The form-bunch is a component like a plugin that make it easier to write form,
you could add most of the components what you want to form-bunch for build various forms
you could also easily change the settings to get the layout or verification you want
- Customizable. You can add whatever you want if it's possible, like components of Material-UI, Ant Design or custom stuff.
- Small. it will give you convenience and performance for building form.
- You can change the settings - see below
yarn add form-bunch
npm install form-bunch
Property | Description | Type | Default |
className | The className of form-bunch | string | - |
items | items of form-bunch | IFormItemT[] | - |
setting | |||
value | form data | 1000 | - |
onChange | callback after form data changes | (form: IFormValue, item?: any, key?: string | string[]) => void |
onKeyPress | The callback function that is triggered when some keys of KB is pressed | (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => void | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
labelAlign | type of label alignment, default is right | "left", "right", "center" | "left" |
className | default value, you can also change initial value of form API to set the default value |
any | - |
defaultValue | |||
col | like flex-basic, it's the property of the formItem, default is 100% | string | 100% |
label | formItem label name | string | - |
key | formItem property | string | - |
type | render type of formItem control, require that one and only one is provided between property [type] and [render] | TTypeMap | - |
labelCol | like flex-basic, it's the label's property of the formItem | string | "20%" |
controlCol | like flex-basic, it's the control's property of the formItem | string | 80% |
error | the message after fail to verify | string | - |
trigger | the way that trigger to verify | "blur", "change" | - |
required | set formItem value to required | boolean | false |
verify | function that verify the formItem value, support regex, when the return function is string, the error is | RegExp, ((value?: any, form?: IFormValue) => boolean | string) |
render | render type of formItem control, require that one and only one is provided between property [type] and [render] | (value: any, setValue: (state: any) => void) => React.ReactNode | - |
typeProps | when use [type], then [typeProps] is its original props | React.ComponentProps<typeof typeMap[keyof typeof typeMap]> | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
value | |||
items | |||
labelAlign | type of label alignment | "left" , "right" , "center" | 'left' |
hasTip | |||
offset | |||
labelCol | like flex-basic, it's the label's property of the formItem | string | "20%" |
controlCol | like flex-basic, it's the control's property of the formItem | string | 80% |
col | like flex-basic, it's the property of the formItem, default is 100% | string | 100% |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
validate | Number | ()=>boolean | - |
If you find a bug, please report it here on Github!