee mirror.
Extract it, then execute the script .vim/install.sh
in it.
It will take some time to detect your Linux distro and install required packages for you:
fzf, ripgrep, ccls, nodejs (12.x or above)
... as well as many Vim plugins. After it finish, start vim
to enjoy playing it.
Current supported Linux distros are:
- Arch Linux (tested)
- Manjano Linux (not tested)
- Ubuntu (only 20.04 is tested)
- Debian (not tested)
- MacOS (thanks to @RakerZh)
- Fedora (thanks to @justiceeem)
- OpenSUSE (thanks to @sleeplessai)
If you know how to install these packages on your Linux distro (or MacOS / Windows), please feel free to contribute by modifying the src/install.sh in this repository.
To test, run src/package.sh to generate the vimrc-release.tar.gz
Then use it in Docker or other corresponding environment.
See the comments in .vimrc for manual installation steps.
For NeoVim users, please create a file ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
containing following contents:
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc