diff --git a/config/config-example.js b/config/config-example.js index 9128eb202e..db07ffc04f 100644 --- a/config/config-example.js +++ b/config/config-example.js @@ -5,127 +5,14 @@ var Config = Config || {}; Config.bannedHosts = ['cool.jit.su', 'pokeball-nixonserver.rhcloud.com']; Config.whitelist = [ - // general sites 'wikipedia.org', - 'wikimedia.org', - 'wiktionary.org', - 'github.com', - 'reddit.com', - 'gamefaqs.com', - 'facebook.com', - 'fbcdn.net', - 'twitter.com', - 'tumblr.com', - 'deviantart.com', - 'youtube.com', - 'youtu.be', - 'zombo.com', - 'strawpoll.me', - 'twitch.tv', - 'take-a-screenshot.org', - 'myanimelist.net', - '4chan.org', - 'tumblr.com', - 'git.io', - 'mibbit.com', - 'codecademy.com', - 'xkcd.com', - 'stackoverflow.com', - 'stackexchange.com', - 'malwarebytes.org', - 'animenewsnetwork.com', - 'animenewsnetwork.cc', - 'zombo.com', - 'html5zombo.com', - 'whatismyipaddress.com', - // pokemon sites - 'pokemonshowdown.com', - 'psim.us', - 'smogon.com', - 'upokecenter.com', - 'veekun.com', - 'bulbagarden.net', - 'serebii.net', - 'nuggetbridge.com', - 'pokecommunity.com', - 'pokemon-online.eu', - 'pokemonlab.com', - 'shoddybattle.com', - 'pokemonxy.com', - 'pokemon.com', - 'pokemon-gl.com', - 'pokecheck.org', - 'projectpokemon.org', - 'pokemondb.net', - 'pokemoncentral.it', - 'poketrade.us', - 'neverused.net', - 'pokestrat.com', - 'pokestrat.io', - 'spo.ink', - 'jooas.com', - 'pokemongodb.net', - 'pokeassistant.com', - 'pokemon-sunmoon.com', - 'gamepress.gg', - 'trainertower.com', - 'pokepast.es', - 'pokepedia.fr', - 'randbatscalc.github.io', - 'ruins-of-alph.github.io', + // The full list is maintained outside of this repository so changes to it + // don't clutter the commit log. Feel free to copy our list for your own + // purposes; it's here: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/config/config.js - // personal sites - 'breakdown.forumotion.com', - 'pokemonmillennium.net', - 'thebattletower.no-ip.org', - 'meltsner.com', - 'guangcongluo.com', - 'cathyjf.com', - 'xiaotai.org', - 'xfix.pw', - 'pkmn.cc', - 'bumba.me', - 'strategydatabase.jimdo.com', - 'hidden50.github.io', - 'krisxv.github.io', - // personal hosting sites - 'forumieren.com', - 'soforums.com', - 'proboards.com', - 'weebly.com', - 'freeforums.org', - 'forumactif.com', - 'forumotion.com', - 'bigbangpokemon.com', - 'sites.google.com', - - // rich text - 'docs.google.com', - - // text - 'pastebin.com', - 'hastebin.com', - 'pastie.io', - 'trello.com', - 'challonge.com', - 'piratepad.net', - 'pastebin.run', - - // music - 'plug.dj', - 'openings.moe', - - // images - 'prntscr.com', - 'prnt.sc', - 'puu.sh', - 'd.pr', - 'snag.gy', - 'gyazo.com', - 'imgur.com', - 'gfycat.com', - '4cdn.org' + // If you would like to change our list, simply message Zarel on Smogon or + // Discord. ]; // `defaultserver` specifies the server to use when the domain name in the