Vime is simply a collection of web components that help you easily build your own media player. See the Features section below for some more highlights on what Vime provides.
🍭 They say a picture is worth a thousand words ...
<vime-player autoplay muted controls>
<vime-video poster="/media/poster.png" cross-origin>
<!-- Why `data-src`? Lazy loading. You can always use `src` if you don't need it. -->
<source data-src="/media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<track default kind="subtitles" src="/media/subs/en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" />
<track kind="subtitles" src="/media/subs/es.vtt" srclang="es" label="Spanish" />
Custom UI?
<vime-player autoplay muted>
<vime-youtube video-id="DyTCOwB0DVw" />
<vime-click-to-play />
<vime-captions />
<vime-poster />
<vime-spinner />
<vime-default-settings />
<vime-controls pin="bottomLeft" active-duration="2750" full-width>
<vime-playback-control tooltip-direction="right" />
<vime-volume-control />
<vime-time-progress />
<vime-control-spacer />
<vime-caption-control />
<vime-pip-control keys="p" />
<vime-settings-control />
<vime-fullscreen-control keys="f" tooltip-direction="left" />
In a hurry?
<vime-player theme="light" autoplay muted>
<vime-audio cross-origin>
<source data-src="/media/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
<vime-default-ui />
- 🖥 Responsive (mobile/desktop).
- 👌 Touch input friendly.
- 🎥 Multi-provider support (HTML5, HLS, YouTube, Vimeo etc.).
- ♾️ Avoid cross-browser differences on media related APIs such as fullscreen and picture-in-picture.
- 👐 Accessible via ARIA roles/states/properties and keyboard support.
- 🌎 I18N support.
- 🎨 Style anything you want with CSS variables.
- 🏎️ Performant with preconnections and lazy loading out of the box.
- ️🧰 Awesome default UI's for audio/video/live media on mobile and desktop.
- 🛠 Comprehensive player API.
- 💪 Built with TypeScript so you can enjoy completely typed components.
- 🏠 Feel right at home with HTML/CSS/JS thanks to web components.
- 🍽️ Serve it with your favourite framework whether it's React, Vue, Angular or whatever the cool kids on the block use today.
There are framework specific bindings for:
Keep in mind, that at its core Vime is still simply web components. Even if your framework is not mentioned in the list above, it most likely still supports Vime natively. You can check here if your framework has complete support for web components.
There are also examples for:
Vime is forward thinking and built for the modern web. All ES6 Compatible browsers are supported, some of which are listed below.
- Edge 79+
- Firefox 68+
- Chrome 61+
- Safari 11+
- iOS Safari 11+
- Opera 48+
Documentation can be found at
❓ Looking for V1 docs? ->
Feel free to join our Discord channel if you'd like help with anything related to Vime. Please remember to be respectful and patient as this is a community driven project.
If you'd like to contribute and help in building a better media player for the web, then everything you need to get started can be found in the contributing guide.
A huge thanks to our sponsors who support open-source projects like Vime.