Learn Dart Programming, its basics and Fundamentals from scratch.
Dart Video tutorial for FREE --> Click to WATCH NOW
- Overview
- Course introduction, prequisites and software required
- Installation
- Install required softwares for Windows, MAC and Linux ( Ubuntu )
- Getting Started with Dart Programming
- Run your first app in Dart
- Comments
- Exploring Data Types and Variables
- Data Types and Variables
- String, Literals and String Interpolation
- Define constants using "final" and "const" keywords
- Control Flow Statements
- Conditional Expressions
- Ternary Operator
- Loop Control Statements
- What are Iterators?
- FOR Loop and how it works
- WHILE Loop
- BREAK statements
- CONTINUE keyword
- Labelled FOR Loop
- Exploring Functions or Methods
- Declaring functions
- Function Expressions: Short hand syntax or using FAT ARROR
- Optional Positional Parameters
- Optional Named Parameters
- Optional Default Parameters
- Exception Handling
- Demo with example
- Custom Exception Class
- Object Oriented Programming: Getting Started
- Defining Class and creating Objects
- Instance and field variables
- Constructors
- Default
- Named
- Parameterized
- More on Object Oriented Dart
- Inheritance
- Getter and Setter
- Private Instance Variable
- Polymorphism
- Using constructors in Inheritance
- Static variables and methods
- Functional Programming in Dart
- Lambda Expression
- Higher-Order Functions
- Lexical Closures
- Dart Collections
- Arrays or List
- Fixed Length List
- Growable List
- Set and HashSet
- Map and HashMap
- Arrays or List
- Callable Classes
- Conclusion
- Team Smartherd