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DIC (CVPR'2020)

Deep Face Super-Resolution with Iterative Collaboration between Attentive Recovery and Landmark Estimation

Task: Image Super-Resolution


Recent works based on deep learning and facial priors have succeeded in super-resolving severely degraded facial images. However, the prior knowledge is not fully exploited in existing methods, since facial priors such as landmark and component maps are always estimated by low-resolution or coarsely super-resolved images, which may be inaccurate and thus affect the recovery performance. In this paper, we propose a deep face super-resolution (FSR) method with iterative collaboration between two recurrent networks which focus on facial image recovery and landmark estimation respectively. In each recurrent step, the recovery branch utilizes the prior knowledge of landmarks to yield higher-quality images which facilitate more accurate landmark estimation in turn. Therefore, the iterative information interaction between two processes boosts the performance of each other progressively. Moreover, a new attentive fusion module is designed to strengthen the guidance of landmark maps, where facial components are generated individually and aggregated attentively for better restoration. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art FSR methods in recovering high-quality face images.

Results and models

Evaluated on RGB channels, scale pixels in each border are cropped before evaluation. The metrics are PSNR / SSIM .

In the log data of dic_gan_x8c48b6_g4_150k_CelebAHQ, DICGAN is verified on the first 9 pictures of the test set of CelebA-HQ, so PSNR and SSIM shown in the follow table is different from the log data.

Training Resources: Training Resourcesrmation during training.

Model Dataset scale PSNR SSIM Training Resources Download
dic_x8c48b6_g4_150k_CelebAHQ CelebAHQ x8 25.2319 0.7422 4 (Tesla PG503-216) model | log
dic_gan_x8c48b6_g4_500k_CelebAHQ CelebAHQ x8 23.6241 0.6721 4 (Tesla PG503-216) model | log

Quick Start


Train Instructions

You can use the following commands to train a model with cpu or single/multiple GPUs.

# cpu train
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python tools/ configs/dic/

# single-gpu train
python tools/ configs/dic/

# multi-gpu train
./tools/ configs/dic/ 8

For more details, you can refer to Train a model part in


Test Instructions

You can use the following commands to test a model with cpu or single/multiple GPUs.

# cpu test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python tools/ configs/dic/

# single-gpu test
python tools/ configs/dic/

# multi-gpu test
./tools/ configs/dic/ 8

For more details, you can refer to Test a pre-trained model part in


  title={Deep face super-resolution with iterative collaboration between attentive recovery and landmark estimation},
  author={Ma, Cheng and Jiang, Zhenyu and Rao, Yongming and Lu, Jiwen and Zhou, Jie},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},