- Germany
- https://emzy.de
- @emzy
Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM.
Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH, without rebooting. You know you want to.
Collection of scripts and tweaks to adapt Ubuntu and Linux Mint ISO images to let them run smooth on GPD Pocket
A detailed tutorial on setting up a remote ZFS mirror for home use.
Documenting Bitcoin related setups using LND, JoinMarket, RaspiBlitz, Debian and Ubuntu
This tool is a command line utility that allows you to convert any binary file into a QRcode movie. The data can then be reassembled visually allowing exfiltration of data in air gapped systems
A terminal based graphical menu for JoinMarket
Tooling for building a Debian repository containing interconnected, well-working applications.
This repo will get you from using ext4 on your Steam Deck's microSD card, to btrfs.
How to setup a Bitcoin Fullnode on a Raspberry Pi 2
Various shell scripts, mainly to be used together with Bitcoin Core (bitcoind or bitcoin-qt) wallet. Fake coinjoin, ricochet, poor man's cli block explorer.
A script to automate the installation of electrumx 🤖
When you need to do a circular rebalance by sending a payment back to yourself using a specific route on the Bitcoin ₿ lightning network
Munin node plugin for the Raspberry Pi - graphs temperature, voltages and clock speeds
Ansible role to install Bitcoin Core on a Debian like system.
Munin-Node plugins to monitor ElectrumX and Bitcoin