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Eonblast Fleece 0.3.1

Fleece Tests, Benchmarks, Comparison

Use make to execute tests and benchmarks. The scripts for it are in the test/ folder

For a complete list of related make options, see section Make Options.

For a list of files in the test directory, see last section, Files.


For a most simple test, after building, do

make test

You should see this result:

This tests, wether the Fleece library can be loaded at all:
Calling fleece.hello() -- should print: Hello LuaJSON World!: Hello LuaJSON World!
This tests, wether json() responds to a most simple call:
Calling fleece.json({'ok'})  -- should print ["ok"]: ["ok"]

For a brief but comprehensive test, after building, do

make check

For more tests, see below, section Make: Tests, or run make without parameters.


To test speed, run the basic benchmark test:

make bench

This will print out something like this:

Fleece Benchmarks
A couple of random tables are created and speed is clocked.
You should have built fleece first with 'make <PLATFORM>', 
and now be in the fleece root directory.
Lua 5.1 official - Fleece 0.3.1
i=[1..1000] in t[i]=i       for 1000 cycles of fleece.json(t)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
prep table ... action ...         50 nanosec/element =>  20M elements/sec 
i=[1..1000] in t['x'..i]=i  for 1000 cycles of fleece.json(t)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
prep table ... action ...        100 nanosec/element =>  10M elements/sec 
i=[1..1000] in t[i]=randstr(i) for 1000 cycles of fleece.json(t)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
prep table ... action ...         90 nanosec/element =>  11M elements/sec 
i=[1..1000] in t[randstr(i)]=randstr(i) for 1000 cycles of fleece.json(t)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
prep table ... action ...        160 nanosec/element =>   6M elements/sec 
There are more benchmarks. Try bench2, bench3a, bench7a.
Run 'make' w/o parameters for details, or see test/
Repeat runs will differ. For finer grained figures use bench-10k. 
Also see test/

For more benchmarks, see below, section Make: Benchmarks, or run make without parameters.


There are comparisons available for Fleece with:

Note that the names of the various Lua-JSON packages can be confusing. They are not unique and therefore 'JSON4' and 'LuaJSON' are chosen here to clarify which packages are meant. They don't always call themselves this way.

JSON4 is native Lua, LuaJSON and Lua-Yajl are C libraries for Lua and thus faster. JSON4 is listed as 'cmjjson' with the comparisons at

If somebody has the bench code behind the numbers at, please let me know.

LuaJSON needed slight modifications for me to compile, see /* hd */ tags int the source. It sometimes crashes for me on one Mac, not sure why. To take the blame from Fleece, try bench3a then. Luajson comes with this package, in etc/luajson and can be made with 'make <PLATFORM>-test'.

Installing Lua-Yajl is no real fun and you may want to skip that if your interest in the benchmarks is casual. There is no support for installing lua-yajl. You'll miss out on bench4, 5 and 5c but that is no real loss as Lua-Yajl beforms by and large similar to LuaJSON. Make sure to run 5a once and let me know if you ran into trouble (an eventual out of memory is ok).

To run a basic comparison, run

make bench2

This will result into a screen like this:

Fleece Benchmarks vs Json4, a native Lua JSON implementation
A couple of random tables are created and speed is clocked.
You should have built fleece first with 'make <PLATFORM>' 
and should now be in the fleece root directory.
Lua 5.1 official - Fleece 0.3.1
1000 elements in t[i]=i                   
100x json4.encode(t)             3400ns/element      [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1.. 
100x fleece.json(t)               100ns/element 2.9% [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1.. 
1000 elements in t['x'..i]=i              
100x json4.encode(t)             6500ns/element      {"x97":97,"x366":366.. 
100x fleece.json(t)               100ns/element 1.5% {"x518":518,"x744":7.. 
1000 elements in t[i]=randstr(i)          
100x json4.encode(t)             3600ns/element      ["kuuxfithomqjnyxqs".. 
100x fleece.json(t)               100ns/element 2.7% ["aaryqnuvdyw","l",".. 
1000 elements in t[randstr(i)]=randstr(i) 
100x json4.encode(t)             5400ns/element      {"dsvzrwfogbvhwjqvgi.. 
100x fleece.json(t)               100ns/element 1.8% {"lqx":"rbknxviclt",.. 
Note that fleece may list associative arrays in different order.
Also see test/

If you encounter a message, telling you that the sample was too small, use bench2-1k instead.

To compare with the more potent C library LuaJSON, do:

make bench3

Where PLATFORM-TEST is one of

linux-test linux-64-test macosx-test macosx-old-test


make linux-64-test
make bench3

This will print a screen similar to the above, of bench2.

See section after next, Make: Benchmark Execution on how to run comparison benchmarks.

Make Options

To make tests, benchmarks and comparisons, these options are available directly by using make from the root directory. To get the most up to date list of the options below, execute make in the root directory, without any parameters.

Make: Building LuaJSON for Comparison

LuaJSON and JSON4 are bundled with Fleece, for comparison in the bench marks. JSON4 works out of the box, being native Lua. LuaJSON needs to be built:

  make linux-test
  make linux-64-test
  make macosx-test
  make macosx-old-test
	these build the LuaJSON C lib, which comes bundled, for comparison
	test by using 'make test-luajson'
	Please contribute your platform's build instructions. Thank you!

Make: Fleece Tests

  make test
	runs minimal test scripts that check the health of the fleece build

  make test2
	runs some randomly nested test data that demonstrates fleece' output

  make test3
	runs minimal test scripts that check the health of the bundled JSON4 and LuaJSON build
	to test bundled converters individually, use test-json4 or test-luajson

  make test-5M
	runs 5,000,000 random nested tables, same as test2 but longer

  make test-nonstop
	runs randomly nested test tables, same as test2 but runs forever

  make unit-tests
	runs all unit tests, takes some minutes

  make basic-unit-test
	very quick, basic unit tests

  make complex-unit-test
	many complex, generated, deeply nested tables, mainly to test string buffers

  make escape-unit-test parameter-unit-test
	various strings with control chars, through all escape settings

  make parameter-unit-test
	testing parameters to the json() call, so far only E, E0-4

Make: Benchmark Execution

  make bench
	runs brief benchmark scripts for integers, strings, in arrays or objects.
	if you are getting 'sample too small, could not measure', use bench-10k

  make bench2
	comparison to the native Lua JSON converter package JSON4
	JSON4 comes bundled with Fleece, you need not do any installing to run this
	if you are getting 'sample too small, could not measure', use bench2-1k

  make bench3
	comparison to the native Lua JSON4 and the C library LuaJSON
	build LuaJSON first: 'make <PLATFORM>-test', see above
	if you are getting 'sample too small, could not measure', use bench3-1k
	if you are seeing crashes, try bench3a and bench3b to find which package is at fault

  make bench4
	comparison to the native JSON4 and the C libraries LuaJSON and Lua-Yajl
	you need to download & build Lua-Yajl yourself, see test/

  make bench5a
	Crash test, Fleece only, same benchmarks but much longer running.
	bench5 also include JSON4 and LuaJSON, it's for comparison, but less relevant
	bench5b runs ONLY JSON4 and LuaJSON, not Fleece, to pinpoint causes of possible crashes

  make bench6a

  make bench7
	performance comparison of escape modes, vs JSON4 and LuaJSON. This lists all escape
	settings and loops through a declining frequency of control characters
	if you are getting 'sample too small, could not measure', use bench7-1k
	for speedier testing, bench7a tests only Fleece, bench7c only Fleece and LuaJSON

Please try make test, make bench and let us know your results. Thank you!


Files in the test/ directory. Use them with make, see next section, 'Make Options'.


test-fleece-hello.lua    most simple check if the fleece library can be loaded
test-fleece-json.lua     converts the minimal-table {"ok"}
test-fleece-rand.lua     produces, converts and prints five random tables
test-fleece-size.lua     not in use yet: check the fleece.size(t) function

test-fleece-5m.lua       crash test by 5 million random, deeply nested tables
test-fleece-nonstop.lua  same as test-fleece-5m.lua but unlimited tables

test-luajson.lua         check if LuaJSON is working (bundled for comparison)
test-json4.lua           check if JSON4 is working (bundled for comparison)

Unit Tests

unit/                  unit tests, use `make unit-tests`
    test.lua           not used
	basic.lua          fast, basic unit tests 
	complex.lua        long, generated unit tests taking buffers to task
    escapes.lua        tests for the various escape options
    parameters.lua     testing parameters, currently only E, E0-4


The benchmarks are for Fleece only, or for comparing to a native Lua implementation of JSON, and to a C library implementation.

Use them by executing make from the command line, see next sections 'Make Options'.

bench-fleece.lua       benchmarks giving nanoseconds per table element for Fleece encoding
bench-fleece-10k.lua   same as bench-fleece.lua but 10,000 instead of 1,000 cycles
bench-json4.lua        benchmarks giving nanoseconds per table element for JSON4 native encoding
bench-luajson.lua      benchmarks giving nanoseconds per table element for luajson C lib encoding
bench-yajl.lua         benchmarks giving nanoseconds per table element for Lua-Yajl C lib encoding

bench2.lua             benchmarks Fleece vs JSON4 (native Lua) encoding
bench2-1k.lua          same as bench2.lua but 1,000 instead of 100 cycles

bench3.lua             benchmarks Fleece vs JSON4 (native Lua) and luajson C lib encoding*
bench3-1k.lua          same as bench3.lua but 1,000 instead of 100 cycles*
bench3a.lua            same as bench3.lua but Fleece only
bench3b.lua            same as bench3.lua but without Fleece*

bench4.lua             benchmarks Fleece encoding vs JSON4 (native, and C libs luajson & Lua-Yajl*

bench5.lua             same as bench3.lua but with very long run time*
bench5a.lua            same as bench5, but Fleece only
bench5b.lua            same as bench5, but JSON4 and LuaJSON only
bench5c.lua            same as bench5, LuaJSON only*

bench6a.lua            obsolete, was used to find a bug

bench7.lua             escape character benchmarks, Fleece vs LuaJSON and JSON4
bench7-1k.lua          same as bench7.lua, but with 1,000 instead 100 cycles
bench7a.lua            same as bench7.lua, but Fleece only
bench7c.lua            same as bench7.lua, but Fleece and LuaJSON only

bench.lua              advises to use bench-fleece.lua as starting point

Other files              this file
README.html            same as, in html format 

(*) need making of luajson and or lua-yajl to work.

README fleece/test hd Mar 2011 - powered by Eonblast