Tasks to do : (Previously stored in readme)
: Get Real DATA in json : get_year, get_artist_latitude, get_artist_longitude, get_artist_hotttnesss, get_artist_name, get_artist_id, get_artist_terms, get title, get song_hotness,
: Preprocessing. Remove the artists that don't have the rock genre Filter the rock and by year and location
: Load the Data in json
: Build the Stream Graph
: Make the brush on the time axis (Leave a line down the stream graph still) On the stream graph: Make it interactive (Click on one color display the genre on the map) Give the option to "un - tick" some genres so the stream graph rescales itself Find a way to make them interactive in both directions.
: Add options: 1 way to see the progression year by year
1 automated progression for the story telling (Press play then show our story)
: Build the Map
- : Choose the maps (That show the city) Adapt the color. Adapt the font, background. IMPROVE THE DESIGN
- : Make the map interactive : Click on the US for example change the stream graph
- : Try different ways to indicate the artist: Marker/circles/other stuff. Adapt the size at least
: CSS/achitecture
- : legend
- : Introdution
- : big event of rock on timeline/Stream Graphe
Process Book
: Screen cast
- Demonstrate what you can do with your viz in a fun, engaging and impactful manner
- Talk about your main contributions rather than on technical details
- 2 min video not more (max +5 sec)
: Last week tasks
- Add speed selector for playing the history
- Try to make map darker --> try different background
- Add on hover event :
- For bubbles on the map to show the style and maybe the most popular artist (or the one with most songs)
- For streamgraph layers to show style, year and number of songs
- Reposition elements:
- Place the timeline with years on the bottom
- Place the filter with styles in one line in between map and streamgraph --> to discuss
- Potentially remove the legend and text from the right