A Cordova plugin to unzip files in Android and iOS.
###Prior to Cordova 2.7 / Manually
For Java, add the file Zip.java from the src/android folder into your eclipse project under a package org.apache.cordova
For iOS, add the 4 files under the src/ios directories into your project. Then add all files in src/ios.minizip into your project. Note that all files in should be in the same folder in the project i.e. do not create a folder called "minizip" in the xcode project (for example the files SSZipArchive.h should be next to the file crypt.h)
For both Java and iOS open the file zip.js insert the line
cordova.define("zip.Zip", function(require, exports, module) {
at the very beginning of the file. Add the line
at the end of the file
Add the modified zip.js into the www folder of Xcode or Eclipse
In Eclipse, open the Project/res/xm//config.xml. Add the following line under the plugins tag
In XCode, open the Project/config.xml. Add the following line under the plugins tag
2.7 or later / Future branch of Plugman, cordova-cli and the latest cordova-js master as of April 16th, 2013
- Assuming you've used cordova create to create the platforms, you can use cordova plugin add directory-of-the-zip-plugin to add the plugin
zip.unzip('full file path', 'directory where to extract to', function(){
console.log('All Done');