The AES RoCC Accelerator utilizes a DMA generator and the chisel verification library. As such, this accelerator generator must be built alongside Chipyard.
You should already have chipyard installed from lab 1. However, double check that the chipyard version is >= 1.3.
If not, please update your chipyard (The chipyard lab repo has a branch v1p4
for version 1.4. This may be already be merged into master. If unsure, ask.)
Note that we start in the chipyard root directory.
~/chipyard> cd tools
~/chipyard/tools> git submodule add
Note that we start in the chipyard root directory.
~/chipyard> cd generators
~/chipyard/generators> git submodule add [email protected]:EE290C_EE194_tstech28/dma.git
Note that we start in the chipyard root directory.
~/chipyard> cd generators
~/chipyard/generators> git submodule add [email protected]:EE290C_EE194_tstech28/aes.git
Add the following snippet to the end of chipyard/build.sbt
val directoryLayout = Seq(
scalaSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "src",
javaSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "resources",
resourceDirectory in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "resources",
scalaSource in Test := baseDirectory.value / "test",
javaSource in Test := baseDirectory.value / "resources",
resourceDirectory in Test := baseDirectory.value / "resources",
val verifSettings = Seq(
resolvers ++= Seq(
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-Xsource:2.11", "-language:reflectiveCalls"),
libraryDependencies += "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chiseltest" % "0.3.1",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.+" % "test"
lazy val verifCore = (project in file("./tools/verif/core"))
.sourceDependency(chiselRef, chiselLib)
.dependsOn(rocketchip, dsptools, `rocket-dsptools`)
lazy val verifTL = (project in file("./tools/verif/tilelink"))
.sourceDependency(chiselRef, chiselLib)
lazy val verifGemmini = (project in file("./tools/verif/cosim"))
.sourceDependency(chiselRef, chiselLib)
.dependsOn(verifCore, verifTL)
.settings(libraryDependencies += "" % "protobuf-java" % "3.14.0")
.settings(libraryDependencies += "" % "protobuf-java-util" % "3.14.0")
lazy val dma = (project in file("generators/dma"))
.sourceDependency(chiselRef, chiselLib)
.dependsOn(verifCore, verifTL, verifGemmini)
lazy val aes = (project in file("generators/aes"))
.sourceDependency(chiselRef, chiselLib)
.dependsOn(verifCore, verifTL, verifGemmini, dma)
Note that we start in the chipyard root directory.
~/chipyard> cd sims/verilator
~/chipyard/sims/verilator> make launch-sbt
sbt:chipyardRoot> project aes
sbt:aes> compile // If you just want to compile src code
sbt:aes> test:compile // If you just want to compile test code
sbt:aes> testOnly aes.dcplrSanityTest // Compiles all dependencies and runs test
Please refer to the chip spec here (to avoid having multiple versions).