The code has been tested with Ubuntu > 16.04 and Python 3.7
Clone the repositiory from here.
git clone [email protected]:EGO4D/episodic-memory.git cd episodic-memory/VQ3D
Load the git submodules
git submodule init git submodule update
Create a conda environment.
conda create -n ego4d_vq3d python=3.7
Install the requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install COLMAP following these intructions. Don't forget to add the path to colmap into your PATH environment variable.
Download the data using the client. Place the data into the ./data folder.
python -m ego4d.cli.cli --output_directory ~/episodic-memory/VQ3D/data/ --dataset full_scale --universities unict python -m ego4d.cli.cli --output_directory ~/episodic-memory/VQ3D/data/ --dataset clips --universities unict python -m ego4d.cli.cli --output_directory ~/episodic-memory/VQ3D/data/ --dataset annotations python -m ego4d.cli.cli --output_directory ~/episodic-memory/VQ3D/data/ --dataset 3d
Generate the
following the instruction under the VQ2D folder - step 2 from the “Running experiments” section. Place the files under ./data/
cd camera_pose_estimation/
- Compute the camera intrinsics.
Extract all video frames.
python \ --input_dir data/v1/full_scale/ \ --output_dir data/v1/videos_frames/ \ --clips_json data/v1/3d/all_videos_for_vq3d_v1.json \ --j 8 # number of parallel processes. Increase for spead.
Pre-select frames for COLMAP
python \ --input_dir data/v1/videos_frames/ \ --output_dir data/v1/videos_frames_for_sfm/ \ --j 8 # number of parallel processes. Increase for spead.
Run COLMAP on the pre-selected frames
python \ --input_dir data/v1/videos_frames_for_sfm/ \ --output_dir data/v1/videos_sfm/
For videos where sfm fails we run a greedy version of the reconstruction where we select 100 frames in the middle of the video.
python \ --input_dir data/v1/videos_frames/ \ --sfm_input_dir data/v1/videos_frames_for_sfm_greedy/ \ --output_dir data/v1/videos_sfm_greedy/
Get intrinsics for each clips.
python \ --input_dir data/v1/videos_sfm/ \ --input_dir_greedy data/v1/videos_sfm_greedy/ \ --annotation_dir_greedy data/v1/annotations/ \ --output_filename data/v1/scan_to_intrinsics.json
- Compute the camera poses
Extract all clips frames.
python \ --input_dir data/v1/clips/ \ --output_dir data/v1/clips_frames/ \ --clips_json data/v1/3d/all_clips_for_vq3d_v1.json \ --j 8 # number of parallel processes. Increase for spead.
Get the camera poses for all frames of all clips
python --input_dir data/v1/clips_frames/ \ --query_filename data/v1/annotations/vq3d_val.json \ --camera_intrinsics_filename data/v1/scan_to_intrinsics.json \ --scans_keypoints_dir data/v1/3d/scans_keypoints/ \ --scans_dir data/v1/3d/scans/ \ --output_dir data/v1/clips_camera_poses/ \
cd depth_estimation/
Prepare RGB inputs
python \ --input_dir data/v1/clips_camera_poses/ \ --vq2d_results data/vq2d_results/siam_rcnn_residual_kys_val.json \ --vq2d_annot data/v1/annotations/val_annot.json \ --vq3d_queries data/v1/annotations/vq3d_val.json \ --vq2d_queries data/v1/annotations/vq_val.json
Compute Depths
python \ --input_dir data/v1/clips_camera_poses/
cd VQ3D/
Compute Ground-Truth vector in query frame coordinate system for queries with pose estimated.
python scripts/ \ --input_dir data/v1/clips_camera_poses/ \ --vq3d_queries data/v1/annotations/vq3d_val.json \ --output_fileaname data/v1/annotations/vq3d_val_wgt.json \ --vq2d_queries data/v1/vq_val.json
Compute 3D vector predictions
python scripts/ \ --input_dir data/v1/clips_camera_poses/ \ --output_fileaname data/vq3d_results/siam_rcnn_residual_kys_val.json \ --vq2d_results data/vq2d_results/siam_rcnn_residual_kys_val.json \ --vq2d_annot data/v1/annotations/val_annot.json \ --vq2d_queries data/v1/annotations/vq_val.json \ --vq3d_queries data/v1/annotations/vq3d_val_wgt.json
Run evaluation
python scripts/ \ --vq3d_results data/vq3d_results/siam_rcnn_residual_kys_val.json