Starred repositories
zoph-io / MAMIP
Forked from SummitRoute/aws_managed_policies[MAMIP] Monitor AWS Managed IAM Policies Changes
jketterl / openwebrx
Forked from ha7ilm/openwebrxOpen source, multi-user SDR receiver software with a web interface
LouisErigHerve / dsd
Forked from szechyjs/dsdDigital Speech Decoder
adafruit / circuitpython
Forked from micropython/micropythonCircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
EntropyWorks / sdrtrunk
Forked from DSheirer/sdrtrunkA cross-platform java application for decoding, monitoring, recording and streaming trunked mobile and related radio protocols using Software Defined Radios (SDR). Website:
EntropyWorks / kube-openvpn
Forked from pieterlange/kube-openvpnKubernetes native OpenVPN
EntropyWorks / glance
Forked from rcbops-cookbooks/glanceChef Cookbook for OpenStack Glance
Chef Repository for OpenStack
EntropyWorks / ufw
Forked from sous-chefs/ufwDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook ufw
A knife plugin facilitating installing, updating, and tracking Chef cookbooks found on Github.
AevaOnline / openvz-tools
Forked from CoolCold/toolsTools for adding OpenVZ to OpenStack running on Ubuntu.
EntropyWorks / openstack-chef
Forked from trystack/openstack-chefChef configuration for deploying the latest OpenStack build.
EntropyWorks / apt
Forked from sous-chefs/aptDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook apt
EntropyWorks / pennyworth
Forked from heavywater/pennyworthpennyworth is a continuous packaging system built around Opscode's Chef, Jenkins and the fpm packaging tool
EntropyWorks / chef_fs
Forked from coderanger/chef_fsKnife commands to treat the Chef server like a filesystem
trystack / openstack-chef
Forked from ntt-pf-lab/openstack-chefChef configuration for deploying the latest OpenStack build.
EntropyWorks / veewee
Forked from jedi4ever/veeweeEasing the building of vagrant boxes
coderanger / chef_fs
Forked from jkeiser/knife-essentialsKnife commands to treat the Chef server like a filesystem
EntropyWorks / cookbooks
Forked from chef-boneyard/cookbooksOpscode Chef Cookbook Development Repository
EntropyWorks / TVShows
Forked from victorpimentel/TVShowsTVShows 2 is the easiest way to download your favorite TV shows automatically in you Mac.
A knife plugin facilitating installing, updating, and tracking Chef cookbooks found on Github.
victorpimentel / TVShows
Forked from agno/TVShowsTVShows 2 is the easiest way to download your favorite TV shows automatically in you Mac.