General elliptic curve cryptography
This is not a ready-to-use in production code crate, but instead provide generic mechanism to experiment with elliptic curve cryptography.
this is a not exhaustive list:
- NonZeroFieldElement, NonZeroScalar
- Constant time Result/Either (CtResult, CtEither)
- add assign{add,sub,mul}
- add all other fiat implementation
- generated sqrt & inverse "addition-chain"
- macro to write addition chain
- constantness
- scaling functions
- Scalar to FieldElement
- NonZeroScalar to NonZeroFieldElement
- audit function for CT
- init from wide binary : remove bias
- need barrett reduction
- "hash"-to-curve (point)
- fence bigint implementation behind a rust package flag
- special weirstrass curves : A=0, A=-3
- non weirstrass curves