"signed_blocks_window": "10000"
"min_signed_per_window": "0.050000000000000000"
"unbonding_time": "259200s"
- You have to keep up at least 5% in the last 10000block for avoid downtime slashing.
- You have to wait 3days to unbond your token.
- Initialize the nibiru directories and create the local file with the correct chain-id
nibirud init <moniker> --chain-id=nibiru-2000
- Create a local key pair in the keybase
nibirud keys add <your key name>
- Add tour account to your local genesis file with a given amount and key you just created.
nibirud add-genesis-account $(nibirud keys show <your key name> -a) 100000000000game
- Create the gentx
nibirud gentx <your key name> 100000000000game --commission-rate=0.1 --commission-max-rate=1 --commission-max-change-rate=0.1 --pubkey $(nibirud tendermint show-validator) --chain-id=nibiru-2000
- Create Pull Request to this repository (gentxs).
- get genesis.json
curl -o $HOME/.nibiru/config/genesis.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos-gaminghub/testnets/master/nibiru-2000/genesis.json
- check genesis.json is correct
shasum -a 256 .nibiru/config/genesis.json
12b40d0c660e65f5a78e6b5bd90298a4d3cdeffeb5fdcb069ee789d254c2fdad .nibiru/config/genesis.json
- check your validator state is initial
correct ex:
cat .nibiru/data/priv_validator_state.json
"height": "0",
"round": 0,
"step": 0
If you have already started, then should reset the state with the command nibirud unsafe-reset-all
. The command delete all blockchain data but keep genesis.json and node configs.
- add seed node info
vim $HOME/.nibiru/config/config.toml
seeds = "[email protected]:26656"
- start
nibirud start
- check sign status
curl -s localhost:26657/dump_consensus_state | jq '.result.round_state.votes[0]'
That command shows all the info about validator sign status.
You can find your validator pubkey in priv_validator_state.json
. If you've already signed, you can find your pubkey in the sign status.