written in C
Clear filter
应用内网发布分发测试部署管理平台版本管理类似蒲公英蒲公英 类似 fir App publish IOS超级签名免签 开源| |APP增量热更新| 支持iOS、Android、flutter、 react-native更新摇一摇提Bug SDK 提供自动化部署jenkins fastlane 丰富组件库 安卓苹果发布…
🐛 A framework used to develop Web interface for OpenWrt. Use Lua-eco + Vue3 + Vite + Element Plus.
Lightweight and fast programming language designed to be written in Chinese.
LessDB a serverless SQLite service designed to simplify the use of cloud-based MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases.
If you're not afraid of bugs, you can enjoy it. evil-php
YOLOv3_ReSAM:A Small Target Detection Method With Spatial Attention Module